The legs are one of those parts of the body that you need to pay close attention to during pregnancy - after all, they will carry your constantly growing belly. During pregnancy, women often complain of sore, swollen legs, calf cramps or varicose veins. Luckily, there are ways to keep your legs from getting too teased and looking beautiful in the summertime.
There is a long list of things that can perceivelegsbeauty. It has both neglected, pale skin that has not been depilated for a long time, and a visible network of blood vessels,swellingor varicose veins. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your legs beautiful and in good shape in summer.
Smooth pregnant legs
Epilation is a procedure that cannot be dispensed with in summer. It is safest inpregnancyto shave your legs, as this method minimizes the risk of skin irritation caused by chemicals. To soften the hair before shaving, it's best to use a bath gel for sensitive skin. For hygiene reasons, do not use your husband's razor, buy yourself a special, women's razor - most of these shavers have a strip soaked with a soothing balm on the blade. Shave against the grain, it will make the skin smoother. Depilatory cosmetics are also a safe method of hair removal. They contain a chemical that dissolves the hair's keratin. During pregnancy, it is best to buy those for sensitive skin - they are milder, contain substances that soothe irritations, and their smell is less intense. The preparation is applied to clean, dry skin, and after the time specified by the manufacturer (no more than 8 minutes), it is collected with a special spatula. Before you use the cream for the first time, do an allergic test (the manufacturer's instructions are provided in the leaflets). After the treatment, apply a soothing lotion on the skin, which will not only soothe any irritation, but also prevent ingrown hair or inflammation of the hair follicles (red spots appearing on the skin where the hair grows). It can be a lotion you use every day, or a special post-epilation cosmetic that delays hair regrowth.
Cosmetic treatments in pregnancy - contraindications
Well-groomed pregnant feet
Remember also about your feet - to keep them in good condition, it is worth massaging them into them every evening. Apply a portion of the cosmetic on your hand using circular movementsgently massage it into the skin, starting with the fingers. Massage will speed up circulation and reduce swelling. It is worth rubbing a softening cream into the heels, which will prevent cracks in the epidermis and accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin. When it comes to pedicures, when you are pregnant, you can do them the same way as before. At the end of the third trimester, when the belly is so large that you will not be able to cut your nails yourself, you can go to the office for this treatment, but only to a proven one - unfortunately, it still happens that pedicure tools are not properly sterilized. If you have any doubts, ask the pedicurist to sterilize them in a special autoclave (sterilizing liquid is not enough) or take a new set of tools from the packaging. Although it is forbidden, it is also not recommended for future mothers. The pressure of some points on the foot may ( although it does not have to) cause premature contractions, especially if it is done by a person without appropriate qualifications.
Tanned pregnant legs
Bronzing lotions will add color to your skin and make your legs look slimmer. Such cosmetics are simply a regular moisturizing lotion with a bit of self-tanning agent. To get the shade of a tan, you have to apply them for at least a few days, but thanks to this, the skin stains evenly, without stains. Balms are selected for the skin tone: others are for light, and others are for dark ones.
Light legs and feet during pregnancy
Cooling gels are a cosmetic that will be difficult for you to do without at the end of your pregnancy. Its task is to bring relief to sore, swollen calves and feet. This problem most often affects the legs in the last three months of pregnancy, because there is more water in the body that accumulates in the tissues. The swellings are bothersome, swollen feet are difficult to put on shoes, and the feet hurt and sting. Cooling creams with menthol reduce swelling and discomfort. It is worth massaging them into the skin at least twice a day. Another way to reduce the swelling is a cool and warm shower. Alternating showers of warm and cool water on the feet stimulate blood circulation in the veins and facilitate drainage of excess fluid from the tissues. Lying down with your legs up works similarly. Avoid putting your feet on your feet and wearing tight socks, try to avoid s alty foods as s alt retains water in the body. If the swelling persists overnight, see your he althcare provider as this could be a sign of impending pregnancy poisoning.
You must do itCooling leg gel should be carried with you inpurse. It can even be worn over tights when needed.
Prevention of varicose veins in pregnancy
Sitting gymnastics, gentle walks, special stockings - all this prevents varicose veins, which is one of the more serious leg problems during pregnancy. Unfortunately, unlike other problems, they don't always go away after pregnancy. Varicose veins, i.e. dilated veins visible under the skin, occur when blood from the lower extremities has problems flowing to the heart and remains in the veins, pushing them apart. It is difficult to treat them during pregnancy, because many anti-varicose drugs should not be used in women expecting a baby, because their effect on the fetus is unknown. So it is better to prevent them by leading a proper lifestyle. Long walks, moving your legs while sitting for a long time (e.g. in front of the computer) or wearing special anti-varicose tights (available in pharmacies and medical stores) prevent blood stagnation in the legs.
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