Shelled sunflower seeds have numerous nutritional values, among which the vitamin E content is noteworthy - they are one of the richer sources of this vitamin. Sunflower seeds have other unique properties - they are a treasury of phytosterols that lower blood cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease and cancer. Check what other he alth effects of shelled sunflower seeds.
The properties of sunflower seedsshould be appreciated especially by people who have elevated cholesterol levels. Sunflower seeds effectively lower it. For this reason, they foundusedin the fight against atherosclerosis. In addition, they are a treasury of vitamin E, which not only prolongs youth, but is also responsible for fertility - they are especially recommended for men because they improve the quality of sperm. However, these are not all properties of sunflower seeds.
Sunflower seeds will lower cholesterol
Sunflower seeds belong to the group of products with the highest content of phytosterols (322 mg / 100 g) - substances that lower the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood serum, and thus prevent the development of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. However, it should be remembered that phytosterols have a positive effect on he alth when consumed in an amount no more than 3 g per day. Therefore, you should not overdo eating sunflower seeds.
Nutritional values of sunflower seeds (in 100 g)
Energy value - 584 kcal
Total protein - 20.78 g
Fat - 51.46 g
Carbohydrates - 20.00 g (including simple sugars 2.62 g) Fiber - 8.6 g
- Vitamin C - 1.4 mg
- Thiamine - 1.480 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.355 mg
- Niacin - 8,335 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 1,345 mg
- Folic acid - 227 µg
- Vitamin A - 50 IU
- Vitamin E - 35.17 mg
- Calcium - 78 mg
- Iron - 5.25 mg
- Magnesium - 325 mg
- Phosphorus - 660 mg Potassium - 645 mg
- Sodium - 9 mg Zinc - 5 mg
Fatty acids
- saturated - 4.455 g
- monounsaturated - 18,528 g
- polyunsaturated - 23,137 g
Data source:USDANational Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Sunflower seeds can prevent cancer growth
Phytosterols contained in sunflower seeds can not only prevent atherosclerosis, but also protect against prostate cancer. There is another, potentially anti-cancer substance in sunflower seeds - linoleic acid. It can inhibit the formation of cancer and reduce the risk of tumor metastasis. Linoleic acid is most effective in preventing breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma and colorectal cancer.
Sunflower seeds for potency
Sunflower seeds are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, commonly known as the fertility vitamin, because it is essential for the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. Its shortage, among others reduces the secretion of the gonadotropic hormone, which contributes to the degeneration of sperm in men. Vitamin E is also needed in pregnancy because it is responsible for its maintenance and proper development of the fetus.
Read also: Medicinal seeds: oats, soybeans, beans, peas, corn, seeds, nuts
Already three handfuls of sunflower seeds are enough to cover the daily need for vitamin E in an adult.
Vitamin E contained in sunflower seeds is also a vitamin of youth. As a strong antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals responsible for the formation of wrinkles, and thus - delays the aging process of the skin.
Sunflower seeds for constipation
Sunflower seeds contain a lot of fiber (8.6 g), thanks to which they regulate the work of the digestive system. They should be reached especially by people who struggle with constipation.
Sunflower seeds in the diet. Is sunflower seed good for weight loss?
Sunflower seeds are quite caloric - 100 g provides as much as 584 kcal. One handful (about 10 g) equals 60 kcal on average. In addition, more than half of their weight is fat (51.46 g / 100 g), so they are not a desirable component of a slimming diet, although adding them in a small amount to yogurt or muesli will certainly not hurt your figure.
Sunflower seeds - use in the kitchen
The taste of sunflower seeds is mildly nutty. They can be eaten shelled or added to salads (they taste very good especially with chicken or tuna salad), granola and breakfast cereals. They cannot be forgotten while baking homemade bread. Sunflower seeds can also be roasted in a dry frying pan. It is enough to heat up the pan, put the grains on it and roast it for a few minutes over low heat, stirring frequently.
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According to an expertIza Czajka, nutrition physiologistType 2 diabetes and eating sunflower seeds
Question: My mother has type 2 diabetes, she likes sunflower seeds very much, but we don't know how much of it she can eat and whether the sunflower seeds raise the sugar level.
Iza Czajka, nutrition physiologist: Sunflower seeds do not raise blood sugar levels, their glycemic index is 35. However, it is worth remembering that they are caloric and should be included in the "pool" of fat eaten daily. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds equals more than 40 g of fat. The optimal daily dose of sunflower seeds to eat is 30 g. It is also worth waiting for this year's fresh seeds. They are richer in nutrients than dried grains.
Recipe for sunflower pate
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
Sunflower seeds - how to buy and store?
Sunflower seeds can be bought shelled or unshelled, raw, roasted and uns alted.
You shouldn't choose grains that have a yellowed shell.
To peel the grains from the shells, you can put them in a bowl and alternately turn the electric mixer on and off to make the shells fall off the seeds.
Sunflower seeds contain a high concentration of fat, therefore it is best to store them in the refrigerator (in the bottom drawer). Otherwise they may go rancid.
Read also: Flaxseed - nutritional properties. How to drink and use linseed
Homemade granola with sunflower seeds
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
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