Hello, I have not been sure about the he alth of my teeth for a year. I was already at the dentist and in the periodontal disease clinic, where the doctor took an x-ray and said ...…
Read MoreDentistry and Orthodontics 2025, March
Is it possible to effectively whiten your teeth at home? What preparations do you recommend?…
Read MoreHello, I would like to know your position regarding the use of teeth whitening products. Are they harmful and somehow damage ...…
Read MoreI have white spots on the ones. Sometimes they are more, sometimes less visible, and sometimes they are not there at all. What could it be caused by? Is there anything to do with this ...…
Read MoreHello, I have a big problem, and since I am terribly afraid of visiting the dentist, I write here first. The adventure started when I hit the top 1 against the edge ...…
Read MoreWhenever I brush my teeth, I have the taste of mushrooms in my mouth, I feel very uncomfortable with it, because it limits my closeness to other people. I'm also afraid that normal ...…
Read MoreHello. I grabbed an eight last Friday. A painless procedure, but then it was a bit worse. On Monday I went to the dentist and was given little aspirin tablets, ...…
Read MoreGood morning. I have a question about the loss and growth of teeth. I wonder if all the teeth fall out and grow permanent, or is it not? I had ...…
Read MoreWhy are eights removed? Should they always be extracted?…
Read MoreHello. I am a mother of 1.5 year old twins. Kubuś had his first tooth when he was 8 months old, and Kacper 1.5 weeks before he was one year old. At the moment, Kubuś m ...…
Read MoreHello. I will describe my problem from the very beginning ..... 3.5 years ago I had a camera on permanently. For this purpose, I had two fours removed. The camera was cut off ...…
Read MoreHello, recently there are tips on the Internet on how to whiten your teeth at home. It involves combining toothpaste with baking soda and brushing the tooth ...…
Read MoreFor a week I have been feeling pain right next to my ear, in the area of the temporomandibular joint. The pain is not very strong, but it is painful. I feel it both during the meal ...…
Read MoreHow much does it cost, for example, and what is the name of the procedure for repairing or rebuilding a broken tooth (one), about 1/3, 1/4 of a tooth? Is it possible to implement me ...…
Read MoreI suspect periodontitis. There is a lot of talk about the fact that it is a hereditary disease. Is it true? My mother and grandfather also suffer from it. A year ago mi ...…
Read MoreI have broken 2 top fives and 2 bottom 6s. I've treated them a few times and they keep breaking down. I would like to finally remove them and put on an orthodontic appliance to dissolve ...…
Read MoreI suffer from Sjogren's syndrome (chronic inflammation of salivary glands, joints, etc.). In my case, is it possible to implant 2 implants with ...…
Read MoreHow much does the diastema removal procedure cost by inserting a veneer or composite?…
Read MoreI would like to clean my teeth of plaque during the scaling procedure, but I'm afraid that the tip of the scaler (sonic or ultrasonic) may damage ...…
Read MoreWhat is proper oral hygiene in the case of periodontitis? Is brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day not enough? What paste? What brush?…
Read MoreMm 40 years old. The milk tooth, lower 5, was extracted without roots. The dentist struggled to remove the roots. She referred me to a surgeon. Do I need to us ...…
Read MoreI am 24 years old and my teeth are terribly crooked. I also have some broken teeth and I'm looking for help. I do not know if they can be cured, but there is one problem - I am terribly afraid of ...…
Read MoreIs it possible to file the top ones off to make them equal to two?…
Read MoreMy teeth are crumbling, making holes right at the gumline, and progressing deeper into my teeth, not because of tartar. At the dentist you will hear ...…
Read MoreA helicopter can help cure dentophobia, i.e. fear of the dentist. As reported by the press office of the dental office Dentysta.eu in Gliwice, the implementation of ...…
Read MoreWhat can I do about night gingival bleeding?…
Read MoreHello, I have a problem with my daughter - she is almost 5 years old and has quite a large hole in her 4, she still has milk teeth. I went to the dentist with her, but it ended ...…
Read MoreHello, what is the most effective and easiest way to clean the interdental spaces?…
Read MoreIs there always pain after such treatment?…
Read MoreI want to get an earring in my tongue, but I'm worried about my teeth. Are there any measures to protect my enamel more?…
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