Child he alth 2025, March

Your food is an additional protection against diseases for your baby. But what if a food allergy occurs because the baby is allergic to the mother's food? You hear from everywhere ...…

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Is baby care in summer different from baby care in winter? You are wondering how you should take care of your baby's skin at this time of the year, how often you should bathe it, how ...…

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The baby cries because he doesn't know any other way to express his needs. He says this: hug me, I'm too warm, I want to eat, I want to sleep, my stomach hurts ...…

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This problem happens to every fifth child, but with varying degrees of severity. Usually, an infant starts banging its head in the second half of its life. Hitting the head with mal ...…

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Teething can be family related, so if you are worried that your baby is not teething yet or, on the contrary, he has more teeth than his peer ...…

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