Winter is a period in which it is especially worth taking care of your he alth and that of your loved ones. The harsh aura is conducive to colds and other infections. Poor sunlight ...…
Read MoreHe alth 2025, March
Nitroglycerin is chemically an ester of a polyhydric alcohol (ie glycerin) and nitric acid. When used as a drug, it is supposed to dilate blood vessels ...…
Read MoreThere is no life without oxygen. But its derivatives, the so-called free radicals cause disease, accelerate the aging process. By providing the body with antioxidants (including ...…
Read MorePain in the spine radiating to the legs is a common condition that can be caused by various changes in the body. Whatever the reason is ...…
Read MoreBad breath may be the first symptom of ulcers, kidney disease or diabetes. Do you know what are the most common causes of nasal odor ...…
Read MoreEvening primrose grows in Polish fields and meadows. It is rightly called "moon garden plant" because its bright yellow flowers bloom beautifully in the evening ...…
Read MoreElderberry flowers reach the size of dessert plates. They smell exceptionally beautiful and have many nutrients. Check when and how to collect flowers ...…
Read MoreAngelica is a plant that has many healing properties. Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of infusions of this herb, among others in stomach problems ...…
Read MoreTravel sickness, sore throat and diarrhea often disrupt the summer rest. On holiday trails, you may also faint or sprain the joint. Mu ...…
Read MoreRaspberry leaf tea has been known and appreciated for a long time due to its he alth-promoting properties. It is most often used in home treatments for ...…
Read MoreHerbs for cough will bring relief from this extremely unpleasant ailment. Thyme, coltsfoot and marshmallow are ingredients of medicines, but you can ...…
Read MoreWillow bark decoction, like aspirin, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antibacterial properties. It is used to treat rheumatic diseases ...…
Read MoreDrugs for high blood pressure can interact in a dangerous way with drugs such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and birth control pills ...…
Read MoreMany men build their muscles by taking steroids. Although they have impressive results, they pay a high price for them. List of steroid side effects (steroids an ...…
Read MoreHydrocortisone is a naturally occurring corticosteroid in humans. Currently, it is synthesized in laboratories. It is one of the most widespread ...…
Read MoreEncorton is a drug that contains prednisone, a chemical that increases hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells, which helps to distribute oxygen to everything ...…
Read MoreThe first symptoms of lupus will not be the same for everyone, as the disease has different symptoms and usually manifests itself differently in different people. Nevertheless, it is ...…
Read MoreKnee injuries - the cruciate ligaments of the knee, menisci or patella - are quite common, especially in physically active people. Knee joint, although naturally ...…
Read MoreVitamin F is used primarily in cosmetics. No wonder, vitamin F, i.e. a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, perfectly influences n ...…
Read MoreYour head is cracking, your throat is scratchy, you cough constantly and it is difficult to breathe through a stuffy nose ... Before your cold develops for good, you leave the pharmacy with a mesh ...…
Read MoreAnthurium is quite demanding, but many people appreciate it for the fact that in any environment its beautiful inflorescence and intensely shiny, decorative leaves look like ...…
Read MoreThe variegated croton is famous for its extremely decorative leaves that shimmer with shades of yellow, red and green. However, it is not easy to grow it, and in addition it can be ...…
Read MoreDracena is one of the most popular poisonous potted flowers in Poland. Dracaena has an attractive appearance, grows quickly and is not demanding, it can be one ...…
Read MoreTulips are one of the most unexpected items in the series about poisonous plants. After all, the petals of this popular flower are even used in recipes ...…
Read MoreMonstera is worth its name. This is one of the largest ornamental plants seen in our homes. Due to its size, it is often placed in a room ...…
Read MoreNarcissus is associated with the time around Easter, when we see them displayed and sold in small pots. Let us not be deceived by their seductive smell ...…
Read MoreDieffenbachia is one of the most popular potted plants. It is easy to find in many Polish homes, but not everyone knows that its leaves are poisonous. For ...…
Read MoreNeck or back pain are not the only signs of overloading the spine. An unusual symptom of back problems may be, for example, pressure in the chest, numbness ...…
Read MoreAbdominal pain may signal digestive disorders. Abdominal pain can also be a symptom of a serious disease. The list of associated conditions is ...…
Read MoreSleepiness after eating is usually not a problem to worry about - it is a physiological condition caused by increased work of the digestive system. In some cases, however ...…
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