Hippocrates used to say that "The way to keep the body he althy and in shape is simple - a fragrant bath and a fragrant massage every day …" Today, nothing of this message has changed. Fashionable resorts and SPA centers, which use broadly understood water therapy, appear like mushrooms after the rain.
Waterrejuvenates, adds beauty, cleans, heals … everyone knows it, well almost everyone. But has it occurred to you that water can even change the way you are? You will say: impossible. And yet it is true. Remember what you do when you reach the edge of a body of water slightly larger than a puddle. Even if you have already turned 18 and you are a serious, distinguished lady, in the water you unconsciously return to your old habits and most often start to act like a child. This is probably the only place on earth where you can run carelessly and happily, without being embarrassed, splashing fountains of water to the sides, splashing everyone and everything around, that is, just go crazy with joy. This is what it is all about. Keep it up!
Thalassotherapy - therapy that uses the healing properties of the sea and the sea climate
Thalassotherapy (the word thalassa comes from Greek and means sea) uses the healing effect on the body of everything that is hidden in s alty waters. When you manage to go tosea , make the most of your time there. The rhythm and noise of the waves promote relaxation, soothe the heart and nerves, and slow down the pace. The microscopic s alt crystals sprayed on the shore in the water mist act as a balm for the upper respiratory tract, so you have the opportunity to resist catarrh and colds that haunt you. By inhaling the ubiquitousiodineat the seaside, you will also heal the thyroid gland (we should take 100-120 micrograms of iodine every day. In fact, we ingest less than 90 micrograms of iodine and hence such a common thyroid disease). Even when the weather is not conducive to sunbathing, do not give up walking. The Swedes say in such a situation that there is no bad weather to leave the house, but there are inadequately dressed people.
ImportantThe abbreviation SPA comes from Latin and means "Sanus Per Aquam", meaning he alth through water. And by no means should the problem be shallow, thinking that it is a simple, trivial body wash. SPA is a "philosophy" based on the thesis that water, through appropriate treatments, can soothe or stimulate you to be active, relax or stimulate you to act. This idea combines various methods of care and properly selected treatments, the most commonbased on water therapies and massages.
S alty water firming
The skin after a sea bath is very fluffed. Thanks to this, s alt particles penetrate the epidermis more easily and draw water behind them, with which, as you probably know, they like to bind. As a result, the skin immediately becomes moisturized, firm and smooth. It is not only the bath that is valuable! Take long walks along the seashore. When wading, hold pebble and sand with your toes - this is great gymnastics and effective peeling of callous heels. On the way back, walk in the water up to the knees or deeper to the middle of the thighs. This massage stimulates blood circulation, firms the body (important in cellulite) and relaxes the muscles. Do you hesitate before taking a bath because of the low water temperature? Get used to it slowly. Get your feet wet first, then take a small step further, and when you sink to the waist, the rest is really easy. Even if you only last 10 minutes, your skin will absorb some of the mineral s alts in the water.
Rinsing s alt from the skin
After swimming in the sea, it is necessary to rinse the face and body. Otherwise, the water will evaporate and the s alt will remain on the skin and draw water out of its deeper layers. Problems arise when there are no showers on or near the beach - so carry a bottle of water with you and rinse your face with it.
Exercise on the beach
Fresh air, a beach, a light breeze from the sea - these are perfect conditions for gymnastics. If you recharge your internal battery now, you have a chance to come back from vacation full of vigor and will to live. Never train in full sun. This is best done in the morning or before sunset. Do not exercise on a full stomach, wait an hour and a half after eating. Do not jump into the water immediately after exercising. Cool down first.
Spa philosophy
The journey to rejuvenation, he alth, beauty and fitness has been part of human history since ancient times. The Romans, who, by conquering the old continent, spread the idea of using water benefits and pleasures there. Bathing in fresh spring water was for them more than just a daily ritual, it was an essential part of their lives. The Romans soothed tired muscles in hot springs, which were built a little later and transformed into baths, saunas, thermal baths, etc. These places were called "aquae", and the treatments performed in them were called "Sanus per Aquam" - "He alth through Water". These tabernacles enjoyed great popularity among the well-endowed Romans.
In medieval times, the SPA philosophy was cultivated primarily by participants of the Crusades who wanted to recreate rituals in European countriesbathing ones observed in the Islamic world. A little later, in the 14th century, the city of Spa was founded in eastern Belgium at the foot of the Ardennes.
In the ancient times, there was the Roman settlement of Aque Sepadonae on the site of today's city. The town was given such a name because of the healing springs that were there (they function until today, and the town of SPA is one of the most famous spa resorts in Europe). It was at that time that the concept of Spa culture was also created, meaning the broadly understood therapy with the help of water. Already then, both spring and sea water in combination with natural seaweed and algae were used to heal the whole body.