According to the recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Goods, pregnant women should drink at least 3 liters of water a day. This is the only way to eliminate unpleasant ailments related to pregnancy, such as morning nausea and vomiting, constipation, dry skin or urinary tract infections. During breastfeeding, the daily water requirement increases by as much as 650-800 ml and amounts to 3.8 liters. Low-mineralized spring water is especially recommended.

Water is the primary source of hydration for the body to maintain good he alth for the mother and the fetus. -The beginning of our life takes place in an aquatic environment. The fetus develops in water. For him, water is just like air for us, without good water there will be no proper development- emphasizes prof. dr hab. med. Romuald Dębski from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, expert of the Polish Gynecological Society. The recommendation of the Polish Gynecological Society is the first official statement issued by recognized experts, which dispels the frequently emerging doubts about the type of water most suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Perfect spring water

According to the opinion of experts, spring water should be low-mineralized (the sum of minerals does not exceed 500 mg / liter), rich in magnesium ions (cardioprotective effect) and calcium (prevention of osteopenia / osteoporosis) and be characterized by a low content of sodium ions ( prophylaxis of hypertension). Such water is, among others, recommended by the Institute of Mother and Child in the nutrition of infants, children and women during pregnancy and lactation, Żywiec Zdrój water

During pregnancy, it is recommended to limit the supply of sodium ions in the diet as a form of prevention and treatment of hypertension, especially that in a standard diet, the recommended amount of sodium, the basic source of which is table s alt, is usually twice as high. Therefore, its consumption should be strictly controlled. Additionally, a high sodium content in the diet increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. Waters with a high content of calcium and magnesium are usually waters with a high concentration of sodium ions, so should be consumed with caution during pregnancy and their amount should be limited. Highly mineralized waters (sumof minerals exceeds 1500mg / liter) contain ingredients that are not indifferent to he alth and therefore should be consumed with caution during pregnancy, and their daily supply should be limited.
