Hashimoto - Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis) is difficult to diagnose and its treatment is about removing the effects, not the causes of the disease. The most common symptoms of Hashimoto's include heavy periods, dry skin, constant fatigue, and high cholesterol. What research on Hashimoto's should be done? What diet should be used for Hashimoto's disease?

Hashimoto - what is this?

Hashimotoor otherwiseHashimoto's disease , has several other names - chronic lymphocytic (autoimmune) thyroiditis (lymphocytic goitre, thyroiditis Hashimoto, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, Latinthyroiditis Hashimoto ,thyroiditis lymphocytica chronica).

Hashimoto's diseasewas first described in 1912 by a Japanese physician - Hakaru Hashimoto.

Hashimoto's diseaseis an autoimmune disease caused by an error in the immune system (immune system) that causes the body to turn against itself. For some unknown reason, the immune system recognizes thyroid proteins as hostile and destroys them, impairing the activity of the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Women suffer more often than men, mainly mature women, but also very young, even children.

Who is most at risk of Hashimoto's?

People with type 1 diabetes and those with a family history of one of the thyroid diseases are particularly at risk of developing hashimoto's. It happens that the mother has Graves' disease, which causes an overactive thyroid, and the daughter hashimoto's, which causes hypothyroidism.

In any case, autoimmune thyroiditis is a family disease. It is said that the triggering factor of the disease may be a decrease in immunity from chronic stress, mental problems, exhaustion or infection.

Hashimoto's often occur in women shortly after giving birth.Then it sometimes goes into a state of self-limitation, only to speak again sooner or later. It leads to permanent hypothyroidism in every second person.

Thyroiditis is not only Hashimoto's - check also:

  • Acute thyroiditis
  • Subacute thyroiditis or de diseaseQuervaina
  • Postpartum thyroiditis: causes, symptoms, treatment

What are the symptoms of Hashimoto's disease?

The disease can proceed without any symptoms, so people with hashimoto live in ignorance.

Sometimes an inflamed thyroid gland gradually enlarges to form a goiter, it is hard, compact and uneven.

It rarely hurts when touched and only occasionally gives a feeling of fullness or pressure in the throat.

AleHashimoto's diseasecan also be associated with atrophy of the thyroid gland.

Initially, the thyroid gland secrete normal or excessive amounts of hormones, but after many months or years, hypothyroidism develops, which worsen he alth.

Hashimoto's symptoms are not specific:

  • constant fatigue
  • sleepiness
  • problems with concentration and memory
  • mood volatility
  • tendency to depression
  • freezing
  • heavy periods
  • dry and rough skin
  • hair loss
  • constipation
  • muscle and joint pain
  • high cholesterol
  • unreasonable weight gain

All of this may or may not be an illness.

Drowsiness is explained by exhaustion, problems with memory with age and we never think that these seemingly trivial ailments may be a harbinger of a developing disease .Sometimes it causes ovulation disorders and what's behind it going difficulties with getting pregnant, as well as spontaneous miscarriages.

Children with thyroiditis learn less and grow more slowly. Sometimes they mature sexually prematurely. However, due to the ambiguity of symptoms, we do not associate them with thyroid disease.

Hashimoto's symptoms

See the gallery of 8 photosImportant

Thyroid - an important gland

Many people are unaware of the big role the thyroid plays in the body. The hormones it produces reach all organs and the functioning of the entire organism depends to a large extent on the level of these hormones. Therefore, disruptions in her work not only worsen the general well-being, but may have a negative impact on work, e.g.

  • nervous system (slowing down of intellectual functions, anxiety, depression),
  • of the circulatory system (cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, increased cholesterol, hypertension),
  • digestive system (slowing down the intestines, constipation)
  • and lead to a slowdown in metabolism,
  • anemia,
  • blood coagulation disorders.

Advanced hypothyroidism can cause failurerespiratory system.

What tests should be performed if Hashimoto is suspected?

The endocrinologist decides on the basis of specialized research whether malaise is a result of Hashimoto's or not. A specialist can easily distinguish the structure of the thyroid gland by touch.

Research on Hashimoto:

  • The basic biochemical test is the determination of the level of TSH (thyrotropin) in the blood of the pituitary hormone, which controls the thyroid gland. Elevated TSH indicates hypothyroidism.
  • If an adult has elevated TSH levels with normal or low levels of thyroid hormones: T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine), he has not undergone thyroid surgery that could damage it, he is not taking drugs that can cause hypothyroidism and has not been treated radioactive iodine, probably hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto's disease.
  • To confirm the diagnosis, you also need to test for the presence of thyroid antibodies (if they are in the blood, it is a sign of the disease).
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland will allow you to accurately assess the size of the gland, changes in its structure, and detect the presence of post-inflammatory adhesions and nodules. If the disease is accompanied by thyroid nodules, a fine needle biopsy is usually additionally performed to determine their nature.

Thyroid disease specialists argue that checking the condition of the thyroid gland regularly is as important as keeping cholesterol levels checked. The first tests of thyroid hormones should be performed in the age of 20 and repeated every 5 years.

People with family history of this type of disease should especially remember about systematic research. The sooner anomalies are detected, the easier it will be to deal with them. Let's watch each other carefully and if in doubt, consult a doctor.

In Western countries, there is an ongoing discussion about screening tests that would allow for the early detection of the disease, reducing its effects. However, due to the high cost, even there they cannot be afforded.


Medications for life

People with hypothyroidism require systematic treatment under the supervision of an endocrinologist. Unfortunately, many patients stop taking their medications when they find that their TSH levels have returned to normal. Meanwhile, therapy should not be interrupted. Remember, TSH is only kept at the right level by taking your hormones constantly. When the treatment is discontinued, it will rise again. And this is not indifferent to the body.

What is the treatment of Hashimoto's disease?

There is no drug to fix the error inthe functioning of the immune system responsible for the development of the disease. Therefore, treatment is only about removing the effects, not the cause of the disease.

If antibodies are found in the blood, but the thyroid gland is not enlarged and works properly, it is enough to control the development of the disease by systematically doing tests.

If the doctor determines hypothyroidism, you need to take synthetic thyroxine preparations that balance the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.Most patients are condemned to taking medication throughout their lives.This should be done under the supervision of a specialist, due to the variability of the level of hypothyroidism. The preparation is taken once a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast and other medications, then it is best absorbed.

Sometimes the hypothyroidism resolves (mainly in children, young people, with postpartum inflammation) and then the medication can be discontinued. But you can never be sure that the disease will not come back, because the antibodies can attack at any time. Therefore, a person diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, regardless of its course, should systematically monitor their he alth.

What diet should be used with Hashimoto's?

An important element supporting the treatment of Hashimoto's disease is a proper diet . It should be borne in mind that patients often struggle not only with overweight and obesity, but also with other diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, food intolerance, celiac disease and others.

Therefore, the Hashimoto's diet should be selected individually for the patient, taking into account comorbidities. In addition, the caloric content of the diet should depend on the body weight and should be adjusted to the physical activity and lifestyle.


  • Hashimoto diet - what to eat and what not to eat?
  • Menu and recipes for people with hashimoto

Hashimoto's disease can cause complications in pregnancy and, above all, make it difficult to get pregnant. It is worth remembering about this when identifying the causes of primary infertility. The disease can lead to miscarriages, premature births, and fetal malformations. Therefore, every woman planning motherhood should check for thyroid antibodies.

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