The fact that smoking is harmful to us is nothing new. Until now, however, mainly lung and heart diseases have been emphasized as those that are most often effective ...…
Read MoreDentistry and Orthodontics 2025, March
Haemophilia is a disease manifested by bleeding that can be caused, among others, by dental treatments. For this reason, dentists are reluctant to try ...…
Read MoreRoot canal treatment of teeth under a microscope is one of the modern dental methods. What is and how much does dental treatment using a microscope cost? For ...…
Read MoreTooth jewelry (ornaments for teeth) are becoming more and more popular. From the dentist's point of view, this is a rather cosmetic topic, but it is worth finding out ...…
Read MoreTeeth whitening is one of the methods of achieving a perfect smile. However, before you whiten your teeth at home or at the dentist's, you first need to get rid of tartar, plaque ...…
Read MoreAlthough children under the age of one have only a few deciduous teeth, experts say this is the best time to visit a hundred for the first time ...…
Read MoreBottle caries attacks milk teeth. They are white spots and streaks, and over time, dark discoloration on the teeth of an infant or toddler. She is dangerous and ...…
Read MoreComputer-assisted dental prosthetics allows you to make a crown or a bridge even during one visit to the dentist. Saving time is less ...…
Read MoreCaries in children is a huge problem. It attacks milk teeth and then spreads to permanent teeth. Its appearance is primarily due to neglect of hygiene ...…
Read MorePrognathism, or the Habsburg lip, means the upper jaw and / or the lower jaw strongly protruding from the front. In the past, prognathism was present in the proto-human. Prognathism ...…
Read MoreAn impacted tooth is one that has not erupted or only partially protrudes above the gum surface. The patient usually experiences severe pain. What s ...…
Read MoreSee what the NRL Dental Committee is recommending to dentists in the wake of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic. Will they cancel planned patient visits?…
Read MoreLearning to brush your teeth can be fun for your child. Do not spare your time or money on the treatment and care of your baby's milk teeth. The basis of a beautiful smile is ...…
Read MoreToothpastes not only clean, but also fight against various diseases: caries, hypersensitivity, periodontitis. They also remove discoloration and prevent the formation of ...…
Read MoreI heard that soda whitens teeth, is that true? If so, does brushing your teeth damage the enamel and how often do you brush your teeth with baking soda?…
Read MoreYesterday morning I had the bottom seven surgically removed, or actually the roots, because the crown was damaged during the root canal treatment. The treatment ended ...…
Read MoreThere is a slight black color on the inside of the upper incisors and one of the teeth is chipped. I try to teach him to brush his teeth, but every ...…
Read MoreI need to remove the eight I stopped. I know that the procedure takes place under anesthesia, but still I am afraid, the very fact of cutting the gums and chiselling scares me. Please ...…
Read MoreTwo weeks ago I tore my bottom six, had a dry socket which I treated for the next week and a half. The pain is gone, but the wound heals very slowly ...…
Read MoreI am 34 years old and have a very advanced periodontitis. I've already had two palate transplants to keep the pace of the disease at bay. I take care of my teeth, I brush them often, but unfortunately ...…
Read MoreGood morning! The erupting lower eights made my front teeth a little twisted, especially the left 2 and 1. After removing these eights, would ...…
Read MoreSometimes, when you postpone visiting the dentist for a long time, root canal treatment is the salvation for the tooth. Fortunately, today it is neither painful nor long-lasting.…
Read MoreBroken tooth - what to do when a tooth is cracked, chipped or broken? First of all, do not panic - a broken tooth (whether or not it is from ...…
Read MoreYou take care of your teeth, but do you remember about your gums? Gum disease begins imperceptibly and is the second most common cause of tooth loss after decay.…
Read MoreNot very even ones, permanent discoloration or gaps between your teeth make you reluctant to smile? Veneers, i.e. small porcelain flakes, will make ...…
Read MoreTrends in dentistry, for example vampire fangs, tattoos, decorative tooth covers - these are just some of the ideas of patients whose implementation they are looking for in the office ...…
Read MoreBonding is a method of restoring teeth and covering the surface of discolored teeth in order to give broken or distorted crowns a nice and even appearance ...…
Read MoreOrthodontic appliances correct interdental gaps, tooth crowding, mandible receding and other malocclusions. It doesn't matter how old you are - every age is right ...…
Read MoreHyperdonia means you have too many teeth in your jaw. There is real hyperdonation - when we are dealing with an excessive number of permanent teeth and a hyperdone ...…
Read MoreThe Godon effect occurs when one tooth is missing. Not counting the eights, we should have 28 teeth arranged in arches of 14 on the top and 14 on the bottom. One of the t ...…
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