Roponephrosis (Latin pyonephrosis) is a complication of hydronephrosis, i.e. a condition in which urine accumulated in excess in the renal pelvis becomes infected and ...…
Read MoreUrology and Nephrology 2025, March
Urinary tract infections in children appear quite often. However, in the youngest, urinary tract infection is not so easy to recognize. This applies especially to ...…
Read MoreChain kidney transplantation is a method of transplantation in which at least three foreign pairs exchange kidneys. Donors are not connected ...…
Read MoreWe all remember perfectly well that your car should be inspected once a year. There are serious consequences for not having it. Or also ...…
Read MoreMegaureter (MO) is usually found during prenatal testing and is the most common cause of fetal hydronephrosis. Giant ureters ...…
Read MoreMarcin is hard to "catch". From 6 a.m. to the afternoon he is on a film set, then he goes to the theater for the evening show, he comes home at night, or ...…
Read MoreDo you think pissing is a trivial activity that requires no attention? You're wrong. Incorrect urination results in inflammation, overactivity ...…
Read MoreA bladder infection mainly worries women. And he can torment them with his returns. But when you find out the cause of the disease and apply the correct treatment, finally ...…
Read MoreI am 18 years old and since I can remember I have problems with bedwetting. Which doctor should I see? I am planning a pregnancy and I do not know if possible treatment will ...…
Read MoreCriteria that may exclude you from the group of donors in family transplantation are divided into absolute and relative. Check when you can't stay alive ...…
Read MoreI have 3 stones in my right kidney. I am interested in the PCNL method. Where is it made in Poland? What are the risks for the patient? How long do you lie in the sh ...…
Read MoreFor many people, reimbursed catheters are a chance for a dignified life, because emptying the bladder is not only a physiological activity, but also a medical procedure. This ...…
Read MoreNephrostomy belongs to urostomies, i.e. stomas performed on the urinary tract. A nephrostomy is a transcutaneous catheterization of the kidney. Just the word…
Read MoreGuest / holiday dialysis is a solution for people who are dialysed and want to go on vacation. Patients can be dialyzed free of charge at selected stations ...…
Read MoreRenal osteodystrophy (renal rickets) includes bone changes in patients with chronic renal failure. These changes are caused by disturbances ...…
Read MoreUrinary incontinence (NTM), also called more elegantly - incontinence - is not only an embarrassing ailment, but a chronic disease that you need and can ...…
Read MoreHemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) most often affects young children and causes acute ne ...…
Read MoreTreatment of overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) should be two-fold. In the therapeutic process, both lifestyle modification and ...…
Read MoreUreaplasma urealyticum is a microorganism that causes inflammation of the genitourinary system. Still little is known about this bacterium, although Ureaplasm infection ...…
Read MoreGuest / holiday dialysis allows people with kidney problems to travel all over the world. Before leaving, however, do not forget to send information about the he alth status ...…
Read MoreFocal segmental glomerulosclerosis is a pathological lesion that affects the glomeruli. This sclerosis is associated with proteinuria, which ...…
Read MoreUrinary bladder reflux can cause a child to frequently run to the bathroom, tuck into their panties, or start soaking at night. You need this disease as soon as possible ...…
Read MoreIgA nephropathy (also known as Berger's disease) is the most common form of glomerulonephritis. It affects patients of all ages. On the clinical picture ...…
Read MoreBacteria in the urine (bacteriuria, bacteriuria) do not always mean inflammation of the urinary system. This is because urine may contain a small amount of bacteria. Only when ic ...…
Read MoreBartter's syndrome is a disease that belongs to the so-called tubulopathies. It consists in a congenital defect within the nephron and, secondarily, leads to hormonal disorders, el ...…
Read MoreAlbuminuria is a symptom in which small molecule proteins (so-called albumin) are present in the urine. It is assumed that up to a certain concentration, albuminuria ...…
Read MoreCross kidney transplantation is a transplant method in which two foreign pairs exchange kidneys. Cross kidney transplant is hope ...…
Read MoreIncontinence also affects men. Often, however, men ignore the symptoms and are simply ashamed of their ailments. Unfortunately, neglecting the disease leads to ...…
Read MoreInvoluntary leakage of urine is a shameful topic. If you think that you have to come to terms with this ailment, you are wrong, because it can and should be treated. Sto ...…
Read MoreBladder infections are preventable. You just need to change some of your habits. Drink plenty of water, take care of hygiene, dress warmly, and maybe you will avoid infection by ...…
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