Anaerobic training, also called anaerobic training, is a type of physical exercise, during which energy is obtained from anaerobic changes. The definition of such exercise is based on the assumption of rapid fat loss and high activation of muscle fibers. Anaerobic training allows you to burn a lot of calories while building muscle mass. Check what exactly is anaerobic effort and learn about examples of exercises and types of anaerobic training.
Anaerobic training is recommended for people who want to lose body fat quickly. What are the principles of anaerobic training and how to exercise?
Anaerobic training - what is it? Definition of anaerobic effort
Anaerobic training is physical exercise characterized by energy changes that occur in the body without the use of oxygen. The name itself - anaerobes - means training "without air", "without oxygen".
The definition of anaerobic exercise assumes high heart rate during anaerobes - amounting to about 80% -90% of maximum heart rate, which effectively makes it difficult for us to breathe normally without getting breathless. During anaerobic training, the energy obtained from glucose (carbohydrates) is not enough, which occurs during aerobic training, i.e. cardio. The body gets its energy from glycogen, first from muscle to liver. When its reserves are exhausted, it reaches for fatty acids. As a result of anaerobic exercise, the muscles produce lactic acid, which causes "soreness", which is why decent recovery after anaerobic exercise is so important, ie a diet rich in carbohydrates (especially just after finishing activity) and protein. In addition, the regenerative processes can be supported, e.g. by stretching after training to oxygenate the muscles.
Anaerobic (anaerobic) training builds strength and endurance endurance. It should not last too long, because it is characterized by high intensity, which allows you to quickly stimulate the muscles to work (grow) and burn fat tissue.
Anaerobic training and fat burning
Anaerobic training allows you to burn fat quickly . This is because high anaerobic intensity knocks the body out of homeostasis (equilibrium), and in order to return to it, it must undertake an extremely largeeffort.
To illustrate the fat burning process during anaerobic training, it is best to compare it to the opposite type of exercise, i.e. oxygen (aerobic). During constant, low-intensity aerobic training, the body draws energy from free fatty acids. It sounds good, but it is very illusory. This process only occurs while training is in progress. After the activity is over, the metabolism slows down even more, and the body draws energy from glycogen. Additionally, for the fat burning process to start during aerobic exercise, you should exercise at least 40 minutes.
The opposite of such training is anaerobic training. During anaerobic training, the body draws energy from muscle and liver glycogen, and then from fatty acids.
High intensity makes it maximally accelerate the metabolic changes that take place in our body. We burn a lot of calories during training, but the most important thing happens after the end of anaerobic exercise:metabolism accelerates up to three times, fat oxidation processes start long after training and insulin sensitivity (increased tissue sensitivity to insulin) improves, which results in better use of glucose (simple sugars) .
To better understand the beneficial effects of anaerobic training on fat burning, let's pay attention to the silhouettes of athletes who practice this type of exercise.
People who exercise at the gym have a low percentage of body fat and a high percentage of muscle mass. The same applies to, for example, sprinters who boast ideal body weight proportions, in contrast to, for example, marathon runners, whose low muscle mass is comparable to a low percentage of body fat.
Therefore, in order to lose body fat, it is best to do aerobic exercise after anaerobic training, because then the body deprived of glycogen lost during anaerobic changes will be more willing to reach for the reserves of free fatty acids.
Below are the types of anaerobic workouts and the best examples of anaerobic exercises.
ImportantFollow these rules if you train anaerobically
Anaerobic training, despite many positive aspects, also has its negative sides: long anaerobic exercise increases cortisol, the stress hormone, and puts a heavy strain on the nervous system. Remember that your strength activity should not exceed 1-1.5 hours, and that the intensive interval training should last up to 30 minutes.
Don't do anaerobic training every day. Optimal frequencythat's 3-4 times a week. When you work out in the gym and your effort lasts more than an hour, you can help yourself by drinking simple carbohydrates during your workout. Scientific research has proven the positive effect of their use by reducing the level of cortisol and muscle catabolism.
Examples of Anaerobic Workouts
The anaerobic training includes resistance training - strength training, and virtually any training that is based on high or variable intensity of exercises. Specially designed types of anaerobic training are HIIT or Tabata. Anaerobic training also includes intervals that are based on a variable heart rate value.
In fact, with any type of exercise, we can create an anaerobic training that builds muscle and burns fat. It is enough to increase the intensity of the exercises and shorten their duration. We can do this by replacing long walks with a quick sprint, resigning from constant slow riding on a stationary bike in favor of using an interval system and, for example, doing strength training, in which, for even better anaerobic effects, we will reduce the duration of the rest between sets.
HIIT and Tabata workouts are a type of exercise based on intervals. However, we can create interval training ourselves by selecting the appropriate time parameters for activity and rest. For example - we can sprint for 20 seconds and rest for 40 seconds, or vice versa: exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds. How we choose these parameters depends only on our physical capacity and strength.
It should be remembered that in the case of HIIT, Tabata or intervals training, you should not exceed 40 minutes, because such effort is extremely stressful for the body and ceases to bring positive results after a long time. Let's pay attention to the correct performance of Tabata training - it lasts only 4 minutes and gives spectacular metabolic effects. All thanks to high intensity performed in a relatively short time.
Read also:
- Fat reduction training
- Rules for Fat Burning Training

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreExamples of anaerobic exercises
Examples of exercisesanaerobes may endlessly, but below you will find suggestions for those that activate large muscle groups to work, and their performance requires a high intensity of training, which guarantees amazing results of their use:
- Burpees
- Jump squat
- Przysiady
- Pumps
- Pull-ups
- Sprint
- Plank
Thanks to these exercises, you will gain muscle strength, improve endurance and endurance of the body, and significantly accelerate metabolism, which will have a positive effect on fat loss. You can perform them consecutively in three sets of 10 repetitions, or by exercising with your watch for 20 seconds and resting for 40 seconds while walking in place. Good results will also bring this type of exercise into your regular training plan.
This will be useful to youTry some sample interval training sessions:
- Cycling interval training for women
- Interval training for runners
- Interval training in the gym