Kliwia is an ornamental plant that has beautiful orange or red flowers. It is completely poisonous, so if we have it at home, we should be very careful ...…
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Hoja is a plant in which milk juice flows. It is toxic, so this popular potted flower should not be near playing children ...…
Read MoreCyclamen is a group of ornamental plants including about 20 species, both garden and potted. They are all characterized by beautiful colorful flowers and decorative ...…
Read MoreThe star of Bethlehem, or the beautiful spurge, is a decoration of many tables decorated for Christmas Eve. But although it pleases the eye - and not only during the Christmas period ...…
Read MorePotted plants delight the eye, smell beautifully and make your neighbors envious - but did you know that they can burn you, injure you and even kill you? Which plants are grown in ...…
Read MorePassiflora is a flower from tropical regions with beautiful flowers, but also highly poisonous leaves. The passion fruit is passion fruit, which is edible.…
Read MoreSosnowski's borscht, that is…
Read MoreThe most poisonous mushrooms are sometimes confusingly similar to edible mushrooms. The consequences of ignorance of amateur mushroom pickers can be very serious, because the mushrooms are poisonous ...…
Read MoreOlszówka (rolled krowiak) is a fungus that can lead to fatal poisoning. Even so, many pickers still consider alder to be an edible mushroom. Lies ...…
Read MorePoisoning with boletus is usually the result of ignorance of mushroom picker, who cannot distinguish boletus from boletus. The mushroom is commonly called ...…
Read MoreToadstool is the most poisonous mushroom in our forests. Despite the warnings, many people are poisoned with it every year. Symptoms of toadstool poisoning ...…
Read MorePoisoning with edible mushrooms occurs more often than intoxication with poisonous and inedible mushrooms. Professional mushroom pickers have come to such conclusions. With their ob ...…
Read MorePoisoning with heavy metals most often concerns people who have contact with them in their daily work. However, symptoms of heavy metal poisoning can appear like this ...…
Read MorePatulin in some fruits is formed when they are bruised or hit. Under no circumstances should you carve out rotten places and eat the rest of the fruit, which ...…
Read MoreAlcohol poisoning is not the same as intoxication or a hangover. Alcohol poisoning is a much more serious condition that can even lead to death ...…
Read MoreMycotoxicosis is acute or chronic poisoning caused by mycotoxins - mold toxins occurring, among others, in in the bruised fruit. Mycotoxins are very ...…
Read MoreThere is a lot of false information about how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous mushrooms. They usually cause fatal mistakes. Here are the most common repeat ...…
Read MoreDioxins are toxic organic substances with the ability to accumulate in human tissues. Their main source is incineration of municipal waste, industrial ...…
Read MoreBenzene is an organic compound commonly used in industry as a solvent and a substrate for chemical reactions. It can penetrate our organization ...…
Read MoreA bee, a wasp, a hornet, a bumblebee - there are a lot of insects similar to each other. Should any of them be feared? What does a wasp look like, and what does a bee look like? Do you ...…
Read MoreThe bites of mosquitoes, flies and other insects, as well as ticks, cause pain, inflammation and can even be life-threatening. There are leeches in the water ...…
Read MoreA bite of a spider, scorpion or viper can ruin a holiday in an exotic country. If you are going on vacation where you can meet poisonous reptiles, scorpions, ...…
Read MoreA bite by a viper is a direct threat to life. When you witness a viper bite or you have become a victim of a viper attack, do not fall into ...…
Read MoreA bumblebee is an insect that is commonly called a bittern. Meanwhile, a bittern is an insect that belongs to the same family as ... flies. In turn, the bumblebee belongs to the p ...…
Read MoreCyanobacteria can be found at the Polish seaside every year. They are quite a threat - s alt water, hot summer and the influx of river water with pollutants create the worst ...…
Read MoreA wasp sting and a bee sting can be dangerous. Especially when the stung person is allergic to insect venom or the sting hits the throat - ...…
Read MorePoisonous spiders inspire respect with their appearance, and in people who are more sensitive or suffer from arachnophobia, they can even cause a heart attack. However, it's not ...…
Read MoreThe fracture of the metatarsal bone, especially the fifth one, which Justyna Kowalczyk complains about, is a common type of fracture not only in athletes. Complicated ...…
Read MoreLightning is most common in mountains and water. A lightning strike in a city is unlikely, but not impossible. Lightning strike is ...…
Read MoreWounds, cuts to the skin and other injuries most often occur during the holidays. It is rare for a child during this period to develop a tumor or a splinter ...…
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