Sanguine is a person who is hard not to notice - he likes to be the center of attention, talks a lot and is very happy to spend time surrounded by other people. Sanguine features are also exceptional optimism, infecting other people with joy and spontaneity. Find out who a sanguine is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a sanguine, find out how the sanguine functions at work, and learn about the relationship with a sanguine.

Sanguine - definition

Sanguineis a term for one of the four temperaments. The theory of temperaments was created a long time ago, in the 5th century BCE. - Hippocrates is considered its creator. According to the Greek, people could be classified into four different groups: some were just Sanguines, others were choleric, melancholy, or phlegmatic.

Before moving on to a broader discussion of the characteristics of sanguines, it is worth taking a closer look at what temperament is. Well, according to Hippocrates, human temperament was to be determined by the type of liquid that dominated his body - in the case of sanguines, blood was to dominate them (hence the name of the discussed temperament - in Latin the word "sanguis" means blood). For comparison, bile was supposed to be the most common in cholerics, black bile in melancholics, and phlegm in phlegmatic patients.

Currently, temperament is definitely not considered as a feature dependent on the fluid that prevails in the body. In general, temperament is the part of the personality that depends on the nervous system and genes with which we are simply born. It is believed that, if anything, temperament can only change slightly in the early years of life, but is generally considered fairly constant.

Besides it, the terms personality and character are also associated with the description of human behavior. Personality is said to be partly dependent on genes, and partly it arises in connection with events experienced by a person. So it is to some extent, but not entirely plastic.

Character is considered to be the most modifiable - it consists of well-established habits or professed values, although the character is said to be subject to various changes during a person's life.

Sanguine: features

Sanguine is a man full of optimism,energy for action and motivation. Various challenges are not terrible for the sanguine - he can undertake many different activities at the same time and complete each task successfully. Sanguine usually surrounds many people - he feels good in company, what's more - he needs constant contact with his relatives.

Sanguine is talkative, willing to engage in conversations with other people, he likes to be the center of attention. Sanguineism is also associated with considerable spontaneity - for people who have this temperament, it is nothing unusual to suddenly pack up on a Friday afternoon and spontaneously go to the mountains or the seaside for a weekend.

People who know personality types may associate a sanguine with an extrovert - such an association is absolutely correct.

It is definitely not, however, that the sanguine has only virtues. He also has certain traits that some will find annoying and others will find him to be definite faults in his temperament.

First of all, we should mention the chaotic - just like the sanguine is everywhere, it happens quite often that he forgets about some important matters. Conversations with a sanguine, yes, they can be interesting, but sometimes they can lead to irritation - it happens that a sanguine is very eager to talk about himself, and he is much worse at listening to other people's stories.

Yet another trait of this temperament that can be considered a disadvantage is that the sanguine often overestimates his own abilities. It happens that he undertakes many tasks at the same time, despite the fact that the whole world suggests to him that he cannot cope with all of them.

This may lead to the fact that some of such obligations will not be fulfilled or that the sanguine will only take up the most interesting activities, and translate the implementation of those less interesting into an undefined future (e.g. a project for the employer, and at the same time will try to postpone the promised help in renovating the house).

Worth knowing

Sanguine at work

Sanguine loves challenges, he likes when a lot is going on around him and is characterized by openness and flexibility. In general, it can be said that he will find himself in a wide variety of professions - he will be both a good sales representative and a journalist or politician.

Since he is able to undertake even many tasks at the same time, the sanguine often performs well in managerial positions. In the work for a sanguine, it is important, first of all, that it is still connected with some challenges -He definitely does not like boredom and the profession of doing the same thing all the time (an example of such work may be lectures) will not be satisfactory for a sanguine.

Sanguine in relationship

It would seem that a sanguine must be an ideal partner - his spontaneity can result in surprises in the form of a romantic trip to the seaside, and his optimism can make a person in a relationship with him even more willing to live. Certainly, the many advantages of the sanguine cannot be denied, but in practice it happens that the relationship with the sanguine is not simple at all.

We can mention here, for example, the sentimentality of the sanguine. Well, just as he can radiate feelings and emotions, they can be quite shallow - when the sanguine feels a routine in his relationship, he may begin to feel the need to look for another life partner. A person living with a sanguine may also feel that their needs are being underestimated at times - after all, a sanguine may prefer to speak rather than listen.

The problem may also be distraction or forgetting about everyday small but important matters - the fact that a sanguine will forget about a birthday or having to pay the bill may seem like a trivial problem, but in practice, if it happens so often, it may this can lead to even unsolvable conflicts.

However, to keep the balance, it should be emphasized here that the relationship with the sanguine - although not easy - can be very satisfying. People with this temperament can enjoy every moment and are usually helpful and sincere. Yes, they sometimes act not exactly according to their partner's expectations, but they do not do it maliciously, and that's just their temperament.

Test: are you a sanguine?

Answer the following questions and see if you are a Sanguine!

1) In conversations with other people:

a) I definitely prefer to listen to others than to talk about myself;

b) I mainly tell about myself;

c) depending on the situation - I can talk about myself, but also listen carefully to others.

2) When I encounter a difficult situation - e.g. a hard task at work:

a) I take up the challenge, but I approach it with caution and slowly fill it;

b) I'm optimistic - after all, I always manage;

c) I am concerned but I am trying to solve the problem.

3) You have the weekend off: how do you spend it?

a) variously, but usually I have a plan for spending my free time much earlier;

b) usually spontaneously - I willingly decide to go unexpectedly, even to some distant place;

c) I take care of the house or go for a walk, sometimes I do something spontaneous.

4) My dream job is one where:

a) I can perform my duties slowly, at my own pace and according to my schedule;

b) there are still some new tasks waiting for me and I don't have time to be bored;

c) I cannot define, I will find myself in every job.

5) In a larger group of people:

a) I usually have no problems establishing a conversation, but I keep a certain distance;

b) I like to shine - I love to entertain others and be the center of attention;

c) depending on my mood - sometimes I stay aside, sometimes I have a lot of conversations.

6) My approach to daily duties - paying bills, shopping and other similar activities:

a) it is rather serious - I will always make sure that the basic duties are performed on time;

b) it can be lighthearted - in the daily rush I sometimes forget about shopping or paying bills;

c) I rather remember to fulfill my basic duties.


Most of A's answers:Your temperament matches the phlegmatic. You are characterized by a cheerful spirit, but also a great distance to the world and considerable self-control. You like to plan, you keep distance in dealing with other people, you show patience and diplomacy. People appreciate your observation skills and your ability to listen.

Most of B's ​​answers:Your temperament matches that of a sanguine. You are optimistic, you are bursting with energy every day and you are everywhere. You love the company of other people, but sometimes you get involved in too many tasks, which sometimes makes your daily duties fade into the background.

Most of the answers C:Your temperament is hard to define. You exhibit the characteristics of different of them - your listening skills correspond to those of a phlegmatic, on the other hand, the tendency to spontaneity is similar to that of the sanguine.
