If your child has pronunciation difficulties, see a specialist as soon as possible. The earlier the therapy is started, the better its effects will be.…
Read MoreChild he alth 2025, March
Aggression in children is a phenomenon that we often encounter. There is probably no kindergarten group in which there would not be at least one troublemaker, a child who ...…
Read MoreSeparation anxiety is a disorder in which the patient is extremely afraid of separation from his / her loved one. Separation anxiety is also associated with persistent thoughts about ...…
Read MoreEvery parent has encountered attempts to avoid their child from school or kindergarten. Sometimes toddlers' motivations to pretend to be ill are more complex ....…
Read MorePerhaps soon only vaccinated children will be admitted to nurseries, kindergartens and schools - it appealed to the Minister of He alth to introduce such a solution ...…
Read MoreVaccinate or not? - this is the question many parents ask themselves. They do not know if vaccines are safe for their child. Is it really the uc vaccination ...…
Read MoreTo vaccinate a child or not to vaccinate? How about postponing most vaccinations to the time your child is older? Vaccinate with vaccines only from the vaccination list against ...…
Read MoreVaccination against pneumococci from January 1, 2022 is on the list of compulsory vaccinations. By now, the pneumococcal vaccine could be ...…
Read MoreAnti-vaccination movements were born in the world when people stopped being afraid of infectious diseases. The fashion for not vaccinating children has also reached Poland. ...…
Read MoreFacts and myths about vaccines have grown up around the dispute over their effectiveness and safety. Most doctors are in favor of using not only protective vaccinations obo ...…
Read MoreVaccinate a child with allergies or not? That is the question! Many parents still cannot make up their minds, not knowing whether it is safe to vaccinate a child with allergies ...…
Read MoreTesticular failure, cryptorchidism, is a condition where the testicles have not descended into the scrotum. During his fetal life, the boy's testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum ...…
Read MoreNewborn screening enables the early detection of serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, or congenital abnormalities of metabolism, before eating ...…
Read MoreBaby bathing usually causes a lot of anxiety in young parents. However, there is no need to panic. Ideally, two people should bathe the baby, but not always ...…
Read MoreEpispadiasis is a congenital defect of the urethra and external genitalia, affecting newborns of both sexes, although it is more common ...…
Read MoreSpina bifida is a very serious congenital malformation. It is formed in the early stages of a child's fetal life, in the first trimester, and most often already ...…
Read MoreChild masturbation often causes anxiety among parents. Meanwhile, in most cases, child masturbation is not a cause for concern - check what ...…
Read MoreMicrocephaly (microcephaly) is a congenital malformation that leads to a reduction in the size of the head, and thus also of the brain. Consequently, microcephaly ...…
Read MoreNeonatal respiratory distress syndrome most often affects babies born prematurely, but sometimes also those born on time. At the performance ...…
Read MoreWhat threatens a premature baby? Preterm babies have immature systems and organs, therefore a list of he alth problems they may struggle with in ...…
Read MoreYou are looking closely at your baby and you have probably noticed that the baby has some kind of dimples on its head. It is the fontanel, i.e. the places where the edge ...…
Read MoreIntussusception is a pathological condition in which part of one section of the intestine moves into another, usually that part of the small intestine enters the large intestine. N ...…
Read MoreA hemolytic disease is a complication of a serological conflict. The first child out of a serological conflict is usually safe, but the next child may be ...…
Read MoreSome postural defects - such as hip dysplasia - are congenital, but many are the result of parental neglect. Do you know what you need to do to make ...…
Read MoreMacrocephaly, also called macrocephaly, is a developmental defect, the most characteristic symptom of which is an enlarged head circumference (above the 97th percentile). Just ...…
Read MoreA premature baby is a baby born between 22 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature babies require special medical care and careful care from their parents, because in ...…
Read MoreThe slogan "muscle tension disorders" in an infant is of great concern to parents. And the problem is not so terrible if it is recognized quickly. Cable ...…
Read MoreMutism is diagnosed when a child is silent or speech is severely restricted. A frequent cause of this state of affairs is a stressful situation, ...…
Read MoreAngina in children - the first symptoms of angina in children are a sore throat, a rapidly rising temperature. Angina in a child should not be taken lightly. Check why.…
Read MoreKnee knees are a lower limb defect that develops in children. Knees knees make the legs form a shape of the letter…
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