Ola Żelazo - expert at wformie24.pl. Fitness, bodybuilding and pilates instructor, ranked among the top ten best personal trainers in Poland.
Especially for wformie24.pl, Ola Żelazo has prepared a few-minute-long video trainings and instructional photos with exercises. On the website you will also find articles and guide materials for Ola, which will tell you how to exercise to get the best results.

Aleksandra Żelazo - silhouette
Ola is an experienced trainer and passionate about physical activity. She is a graduate of the University of Warsaw. At the Polish Sports Academy, she completed courses as a physical recreation instructor in the field of bodybuilding, fitness and pilates.
He knows that a good trainer has to develop, therefore he actively participates in numerous trainings, fitness marathons and running events.
He is always up to date with new forms of movement and activity. Participated, among others in kettlebell training, safe activity for mothers-to-be, stretching, pilates, roller and magic circle exercises, gymstick muscle training, functional training, yoga workout, TRX, nutrition and others. New trainings are already on the horizon, which will be gradually implemented.
Ola Żelazo - modern women trainer
- I like to test new training methods - emphasizes Ola. - Sport has accompanied me from an early age. Whenever there was an opportunity, I tried my strength in various disciplines.
This feature distinguishes Ola to this day. Since she became an instructor, she follows trends in fitness, with great pleasure testing new workouts and equipment in the gym. She is always up to date and therefore easily adapts the exercises to the needs of modern women. - I try to show various forms of movement so that everyone can find something for themselves. I assume that only what makes us happy and brings the intended results can invade our everyday life, become a hobby and passion. Otherwise, we will always find many excuses to stay in front of the computer or TV - emphasizes Ola.
Why did I become a personal trainer?
She says she is brave, but when she entered the training room for the first time after having children, she felt lost. She was not quite able to find herself in this place. She started with the exercises she knew - cyclingstationary and several aerobic machines. It was enough to remind her of the importance of physical activity for her. She decided to exercise with a personal trainer. She found a great specialist with whom she could deepen her knowledge of fitness and he althy eating. - He helped me, and now I'm helping others.
I encourage you to exercise together, which you will be able to do at home, on a walk in the park, on the plot … - encourages Ola.
Get in shape with Ola Żelazo!