Dropping is what causes the greatest concern among people who choose intermittent intercourse as a method of protection against pregnancy. And it is the dropping that causes the risk of pregnancy to increase significantly.
Droppingandthe risk of pregnancyassociated with it is widely discussed on internet forums. What is dropping? This is the common name for the excretion of the secretions of the bulbourethral glands and the urethral glands, i.e. the pre-ejaculate, to the outside of the penis.
Dropping and pregnancy risk
Dropping significantly increases the risk of pregnancy. Recent studies show that the pre-ejaculate may contain live sperm, ready under the right circumstances to fertilize the egg. And the remaining ingredients in the pre-ejaculate support the survival of the sperm and lead to fertilization. Their task is to deacidify the urethra and prepare it so that sperm can defeat it in a he althy way.
Optional drip
Dropping occurs when you are highly excited, when you do not ejaculate for a long time. Of course, not every man experiences droplets: some people are very heavy with it, others do not have this problem at all.