Overweight in children is a more and more frequent phenomenon. If a child weighs too much, it must be changed as soon as possible under the supervision of a pediatrician. It is worth remembering that ...…
Read MoreChild he alth 2025, March
Following the principle that prevention is better than cure, try to do whatever it takes to prevent your child from becoming infected. Take care of his immunity, don't lose ...…
Read MoreChildren's oil greases and moisturizes the skin of the baby's face and body, protects against moisture loss, and perfectly fights cradle cap.…
Read MoreYour food is an additional protection against diseases for your baby. But what if a food allergy occurs because the baby is allergic to the mother's food? You hear from everywhere ...…
Read MoreI am 13 and have a speech impediment. Going to a speech therapist did not help me much, I could see subtle effects, but it is not the effect I wanted. I had a visit to ...…
Read MoreMycosis, warts, scabies and head lice mainly affect preschool children. If you notice disturbing changes on the skin of your child or ...…
Read MoreA newborn's eyes can be problematic. This is normal after the birth, but if the following weeks are young and the baby's eyes still have pools of tears, ...…
Read MoreYour child is working on a posture defect if he or she sits for hours at a desk, in front of the TV or computer, if he spends little time outdoors and avoids sports. ...…
Read MoreIs baby care in summer different from baby care in winter? You are wondering how you should take care of your baby's skin at this time of the year, how often you should bathe it, how ...…
Read MoreYoung children are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of the sun and the effects of heat. Long exposure to the sun and high temperature causes skin problems ...…
Read MoreHeadache in children also requires treatment, however, not all medications available for adults can be given to young patients. How to help a child who is suffering from ...…
Read MoreSudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the biggest nightmare for every parent. It's not night ...…
Read MoreMy name is Wiktoria, I am 12 years old, height 166, weighing 62 kg. In my opinion, I am too fat so what diet would you recommend to me? How much should I weigh anyway? Reg ...…
Read MoreHeart disease is more and more common among young people. Among children and adolescents, the problem of lipid disorders, hypertension and overweight is growing, which in the future ...…
Read MoreChildren with a sick heart should and may have the same opportunity to choose an occupation and field of study as their he althy peers. Find out what to do to help you ...…
Read MoreThe baby cries because he doesn't know any other way to express his needs. He says this: hug me, I'm too warm, I want to eat, I want to sleep, my stomach hurts ...…
Read MoreTendency to cry, mood swings, over-agitation, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sometimes also despairing crying. Such symptoms usually indicate that ...…
Read MoreThis problem happens to every fifth child, but with varying degrees of severity. Usually, an infant starts banging its head in the second half of its life. Hitting the head with mal ...…
Read MoreTeething can be family related, so if you are worried that your baby is not teething yet or, on the contrary, he has more teeth than his peer ...…
Read MoreSmelt is the first stool of a baby, usually excreted within 24 hours from birth. What does meconium consist of?…
Read MoreMotion sickness (seasickness, motion sickness) sometimes makes traveling with a child a real challenge. Find out why your child has motion sickness and ...…
Read MoreTreatment of heart defects in the mother's womb is aimed at reducing the destructive consequences of a heart defect, which allows to extend the duration of pregnancy and to give birth to a child ...…
Read MoreIf you want to protect your child from hypertension, heart attack or stroke in the future, you have to take care of it from the first days of his life. Here are some tips ...…
Read MoreA child's stay in a hospital is a difficult experience for both the toddler and his parents. How best to prepare for this time so that the child feels safe in the hospital ...…
Read MoreNot only adults are exposed to porn, but also adolescents and - shockingly - even children, and they are getting younger. Most of them first come into contact with the ...…
Read MoreFebrile seizures are a symptom of children from 6 months to 5 years of age. It results from the reaction of the immature nervous system of the child to the increased ...…
Read MoreDiaper dermatitis may appear several times during the entire period when the child is wearing the diaper (i.e. the first two years of life), one ...…
Read MoreEvery child is born with the so-called physiological flat feet, which usually disappear when the muscles of the feet gradually strengthen as the child grows. Sometimes i ...…
Read MoreBoys' sexual organs do not always function properly after birth. Usually the best medicine for hydrocele testicles, cryptorchidism, phimosis, migrating ...…
Read MoreSometimes a child or even an infant is affected by cancer. Sometimes a newborn baby is born with a cancerous tumor. However, cancer in a child is not a sentence. The most important ...…
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