Depression is currently the fourth most serious he alth problem in the world, according to WHO data. Each of us is prone to depression, so it is not worth underestimating its symptoms. What are the symptoms and types of depression? How is her treated? Where to go for help Take the test and see if you are depressed.
What is depression?
Depression is a wildcard term . Colloquially, it is used in relation to malaise, low mood, depression, regardless of the causes of this condition. In psychiatry, the term depression is used to describe a specific type of mood and emotional disorder.
Symptoms of depressionmay differ from patient to patient and therefore it is difficult to recognize.If you feel bad, you can talk about sadness, if worse - depression, and if it is very bad - probably depression . The line between "normal" despondency and depression as a medical condition is not sharp, but there are some symptoms that distinguish the two from each other.
Depression is not only sadness and depression, but also a loss of interest and joy in life . Man functions in a slow rhythm, has concentration disorders and lowered self-esteem. He looks at the world in a gloomy and pessimistic way, he sees the future only in dark colors. He suffers from sleep disorders, which are shallow and not relaxing.
Symptoms of depression
WHO publishes diagnostic criteria for all diseases, including depressive disorders. These criteria are of an auxiliary nature. A definitive diagnosis can only be made in direct contact with a doctor.WHO distinguishes three main symptoms of depression(the first three from the list below) and seven additional ones .¹
Symptoms of depression:
- depressed mood, i.e. depression as a symptom
- no joy (anhedonia)
- lack of energy (anergy)
- negative self-assessment
- guilt
- suicidal thoughts and behavior
- intellectual disability
- activity disorder
- sleep disturbance
- appetite and body weight disorders
The appearance of the patient is also important:
- facial expression: poor
- facial expression: sad or tense
- voice: monotonous (without modulation), speech rate:slowed down
- movements: sluggish, sluggish, restlessness (frequent change of body position while sitting, manipulating fingers)
Depression is often accompanied by persistent bodily ailments, such as:
- gastrointestinal pains
- headaches
- pain in the lower abdomen
- back pain
In many patients these symptoms come to the fore.
Depression becomes probable as long as at least four symptoms from this list, including at least two of the primary ones, appear simultaneously and persist for at least two weeks.
- POSTBIRTH DEPRESSION - causes and symptoms
- Bipolar Affective Disorder (Bipolar Disorder) - Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment
- Check if you are depressed
Causes and risk factors of depression
Depression can be biologically conditioned:
- endogenous depression
- organic depression
- unipolar depression
and / or psychologically:
- exogenous depression
- reactive depression
Endogenous depressionresults from biological disorders such as the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and noradrenaline. Genetic factors are extremely important in depression. It is true that they are not responsible for its development, but they predispose to falling into it more easily. People whose family members have received treatment are also likely to be at risk of developing the disease.
In Poland, 8 million people suffer from mental disorders. About 1.5 million of them are people diagnosed with depression. It is estimated that even every tenth Pole may be affected by this disease.
Exogenous depressionis associated with the occurrence of a stressful life event, e.g.
- death of spouse
- divorce
- disease
Depressive disorders very often occur simultaneously with somatic diseasessuch as, incl. high blood pressure, diabetes and virtually all neurological diseases.
Depression can be both a cause and a consequence of these diseases (e.g. people with a depressed mood become prone to infections because their immune system is compromised and chronic infections lead to a depressed mood).
Exogenous depression can also be the result of medication (iatrogenic depression) or exposure to psychoactive substances.
The causes of depression are often mixed.Depression is a mixed typepostpartumin which both mental factors and hormonal disorders play a role.
Depression can also occur in bipolar and unipolar disorder.
How to recognize depression in a loved one?
Depression affects approximately 10 percent of the population . The psychotherapist Marcin Poćwiardowski explained how to recognize the first symptoms of the disease in a loved one. The specialist explained that observation plays an important role in helping us spot the problem quickly. The symptoms that should worry us are usually related to sleep problems, mood swings or loss of enthusiasm.
Types of depression
The above symptoms are symptoms of typical depression.There are also other types of depressionwith different symptoms.
In delusional depressionthe symptoms associated with lowered self-esteem and negative thoughts about the future intensify - they reach the level of delusions. Patients then relate indifferent signals from the environment to themselves, they torment themselves. Catastrophic thinking and distrust towards loved ones may appear
In agitated (anxiety) depressionthe dominant symptom is a strong feeling of anxiety, including nervous excitement.
In turn, a person suffering from depression with inhibition(otherwise depressive stupor) does not take up any activity, does not eat, does not make contact with the environment, remains motionless in one position, is frozen , suffering expression.
Bipolar depression, also known as manic depression , is a mental illness in which periods of depression are intertwined with episodes of mania. The patient goes from the state of extreme indifference and thoughts of death to extreme optimism and affirmation of life.
According to data from the World He alth Organization, 350 million people suffer from depression.About 800,000 people die from it every year.In 2022, depression will be the second most serious he alth problem in the world, after cardiovascular disease.
Post-schizophrenic depression appears as a reaction to a previous schizophrenic episode.Depressive symptoms dominate in the clinical picture, and schizophrenic symptoms still occur, but are milder in nature
Dysthymia(formerly neurotic depression, depressive neurosis, depressive personality disorder, or chronic anxiety depression) is now defined as a chronic depressed mood lasting at least two years. People with dysthymia are sad, tired for most of the day, and have a feeling of being unable to cope. Symptoms do not meet the episode criteriadepressive, but they cause suffering for the sick
There is alsoatypical depression (atypical, masked).It is a depressive state in which a specific "reversal" of typical depression features plays a key role. The most common difference is increased appetite, i.e. overeating, and excessive sleepiness.
When depression almost always occurs at a certain time of the year, it is referred to as seasonal depression - fall, winter.It usually occurs when the day becomes shorter and the sun is getting smaller . The less light reaches the brain, the more melatonin is produced by the pineal gland - a hormone that stimulates sleepiness, slows down our vital functions, significantly lowers our mood, and evokes anxiety and irritation.
Postpartum depression is also a common type of depression. Its symptoms include: sleep and appetite disorders, lack of joy in contact with the baby and a sense of incompetence, which do not disappear within a dozen or so days after childbirth. In addition,symptoms of depressionmay appear even several months after giving birth.
Depending on who suffers from depressive disorders, there is senile depression, depression of adults or depression of children and adolescents. Anyone can develop depression, regardless of age, education and material status.
Treating depression
Depression is a severe and chronic disease , with a tendency to relapse. She will not yield by herself. It requires individually selected, long-term (at least 6 months) and systematic pharmacological therapy. Improvement can only be noticed after 6 (and in the elderly even 12) weeks.
In the most severe forms of depression or in the case of drug-resistant depression, other forms of biological treatment (including electroconvulsive therapy) are used. It brings a significant improvement in over 80 percent. sick.
There are a number of treatments for depression (biological, psychotherapeutic, psychosocial or otherwise), but given their availability, in practice almost all people who need help benefit from antidepressant therapy.
Modern antidepressants have almost no side effects. They often occur only at the beginning of therapy. They are not addictive. They don't change personality. They are also not stimulants or sedatives. Pharmacotherapy is often supplemented with psychotherapy. The effects are individual and depend on the patient and his life situation.
How to help a person suffering from depression
According to the World He alth Organization, depression is currently the fourth most serious he alth problem in the world. It affects about 10 percent of the population.Marcin Poćwiardowski, a psychotherapist, explained how to help a person suffering from depression. - It is difficult for a sick person to ask for help. You have to be adamant in proposing it - said the specialist.
Where to go for helpAntidepressant Telephone Forum Against Depression - 22 594 91 00
The telephone is aimed both at people suffering from depression and their relatives. You can call on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 17.00 to 19.00. A specialist doctor - a psychiatrist is on duty at the phone, and the advice is free. You do not need to provide ANY personal details during the call.
You can also find the Antidepressant Aid Map, i.e. support points in your area, on the website forump