Two months ago, the dentist replaced a filling in my tooth. For 2 weeks I have had this toothache when I eat something hard. I went to the dentist with this, he gave me an X-ray, but nothing ...…
Read MoreDentistry and Orthodontics 2025, March
How long can you wait to rebuild a tooth after root canal treatment? Unfortunately, this is due to the waiting time for a dentist appointment and I don't know if I can take it easy ...…
Read MoreI have been feeling pain in the area of the upper right six for a long time, I will add that this tooth has already been sealed twice, once from the bottom and once from the top. Some time ago, the top ...…
Read MoreThe seven cracked lengthwise and there was a chink above the gum line. My dentist applied an amalgam between the tooth gap, thus securing it ...…
Read MoreI have been feeling the pulsating pain of more teeth for some time. The area changes every now and then. Sometimes it hurts on the left side, then on the right side. Pain is not ...…
Read MoreThe dentist will root my tooth and today, during the first visit, he removed the nerves and probably put some poison. He said the tooth was dead. After coming home you will feel ...…
Read MoreI have a diastema and have veneers - how does whitening compare? Can I laser whiten all my teeth? I read that false teeth, crowns, lic ...…
Read MoreA few years ago, I had a minor accident which resulted in my two of them being chipped and conquered upwards. When I went to the dentist, the doctor even more ...…
Read MoreA month ago, I had a bridge built. The missing teeth are 5 and 6-4 and 7, they have been filed, still sensitive. Could this be so? The pain is sometimes severe. Now I have in ...…
Read MoreCan aphthas occur on the hard palate? 11 days ago, I had something that looks like aphthae: large, white and yellow, with a red sheath, excruciatingly painful ...…
Read MoreHello, I had all my teeth extracted. I would like to find out how you can speed up wound healing after the procedure, because in the present condition of the gums, I cannot ...…
Read MoreHello, my nearly 3-year-old son has a broken upper one, right next to the gum. I don't know what to do now. Should the root of this tooth be removed? Or maybe it will ...…
Read MoreGood morning. My teeth have a nice color, my children have a similar color of teeth. However, for all of us, when we are ill, and especially when we have a temperature, it changes very much ...…
Read MoreI have two teeth to remove - can leukocytes in my blood be elevated because of this?…
Read MoreSix days ago, the dentist finished the root canal treatment of the lower left five and since then the tooth is tender to touch and biting, it is a bit mothy too, in the photo ...…
Read MoreA few days ago I pulled out the lower one. To this day, my neighboring area hurts. 7. What can this pain be caused and how long can it last?…
Read MoreI was wearing braces and after taking it off I noticed white spots on my upper teeth, just below my gums. They are only on top, where it was glued ...…
Read MoreI am 28 years old, I had the upper left four root canal treated, after which the tooth started to crumble, so I removed the root. What are the ways to supplement this tooth, apart from ...…
Read MoreDoes removing the gingival hood on eight without an antagonist tooth make sense? Or will such a hood continue to grow again due to the lack of an antagonist, i.e. this ...…
Read MoreMy son's gums have turned blue after the milk teeth have fallen out at the site of the eruption of the permanent tooth (this applies to the first and second tooth), I don't know if it is ...…
Read MoreI am 27 years old and have two milk teeth. Unfortunately for me, there are two front teeth, two and three on the left side. The three are in reasonably good condition, they stand out from the p ...…
Read MoreI have been suffering from diabetes for five years, I am under constant medical care and I try to take care of my he alth. Recently I read an article in which Labor experts ...…
Read MoreMy 6-year-old son has had problems with infections of the upper respiratory tract and sinuses for several months. Cough and runny nose, intensifying especially in the current heat, s ...…
Read MoreMy 15-year-old son has started to erupt his so-called wisdom tooth. It is the top left eight. It hurts him a lot and he has throbbing headaches…
Read MoreI have been struggling with a certain…
Read MoreAfter tearing out the upper left 7 it hurts me a lot, I'm in a feverish state. What should I do?…
Read MoreHello! I have had problems with the left side of the jawbone for some time. Often at night, when I was asleep, my jaw tightened and I couldn't open my mouth. In the morning in ...…
Read MoreHello, I have a tooth to be extracted, but surgically because it is placed low on the gum. I am afraid of this. Please tell me what it looks like. Thank you. Kika ...…
Read MoreHello, my problem is that I have very swollen gums around one tooth (unfortunately already permanent), the pain is quite severe. I'd like to know ...…
Read MoreMy 14-year-old son still has a stale smell from his mouth. After brushing your teeth, after rinsing, and even after the mint gum. There are no cavities or so-called holes. We tried ...…
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