Rehabilitation, both in Poland and in the world, is at an increasingly higher level. Year by year, rehabilitation centers are modernizing their methods of rehabilitation ...…
Read MoreChild he alth 2025, March
My child is slouching - parents often worry. And they do have a reason. Because a strong spine with its natural curves is a real pillar of he althy ...…
Read MoreEven very young girls can get intimate infections. What infections are the most common? How to deal with them? And what to do to avoid them?…
Read MoreYour child grows up, becomes an independent person and looks for a way to express it. Adolescence is a difficult time for the family. The child rebels, ...…
Read MoreEvery infant should be referred to an orthopedist after the age of 6 weeks for hip joints evaluation. Some children are born with not fully educated ...…
Read MoreItchy skin in a child can have many different causes - itchy skin can be a symptom of many different diseases. In addition, according to specialists, itching of the skin is also ...…
Read MoreAbdominal pain in children is a common ailment and a very common reason for visiting a pediatrician. However, since the causes of abdominal pain in children can be very ...…
Read MoreAnemia, or anemia, is one of the most common he alth problems in babies. Treating anemia in infants is extremely important as it can help ...…
Read MoreChildren under the age of 1 only breathe through their nose, 50 times a minute. However, the nasal passages in babies are still very narrow. Therefore, an ordinary kata ...…
Read MoreImmunity - this is a word, inflicted by all cases, that young parents hear many times. What is immunity, how is it formed and how wisely in ...…
Read MoreWhat vitamins should be given to the baby, when and in what amounts - every mother should know about it. Meanwhile, there are many superstitions about this and even ...…
Read MoreYour child is constantly sick, has a runny nose, cough and fever forever? Perhaps his immune system needs support. Fortunately, there are ways to strengthen ...…
Read MoreIn summer, when children spend a lot of time outside, they rarely have a drink while having fun, which is why they become dehydrated more often at this time of the year. Gd ...…
Read MoreMigraine also affects children, even the youngest ones, although it may have slightly different, quite unusual symptoms. Most adults with migraines admit that the first ...…
Read MoreAttention disorders in children are most often detected when they start school. Inability to concentrate on the assigned task ...…
Read MoreJaundice in newborns is not a disease. Don't worry if your baby's skin turns yellow right after birth. This is called physiological jaundice that occurs ...…
Read MoreA rash in an infant, as well as a rash in a slightly older child, can take various forms - it can be various spots, spots and papules. Reasons for sending ...…
Read MoreInstead of waiting for your baby to outgrow bedwetting, find out the cause and start treatment as soon as possible. Bedwetting can be caused by diseases, ...…
Read MoreDo you suspect your child already knows what bad touch is? Wondering if there has been any sexual harassment? What may indicate that the child has come into contact with ...…
Read MoreBronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a disorder that primarily affects preterm infants with very low birth weight. Grade ...…
Read MoreFor a newborn baby, everything is new and unknown - a bath in a small bathtub, a walk with his parents, guests leaning over his crib. In the first weeks ...…
Read MoreThe newborn comes home with an unhealed belly button. For many parents, the umbilical cord stump is a big problem. You worry unnecessarily, because proper hygiene and care ...…
Read MoreBites of insects - mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees or ticks are particularly troublesome for infants and young children. Do everything you can to prevent them, ...…
Read MoreEpistaxis in children is a minor condition, usually caused by a cold, runny nose or intense cough. In rare cases, blood from the nose may ...…
Read MoreSpilling of milk may be caused by incorrect latching on to the breast or wrong positioning when bottle feeding, as a result of which the baby swallows from ...…
Read MoreThrush looks like the milk left over in your baby's mouth after feeding. But when you try to wipe them off, blood appears. This proves a superficial ...…
Read MoreWhen a teenager becomes a woman, she doesn't always understand what changes are taking place in her body. So that puberty does not cause surprises for her, prepare ...…
Read MoreRecent studies have revealed large vitamin D deficiencies among Polish infants. Where does vitamin D deficiency in children come from, what are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency ...…
Read MoreDo you want your child to pronounce all sounds correctly and have a rich vocabulary? You will achieve the best results by taking care of it from infancy. But late ...…
Read MoreThe number of people who stutter is constantly increasing. The causes of stuttering are not fully understood. Maybe the ever faster pace of life is to blame? Moses was stuttering. With this speech impediment because ...…
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