My son will be 3 years old in 2 months and he speaks very little. He understands everything when I am talking to him, but cannot answer. Only mom, dad, baba says, give me and ...…
Read MoreChild he alth 2025, March
I stutter, stutter, but not all the time, I sometimes speak fluently, without any stuttering, usually when I speak quickly, I get stressed, this is getting harder ...…
Read MoreI have been speechless for several months. I don't know the reason. My dad also started to lose his speech in the 1980s, and he was 60 at the time. In 1984, he lost his speech, which happened at ...…
Read MoreI am writing about the lisp problem. The biggest problem for me is the letter C. I pronounce it lisping like a child and I don't know what to do with it.…
Read MoreMy 12-year-old daughter has a problem. He tells me that, for example, during a conversation or while reading, he forgets words and does not know why this is happening, and if he wants to continue ...…
Read MoreMy 3-year-old daughter still talks about herself in the third person. This happens less and less often, most often when he doesn't think twice and speaks quickly. Also, no ...…
Read MoreI am 36 years old, I have noticed for a long time that my problem with the correct utterance is getting worse. Sometimes I have the impression that I am retreating in this matter ...…
Read MoreIs it possible to get rid of a speech impediment at the age of 46? It's all about pronouncing the sounds s, c, dz. Generally I don't mind it very much, I'm used to it ...…
Read MoreOur son is 5 years old, 2 months ago he got scared of his dog and started stuttering ever since. We go to a speech therapist and exercise every day at home, there are times that we have ...…
Read MoreI just started taking care of a 7-year-old boy. He went to school as a 6-year-old, even though he was not ready for it. The boy does not want to stay in 1st grade, so logope ...…
Read MoreMy daughter turns 4 in 4 months. He speaks less compared to his peers. We diagnosed her with autism, but the overall disorders were ...…
Read MoreFor some time my 3.5-year-old child stops talking under the influence of emotions. This happens, for example, when a sister takes her toy or when she refuses to do something, ...…
Read MoreI decided to improve my diction and speech clarity. Therefore, for some time I have been reading tongue twisters with stoppers every day for 2-3 minutes ...…
Read MoreI am 48 years old, have had a stuttering problem for as long as I can remember, recently I had several visits to a speech therapist. The speech therapist referred me to the psychologist she recommended. Transfer ...…
Read MoreHow to accurately set the language to pronounce the sounds…
Read MoreThe daughter is 4 years old, we are a foster family, the daughter came to us at the age of 3, she had problems with eating before, because in the previous family she did not get ...…
Read MoreAm I able to learn to pronounce r correctly without the help of a speech therapist? Of course, through home study, exercise, etc.…
Read MoreI am twenty-three years old. I do not mind that I do not pronounce the r. I just thought that it would be good to learn this unfortunate r. Is ...…
Read MoreI am 42 years old and have a speech impediment due to nervousness. I would like to eliminate it to some extent. Can you still help me?…
Read MoreI have a question about the skills of 3-4-year-olds. The daughter will soon be 3 years and 4 months old (most of her peers from the yard are 4-year-olds, from January or ...…
Read MoreI will start with the fact that I studied English and during my studies, when I returned home, I spoke half a sentence in Polish and half in English, completely unconsciously ....…
Read MoreThe nanny is not easy to find. Even if we are looking through a specialized agency. It is hard to find someone whom you can fully trust and entrust your child to. For ...…
Read MoreThe sun also burns hot in the city, just as much as at the seaside. A baby's skin may react to them more strongly, however. Our surroundings to varying degrees ...…
Read MoreHow to protect children from the heat? First of all, dehydration should not be allowed, so they should be given the right amount of fluids. You should also use s ...…
Read MoreSepsis in kindergarten, sepsis at school, a child suffering from sepsis - such press reports worry parents. Is sepsis in children serious? Can you save ...…
Read MoreHeadache in children, contrary to appearances, happens quite often - even infants suffer. Often the causes of headaches in children are trivial and easy to eliminate, but ...…
Read MoreIf, while crying, the baby's navel suddenly enlarges or appears in his groin during exercise…
Read MoreThe diet of a child turning 12 months old should slowly change. After the first birthday, the toddler is very mobile, and therefore needs a varied ...…
Read MoreOn hot summer days, the skin on the bottom under the diaper is a place that you should take care of with great care. What rules do you have to follow to reduce the risk of ...…
Read MoreItchy skin can be a symptom of many diseases, so always consult your doctor. Mostly, however, the cause of such a condition is dry skin and eats ...…
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