Foxglove is a plant that has many healing properties. For years it has been used in medicine to fight, among others, with heart disease or puffer problems ...…
Read MoreHe alth 2025, March
Lily of the valley is an ornament of forests and gardens. The May lily of the valley also has numerous healing properties. However, attention - improperly used lily of the valley can cause ...…
Read MoreSubclinical hypothyroidism is a form of hypothyroidism that produces sparse, very difficult-to-see symptoms. Therefore, early diagnosis ...…
Read MoreMyxoedema, formerly Gull's disease (Latin myxoedema), occurs in hypothyroidism, most often in the form of Hashimoto's disease. What are the reasons ...…
Read MoreCold sweat is not a medical condition. They can be a symptom of various ailments related to the malfunctioning of our body. Pink may appear ...…
Read MoreAtropine is a natural alkaloid, found, among others, in plants such as belladonna, or Atropa belladonna. Atropine, although for most ...…
Read MoreBotulinum toxin (botulinum toxin, botox) is widely known for its anti-wrinkle properties. Few people know that botulinum toxin has been used ...…
Read MoreBiological drugs are hope for many chronically and terminally ill people. Hope for life without pain or unsightly changes in the skin. Check what drugs are ...…
Read MoreUnevenness and discoloration of the nail plate can be a signal from your body that you are missing something. Check what your body is asking for.…
Read MorePrimary, secondary, and tertiary hypothyroidism - each has different causes and symptoms. Most often we deal with inadequate ...…
Read MoreAn overactive pituitary gland is an excess of pituitary gland hormones. Its most common cause is pituitary tumors (usually adenomas) that secrete ...…
Read MoreKisspeptin is a peptide that is mainly produced by neurons in the hypothalamus. This relationship is of interest to scientists due to the numerous exerted by themselves ...…
Read MoreLinseed lignans are plant hormones that should be appreciated by menopausal women. Linseed lignans are an alternative to the hormonal ...…
Read MoreExcessive intake of vitamin supplements carries the risk of serious diseases. Which vitamins can be overdosed? What are the symptoms of a vitamin overdose?…
Read MoreResearch has shown that regular consumption of cod liver oil increases the body's immunity and improves well-being. The fish oil is also anti-atherosclerotic and heals the skin. You can ...…
Read MoreSqualene is a compound that occurs naturally in our body, but it is worth supplementing it additionally, because it has a very beneficial effect on our he alth ...…
Read MoreFrostbites are skin damage that results from exposure to low temperatures and moisture. Fingers, fingers and toes are most often affected by frostbite ...…
Read MoreSulfur is an element with unique properties. It is thanks to sulfur that the skin looks he althier, the hair is shiny and strong, and the nails do not break so much ...…
Read MoreA lot has been said about the beneficial effects of gelatin on the bone and joint system. Who among us has not heard about the beneficial effect of "cold feet" on aching joints. What are you ...…
Read MoreA muscle strain is a painful injury. It occurs as a result of excessive overloading of muscles that have not been properly prepared for ...…
Read MoreA muscle rupture is a much more serious injury than a sprain or tear. As a result of an injury, the injured person has no control over the muscle. Will add ...…
Read MoreTailbone pain can occur when sitting, as well as when sitting down and standing up. In addition, tailbone pain often occurs after a fall. At the bottom ...…
Read MoreOn a summer holiday trip, we must take a well-equipped first aid kit with us. What medications and supplies should be in the first aid kit prepared for the holidays?…
Read MoreGlucosamine is a component of numerous preparations recommended for relieving joint pain and supporting the maintenance of their efficiency. See how glucose works ...…
Read MoreDiclofenac is available as tablets, injections, gels, suppositories and even patches. Diclofenac preparations are mainly used in rheumatology, e.g. in ...…
Read MorePain in the fingers of the hands that prevents us from performing the simplest activities makes us feel helpless. The causes of toe pain may be trivial, but they can also be ...…
Read MoreNumbness in the fingers is one of those seemingly innocent ailments that can be a sign of a serious illness, especially if they are repeated or accompanied and ...…
Read MoreRemdesivir belongs to a group of antiviral drugs. In our consciousness, it began to exist only at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic, although the drug was created significantly ...…
Read MoreHome remedies for heartburn are effective. If you suffer from heartburn frequently, then a visit to the doctor is necessary. The causes of heartburn can be very serious.…
Read MoreBloating, gas and the feeling of fullness after a heavy and heavy meal can be reduced by drinking herbs: infusions of sage, cumin or fennel. See what ...…
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