Meat contains a lot of unhe althy fat, but at the same time is a great source of valuable protein and iron. It's worth eating them, but not all of them - it's better to choose chicken, turkey or veal, and give up pork and beef. In excess, red meat can lead to heart attacks, cancer, RA and diabetes.
The dispute between cutlet supporters and vegetarians has been going on continuously for years. The former cannot imagine a dinner without a piece of meat, vegetarians believe that it is harmful, so it must be avoided. What about science? According to most nutritionists, we need meat, but in small amounts and not all of it.
In addition to valuable nutrients, it unfortunately provides plenty of saturated fatty acids, which are unhe althy. Red meat is blacklisted. It's best to avoid pork knuckle, pork chop, especially breaded, bacon and ribs.
White meat is he althier
The division of meat into white and red meat raises many doubts. Why do nutritionists classify turkey thigh as a white meat, even though it is dark in color? Nutritionists divide meat into white and red based on the content and type of fat.
The white meat is:
- skinless chicken and turkey
- veal
- rabbit
- ostrich (despite having dark meat)
Red meats include:
- pork
- beef
- mutton
- horse
- duck
- goose
White meats contain not only less fat, but also more unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to he alth than harmful saturated fatty acids.
Saturated fatty acids, consumed in large amounts, increase the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The consequence of this may be the development of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and infarction. Unsaturated fatty acids have the opposite effect: they protect the body against atherosclerotic changes.
If you eat meat, use up to 200 g a day and no more than 3-4 days a week
ImportantFrom a dietary point of view, chicken or turkey is white meat, whether it's breast, wing or leg, and the middle loin, although bright in color, is a red meat.
For comparison: 100g turkey provides on average only 2 g of saturated fatty acids, while the same amount of duck - 7 g, pork shoulder - 8 g, pork ribs - 10 g. White meats are also less caloric than red meats. For example, 100 g of pork shoulder is 259 kcal, while the same portion of turkey breast only 85 kcal!
Meat has several advantages
Meat, along with other animal products (e.g. milk, cheese), is the best source of wholesome protein. It contains all the essential amino acids, i.e. those that the body cannot produce on its own and which are needed to build tissues. It also has the advantage of being better digestible than vegetable protein.
The most protein is provided by lean meat, without tendons, non-veined, e.g. chicken and beef roast beef (about 22 g / 100 g of the product). On average, we need 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Eating 100 g of lean, boiled beef covers half of an adult's daily requirement for this ingredient.
Meat also provides minerals. It is unrivaled when it comes to iron content. In this respect, beef is also the leader. Animal (heme) iron is better absorbed than vegetable (non-haem) iron, which is found in green vegetables, legumes and dried fruits. The absorption of vegetable iron increases the company of iron of animal origin.
That's why it's worth combining them, e.g. chicken with beetroot, roast with spinach. The meat contains little calcium, but a lot of phosphorus and zinc, as well as copper, magnesium and sulfur. It is a very good source of all B vitamins that are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Some of these vitamins break down when exposed to light, and vitamin B6 is destroyed when it freezes. Therefore, it is best to prepare meals using fresh meat.
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Meat's biggest flaw: fat
Eating large amounts of meat, because it is high in fat and therefore saturated fatty acids, can be harmful.
In many people, their excess causes atherosclerotic changes, which lead to a heart attack or a cerebral hemorrhage. Red meat is especially dangerous.
Statistics confirm that people,who eat a lot of beef and pork are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and cancers (mainly anal and colorectal cancer), especially since they generally eat little vegetables and fruit.
Those who cannot do without meat even one day are more likely to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and macular degeneration.
Nutritionists recommend that you eat white meat 2-3 times a week, and red meat only a few times a month, provided that you are not overweight. Instead of meat 2-3 times a week, it is worth eating fish, preferably sea fish - it has a much better composition of fats (especially anti-atherosclerotic omega-3). Protein is also provided by legumes.
You must do itBoiled or baked
- Meat deteriorates quickly, so buy it in small quantities on a regular basis
- To make sure it is tested and fresh, do shopping at refrigerated counters, not at a market stall.
- The most digestible is boiled or stewed without browning and baked without fat. During frying, the meat is soaked in fat and becomes covered with a hardly digestible coating.
- Steamed meat is easily digestible, juicy and retains nutrients. This way you can prepare delicate types of meat - veal, poultry, rabbit, ostrich
- Baking in foil is recommended. It is more like stewing in your own sauce, because the wrapped products are baked without the addition of water or fat. Benefits? More nutrients and fewer calories. This baking process takes less time than traditional baking, preventing the loss of vitamins
- Add herbs or vegetables to meat
- Choose lean meat for baking in foil, because it will not melt fat during baking
- Nutritionists also recommend grilling meat, but not over an open fire (you need to put aluminum foil or a tray with it). If grease drips directly onto the coals, it produces carcinogenic smoke.
With vegetables, acid-free
Meat, like fats, is a product that acidifies the digestive tract, while plant foods are alkaline. In order for digestion to take place smoothly, there must be a balance between alkaline and acid-forming products.
Eating too much meat changes the pH of the digestive tract and leads to metabolic disorders. One of the symptoms of this condition is a disruption in the absorption of minerals, e.g. calcium. This can be prevented by eating meat dishes with lots of vegetables or fruit.
Lean meat is better
The fewest saturated fatty acids are foundup in veal. It is also a good source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B3. Poultry meat has high nutritional value and low fat content. It is worth diversifying the menu with dishes of less popular in Poland ostrich meat and underappreciated rabbit.
Choose the best quality red meat, e.g. beef tenderloin or pork loin - they are the leanest. On the other hand, giblets, even though they are rich in vitamins A, D and K, should be eaten occasionally, because they contain a lot of cholesterol, e.g. 100 g of pork liver is 300 mg of cholesterol, and 100 g of kidneys - 375 mg.
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