An accidentally detected adrenal tumor during an imaging examination (ultrasongoraphy, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) is called an incidentalomy. It is detected in people over 60, more often in women.

Incidentaloma is the most commonbenign tumor , originating from the adrenal cortex. Usually these are the so-called adenomas that can be both hormonally active and inactive. As the name suggests, there are no symptoms directly related to the detected tumor - in short, this type of tumor does not give any symptoms.

Diagnosing a random adrenal tumor

Diagnostics is based on the nature of the tumor and its functional state. For this purpose, hormones and their metabolites in blood and urine should be determined - i.e. cortisol,cancer markersadrenal glands, potassium and glucose levels in the blood. The diagnosis includes tests with dexamethasone and a fine needle biopsy. The size of the tumor is of great importance (surgical treatment depends on it), and it is assumed that tumors with a diameter exceeding 6 cm have a greater chance of becoming malignant.

Adrenal tumor is surgically removed

Treatment consists of surgical removal of the tumor. The indications for the procedure are hormonal overactivity of the adrenal glands, suspected malignancy, detection of a tumor of the adrenal medulla, tumor diameter exceeding 5 cm or its rapid enlargement, and symptoms of bleeding into the tumor. The surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The adrenal glands and adjacent lymph nodes are removed.

The sooner the tumor is removed, the greater the chances of recovery.

Early adrenal tumor removal has a positive effect on the prognosis. In the case of the presence of a malignant tumor, in addition to the procedure, the patient should receive adjuvant treatment. Tumors less than 4 cm in size and that do not grow larger in follow-up usually remain under observation (six-monthly check-up).
