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The kefir diet is not only a slimming diet, but also a cleansing treatment. Thanks to it, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins. However, the kefir diet, like any mono-component diet, has some disadvantages. What is the kefir diet? What are its effects? How much weight can you lose by drinking kefir?

Kefir dietis not onlyslimming diet , but alsocleansing . Kefir, which is the basis of a slimming treatment, not only stimulates the metabolism, but also supports intestinal peristalsis, which contributes to the burning of fatty tissue and cleansing the body of toxins and other unnecessary metabolic products.

Kefir diet: who is it for?

The kefir diet is intended for people who want to lose only a few unnecessary kilograms or have a need to cleanse the body of toxins.

Kefir diet - which kefir should you choose?

It is best to reach for skimmed kefir, which in 100 g has only approx. 38 kcal and approx. 4 g of protein.

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Author: Time S.A

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Kefir diet: rules. What is the kefir diet?

The kefir dietlasts 5 days, during which you can use one of the two versions of this slimming and cleansing treatment.

The first one involves gradually replacing traditional meals with kefir. On the first day of the diet, you should eat lean curd cheeses. For the next two days you should only drink kefir, just enough to satisfy your hunger. On the fourth day, gradually include other foods, preferably cooked and raw vegetables, into your diet. On the last day of the diet, you can afford boiled meat, and replace kefir with mineral water. After completing the slimming treatment, gradually increase the amount of calories supplied to avoid the yo-yo effect.

Applyingthe second version of the diet, dishes containing kefir should be included in the menu. For 5 days, you should eat easy-to-digest and low-calorie meals based on kefir or served with kefir, e.g. boiled potatoes with kefir.


In the first days of using the kefir diet, you may experience general malaise, weakness, headaches, sleep problems, and muscle cramps. These are the side effects of a fairly strict and quickly introduced diet.

Kefir diet: effects. How much weight can you lose by drinking kefir?

By following the kefir diet, you can lose about 1-3 kg within 5 days- everything depends on your daily energy balance. However, it should be noted that after its completion there is a high risk of the yo-yo effect. The kefir diet is low in calories and therefore slows down the metabolism. A return to proper nutrition after a diet is seen by a starved body as an opportunity to make up supplies in case of another low-calorie diet.

Is the kefir diet he althy?

The kefir diet can be harmful to your he alth if it is used for longer than 5 days. The kefir diet is amonodiet , i.e. a slimming treatment based on only one food product. Therefore, if used for a long time, it can lead to a nutrient deficiency. Also, an excess of one product and an excess of a nutrient contained in it (in this case, protein) can have negative consequences.

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