Potatoes are considered worthless and fattening by some. In fact, potatoes are low in calories but high in vitamins (especially vitamin C and beta-carotene), minerals, fiber and protein. You just need to know how to prepare them so as not to lose their nutritional value.
It must be said clearly: it is notpotatoesthat are responsible for our weight gain. They become fattening only through all the additives: sauces, meat and fat. 100 g of potatoes boiled in water contain only 75 kcal. They are the source of many nutrients valuable for he alth. Their flesh contains easily digestible carbohydrates, and the protein equals the quality of soybean, considered the he althiest plant protein in the world. It is true that it is half as much as in the same amount of soy, but you can eat potatoes with a fried egg, curdled milk or a piece of turkey breast.
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Potatoes full of vitamins
Potatoes are a valuable source ofvitamin C . Most of her is in youngpotatoes . One medium-sized potato contains approx. 16 mg of this vitamin, and the daily requirement of the organism is approx. 60 mg. The more time has passed since the excavation works and the longer the potatoes lie in mounds, shops or cellars, the less and less vitamin C they contain. The yellow varieties have quite a lot of beta-carotene (the lighter the flesh the lighter the less). They all contain some vitamins H, K, B1 , B2 , B6and PP. They are rich in mineral elements, mainly potassium and phosphorus, but in trace amounts they also have magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, sodium, fluorine, iodine and sulfur. By eating potatoes often, we supplement almost all the deficiencies of mineral substances in our body.
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Nutritional value of boiled potatoes, without peel and added s alt (in 100 g)Energy value - 86 kcal Total protein - 1.71 g Fat - 0.10 g Carbohydrates - 20.01 g (including simple sugars 0.89) Fiber - 1.8 gVitamins Thiamine - 0.098 mg Riboflavin - 0.019 mg Niacin - 1.312 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.269 mg Folic acid- 9 µg Vitamin A - 2 IU Vitamin E - 0.01 mg Vitamin K - 2.2 µg Vitamin C - 7.4 mg MineralsCalcium - 8 mg Iron - 0.31 mg Magnesium - 20 mg Phosphorus - 40 mg Potassium - 328 mg Sodium - 5 mg Zinc - 0.27 mg Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Boiled potatoes, thanks to their nutritional value, and at the same time easily digestible starch, are recommended to people recovering from he alth or suffering from digestive system diseases, and even to infants who have weaned. Potatoes, like other vegetables, contain a lot of fiber, which is why they promote digestive processes, help with constipation, diarrhea and help remove cholesterol from the body. The systematic drinking of raw potato juice is a natural treatment for stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and arthritis that has been known for centuries. On the other hand, a decoction of boiled potatoes or peelings dissolves stones, both kidney and bile. Author: Time S.A A balanced diet is the key to he alth and better well-being. Use JeszCoLubisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide. Choose from thousands of recipes for he althy and tasty dishes using the benefits of nature. Enjoy an individually selected menu, constant contact with a dietitian and many other functionalities today! The tastiest and he althiest are potatoes in autumn, freshly dug up. That's when it is worth eating a lot of them, baking them in foil or cooking them in uniforms. Thanks to this, they will retain the most vitamins and minerals. If, on the other hand, we peel potatoes to serve as an addition to dishes, do not keep them in water for too long. It's best to wash them right away, pour boiling water over them and cook them. Of course, remember to cover the pot; this will shorten the cooking time and prevent the loss of valuable ingredients. We do a bit differently with potatoes that have been stored for a long time. The closer to spring, the worse quality they are. This is because when stored (in too warm and humid rooms) they start to rot or sprout. Green spots appear on the skin, which indicate a high content of solanine. Although small amounts of this substance, in combination with other ingredients of potatoes, support the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, an excess of solanine can cause food poisoning, especially in children. Its concentration increases during storage, especially when many of the tubers growsprouts, and most of the potato flesh is green in color. It is best then to give up eating this vegetable or peel it coarsely. But let's give up baking such potatoes altogether. Rather, let's boil them in a large amount of water, in which the solanine partially dissolves. We have the largest selection of varieties in early summer. Then, however, we pay the least attention to it. We enjoy the specific taste of young potatoes with the addition of butter and dill. Almost all early varieties such as freesia, bustard, coral and mallow are low in starch and not too flowable, so you can make excellent potato salads with them. Unfortunately, they cannot be kept for too long. The later the variety, the greater the starch content and the more floury the flesh. Of these varieties, irgi and irises are the most popular among both potato producers and consumers. The latter drove from the market much-liked almas, susceptible to viral diseases and plagues. Irises are characterized by a light beige color of the shell and a creamy, powdery, loose flesh. They are perfect for pies, all kinds of potato noodles, potato dumplings and dumplings. The most versatile applications are pinkish irgi and recently competing with them asters. They are less powdery than irises, with a more compact flesh. They are suitable for both salads and noodles. In late autumn, there are no Polish typical salad varieties on the market; in large supermarkets there are imported, mostly from Germany, varieties: nicola, hansa or sieglinde. To make potato dishes tasty, we need to prepare them from the appropriate varieties. For salads, potatoes with little starch are best, and for pancakes - loose. In our stores and bazaars, the most varieties of the so-called universally usable, such as irga, iris, ibis or mile. Sometimes in the fall you can find an early salad variety called a freesia. If we don't know what the potatoes we buy are best for, let's run a simple test. Cut the potato across and rub the two halves together for a moment. If there is water, it means the potato is firm, most suitable for salads, casseroles and frying. However, when both pieces stick together, we can make dumplings, dumplings or purée. All potatoes of a given species should have a similar size, color and shell texture. The smooth skin proves the high quality of the potatoes. The rougher the shell, the varied size and shape of the potatoes, the greater the probability that soil fertilization has been transplanted during their cultivation. As a consequence, it has a detrimental effect on both the taste and composition. Source: x-news.pl/Agencja TVN "Zdrowie" monthlyPotatoes - for digestion, high blood pressure and stones
Potatoes in their jacket and foil - in autumn
Potatoes: varieties
Match the potato variety to the dish
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