Snacking between meals, you snack in the evening, at night. Snacking out of boredom or to cheer yourself up. And then you look in the mirror and you feel sorry that your waist and hips have increased again. And you promise yourself that you will not snack anymore, but it is not easy to part with the habit of supplying the body with empty calories … Learn effective ways to snack.
Why is it worth knowing effectiveways to snack ? Mostly, of course, to keep the line. Thissnackingbetween meals is primarily the cause of weight gain. After all, most of the time you eat what is fatty or sweet. What you eat between meals (crisps, crisps, bars, sweets) does not provide any significant nutritional value for the body, so they are only empty calories, stored and processed into fat cells. Usually snacking is associated with the fact that you sit for long hours (at your desk, in front of the TV, in front of the computer), and according to the latest research it appears that when you move little, your body begins to store fat, because it is a signal for it that … a long time he won't get anything to eat. Our ancestors moved much more to get food, and therefore movement was associated by the centers in the brain with providing the body with calories. And the time of stillness was the time of starvation. We did not differ so far in evolution from our ancestors and our brain, despite the change in the situation, still works in the same way as it was before.
Ways to snack: think about what you are eating and where
Rule one. Don't eat in front of the computer. Neither at work, so that it was "faster", nor at home "for fun", because you are sitting on Facebook or playing. Also, don't eat a sandwich, hot dog or hamburger in a hurry on the street. If you aren't concentrating on what you eat, your brain won't register your satiety. He is interested in something else - work or entertainment. No wonder that a moment after eating such a meal, you want a little snack.
Ways to snack: eat slowly
Such a slow chewing is a guarantee that the signal of satiety will reach the brain. If you want to get used to snacking and nibbling between meals, choose those products that require crunching, biting, and slow chewing. So I can't be too soft. Rather, not boiled vegetables, but a salad orsalad. Instead of potatoes - groats or al dente pasta.
Ways to snack: eat more abundant meals 3 times a day
Of course, use common sense, but you can safely increase the portion with fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially since they contain a lot of fiber, which speeds up the metabolism. Eat three meals a day regularly. Dinner no later than 8pm. Eliminate all fatty and sweet foods.
Ways to snack: eliminate sugar
When you eat sweets you fall into a vicious cycle. Eating sugar causes an appetite for… sugar. Then it is difficult to get out of this vicious circle. Needless to say, sugar is extremely unhe althy, causes diabetes, accelerates cancer and heart disease. Save cookies, sweet desserts and sweeten your tea and coffee for special occasions, and give it up on a daily basis.
And if you can't stand anymore …
Snacking often becomes a ritual. Can you imagine your family watching a movie without a packet of your favorite chips? Do you always crunch something when you talk to your friend on Skype? If you absolutely have to - dried fruits will be much he althier and less caloric, especially apples, plums, apricots and raisins (avoid dates - they have a lot of sugar), add a few hazelnuts, almonds, natural, not roasted with s alt, in addition to pleasure, you will also supplement the need for vitamins and trace elements.
Drink still water
Sparkling water increases the appetite for sweets! And by drinking small portions of natural mineral water throughout the day, you fill your stomach. Then you feel less like snacking. And of course, sports!