Every person experiences headaches with different frequencies. Usually it is harmless and lasts for a short time. It can be located in different ...…
Read MoreNeurology 2025, March
Post-stroke dementia is a condition that is treated in several ways. Pharmacological treatment is the most common treatment, but ...…
Read MoreLazarus syndrome and Lazarus reflex are phenomena that can be associated with horror movies, but in practice their occurrence - although rare - is in our real ...…
Read MoreAlexia is a disorder that manifests itself in a lack of reading and sometimes writing skills. Usually some brain damage comes to this and we say ...…
Read MoreParkinson's disease is a disorder of the central nervous system caused by the irreversible degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra of the brain ....…
Read MoreTuberculomas, both intracranial tuberculomas and tuberculomas of the nerve canal, are one of the forms of manifestation of central nervous tuberculosis. Who is nar ...…
Read MoreDr. Łukasz Kmieciak says that whoever loves his profession never goes to work. He specializes in the treatment of pain. In practice, he combines the knowledge that he brings ...…
Read MoreMigraine is a chronic disease that manifests itself primarily by recurring, severe headaches. Although the causes of migraines have not been clearly confirmed ...…
Read MoreAthetosis manifests itself as uncontrolled movements occurring mainly in the area of the hand and other parts of the upper limb. Athetosis is classified as a disorder ...…
Read MoreAlmost everyone has heard about the insidious disease that is Alzheimer's! It affects more and more people - not only seniors, but also young people. A lot of news ...…
Read MoreSpinal abscess is a rare disease - its incidence is so low that more accurate incidence statistics are not even available ...…
Read MoreBrown-Séquard syndrome (transverse half-spinal injury syndrome) is one type of spinal cord injury. Both single units can lead to it ...…
Read MoreKleine-Levin syndrome is a set of symptoms, which consists of bouts of gluttony (hyperphagia) and sexual arousal with alternating occurrences ...…
Read MoreRegeneration of the spinal cord has become a fact. Polish neurosurgeons transplanted olfactory glial cells into a patient with a torn spinal cord. This treatment ...…
Read MoreEspecially women suffer from this troublesome ailment. The first reaction to a headache is usually to take the painkiller pill. What if you tried to ...…
Read MoreFregoli's syndrome is a mental disorder characterized by the presence of an absurd delusion. The patient claims that all people are really one person ...…
Read MoreBallism is uncontrolled, jerky movements of the limbs, also occurring at rest. The problem is of a neurological background and affects people of all ages, although the most common ...…
Read MoreCervical migraine is evidence that the pain that the patient locates within the head may have its source in a completely different part of the body. Cervical headache ...…
Read MoreMigraine is a troublesome disease that takes away the joy of life and exposes the patient to great suffering. But by following certain rules, you can limit the number of seizures ...…
Read MoreThe facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve. It innervates the facial muscles and is responsible for the reception of taste sensations from the front 2/3 of the tongue. Leads the fiber ...…
Read MoreAnisocoria is the pupil inequality and can occur at any age. Anisocoria may be physiological, but pupil asymmetry may also result from various diseases, such as ...…
Read MoreProsopagnosia is a disease whose essence is a problem with face recognition. The sick person cannot spot relatives in a group of strangers, and when friends greet s ...…
Read MoreSmell is one of the most underrated senses. The perception of smells affects what and how much we eat. The sense of smell warns of dangers. Fragrances wp ...…
Read MoreA headache can be unbearable, it can easily disable a person from normal functioning. Everyone who experiences it tries to fight it. Important is ...…
Read MoreStem cells from umbilical cord blood have been the standard therapy in the treatment of over 80 serious diseases for several decades. Recent studies have shown that ...…
Read MoreAlexander's disease (Alexander leukodystrophy) is a rare, autosomal recessive demyelinating disorder. It can proceed quickly, in a few ...…
Read MoreKuru is a neurodegenerative disease belonging to spongif.webporm encephalopathies. It is caused by infectious prions. It was spreading among the tribes of Papua New Guinea, today on ...…
Read MoreCharles Bonnet syndrome is a typical entity in the elderly and is manifested by patients experiencing visual hallucinations. Unite ...…
Read MoreCyclic vomiting syndrome can appear in a person of any age, but most often this problem is observed in children in the age range from ...…
Read MoreMigraine aura is associated primarily with various visual disturbances, however, in its course, there may also appear other ailments, e.g. zabur ...…
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