Pressure is a barometer of our emotions. It grows when we argue. It drops when we rest. It's bad when it's too low, worse when it's too high. Pressure surges are the most dangerous.

You just got up after another sleepless night. With a dull headache you shave. You have difficulty buttoning up a jacket you bought just a month ago. For breakfast, you eat two slices of bread, a slice of ham and fat, and a hard-boiled egg. You don't like it without s alt, so you s alt each slice. You get in your car and you swear violently: some rogue has broken your rear wiper. Before you get to work, you will be annoyed by the traffic jams and that ram that cut your way. You walk into the office furious, and yet you have a conference ahead of you. You feel your heart pounding in your chest and you sweat even though the air conditioning is working. Your helpful secretary offers to make an appointment with a doctor at a nearby clinic. After persuasion you let yourself be convinced. They measure youpressure . You have 155/100 mmHg. If you've caught your body withhigh pressureonce, turn into a detective and track it for a while. Make sure it wasn't a one-time jump, the so-called "white coat syndrome". In many men, a visit to a doctor alone increases blood pressure, let alone an attractive nurse measures it.

Dangerous pressure surges

About the fact that our blood pressure has increased dangerously, we usually learn during tests carried out for completely different diseases. Therefore, it is worth measuring them regularly, even for children. The heart contracts roughly 60-80 times a minute. When blood is pushed out of the heart muscle into the main artery, blood pressure is higher (systolic or upper). When the heart relaxes and fills with blood, blood pressure (diastolic or lower) is lower. So it is nothing but the force with which the blood presses against the walls of the arteries. Its level is given in millimeters of mercury, or mmHg. Even in a he althy person, the pressure can change, e.g. under the influence of stress, and also during the day: it is lowest around three in the morning, and highest around noon. Generally, however, it should be 120/80 mmHg. Until it goes above 139/89 mmHg, don't worry. However, if any of the numbers (even one) is constantly higher, the doctor will say that we havehypertension :

  • mild when the systolic value is 140-159 mmHg, adiastolic does not exceed 105 mmHg;
  • moderate, if systolic reaches 160-179 mmHg and diastolic - 106-115 mmHg;
  • severe, when systolic is 180 mmHg or more and diastolic is over 115 mmHg.

Almost 95 percent of hypertensive people suffer from the so-called primary hypertension, called essential hypertension. If there have been cases of high blood pressure in the family, there is a greater risk that we will become ill. We also work for them by living under stress, avoiding exercise, poor diet, smoking and alcohol abuse. Sometimes it is the result of several years of using hormonal agents, incl. birth control pills, or steroids. About 5 percent of hypertensive people suffer from the so-called secondary (symptomatic) hypertension caused, for example, by diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands. After they are completely healed, the pressure returns to normal.

Hypertension - learn about natural ways to lower your blood pressure

Pressure surges - when pressure is too low

The soldier fainted on watch, a student at the school academy, and the old lady lost contact with reality during the mass in the church - it happens quite often. It is sometimes caused by low blood pressure or hypotension. We are born with low blood pressure. Although it increases with age, it is not enough for everyone. Blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg for a woman and 100/70 mmHg for a man is considered too low. While it is not as serious as high blood pressure, it cannot be taken lightly. A hypotonic, i.e. a person with hypotension, feels weak, tired and sleepy. And in such a state it is difficult to work and live normally. Hypotension may accompany some medical condition, e.g. adrenal insufficiency, epilepsy, diabetes, anemia. It can also be a consequence of extensive burns, long-term dehydration, stress or haemorrhage. This is secondary hypotension. It is easier to get rid of by treating the underlying medical condition. It is worse with primary hypotension. Scientists have established that people suffering from hypotension have inflexible arterial walls. So the blood flows slower and with less pressure through them. As a result, the body's tissues are much less supplied with oxygen, and this is conducive to various ailments. Unfortunately, there is no effective drug yet that would allow the hypotonic pressure to be set at an appropriate level once and for all. We can help ourselves temporarily by taking e.g. cardiamidum drops, cardiol C, glucof or glucardiamide tablets. To improve your well-being, it is worth drinking a glass of cool liquid slowly and lying down, at least for a moment, in a shaded and airy place. Some people also benefit from a cup of natural coffee, but it is easy to get used to and the body demands more and more doses, which is notbeneficial to he alth. That is why cardiologists recommend drinking natural coffee in small amounts, e.g. a glass, in small sips, for 4-5 hours.

According to an expertDr. Iwonna Grzywanowska-Łaniewska, a cardiologist

Apparently the most dangerous to he alth are the so-called pressure surges. Why?

Because sudden, large increases in blood pressure can lead to a hemorrhagic stroke. Whereas the so-called unstable (normal and suddenly high) hypertension must be treated, but it is not a risk. Can you stabilize fluctuating pressure? This is difficult. If the increases are small, only a diuretic, for example, can be used. And it happens that the patient has to take 4-5 types of drugs, and there is no guarantee that the spikes will not appear. However, jumping pressure or hypertension should be treated for sure. What do we need to avoid with pressure surges? With big - hard work, stress, emotions, strong sun, s alty food, irregular medication. You must not change the treatment on your own! When fluctuations in pressure are significant, you must avoid sudden changes in position or effort, when the pressure drops significantly.

You must do it

In low pressure, follow a few rules to avoid fainting, dizziness or nausea.

  • Do not change position suddenly, because the blood is rapidly draining to the legs and it is getting weak. After waking up, lie down for a moment, stretch, sit down slowly, take your legs off the bed and then get up.
  • Before you get up in the morning, while still in bed, you can do a dry massage, with a towel or a terry glove: first the hands and feet from the toes towards the heart, then the rest of the body.
  • You can make a hydromassage with an alternating cool and warm shower (you must finish it with a cold stream of water).
  • Try rubbing the skin with lightly s alted water.
  • Exercise regularly. Activities that make the blood vessels of the legs more flexible are recommended, e.g. swimming, aerobics, jogging, cycling.
  • Avoid standing for too long, sunbathing, staying in smoky rooms.
  • Get some sleep, rest.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Eat more often, but in small portions. Hunger can lead to a drop in blood pressure as it lowers blood sugar levels. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and smoked fish, but cut back on animal fats. You can also add some s alt in your food, as s alt plays an important role in maintaining the right level of blood pressure. Drink approx. 2 liters of fluid a day. More, e.g. in summer, when you sweat, because then the blood pressure drops.

Low pressure symptoms

If you have low blood pressure (hypotension) you may often get dizzy, scotomas beforeeyesight, abnormal heart rhythm, fast heart rate, pale face, cold hands and feet. You have bouts of nausea and fainting (especially when you stand for a long time). You are bothered by: insomnia, night sweats, constant fatigue, weakness. You also react to changes in the weather and have trouble concentrating.

You must do it

Herbs will help

Mix 30 g of lavender flower, lovage root, thyme herb, marjoram, motherwort and mint leaves each. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water. Bring to a boil, but do not boil it. Steep covered for 5 minutes. Filter and drink 3-4 times a day. The last portion no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The infusion raises the pressure a little.

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