And what would you think of me if I took a spoon now, scooped soup from my plate, and then put it in my mouth? And she scooped the remnants of this soup out of your mouth so that you would "eat everything nicely". Come on! That I'm screwed up pretty well, right? You see - and we adults do "such things" to our own children!
" Daria Ładocha implements projects aimed at educating parents and children about the dangers of the growing problem of obesity in Poland and showing them ways to eat he althy and debunking dietary myths. Are you interested in talking to Daria about this ? " - I read in the e-mail that I found in the editorial mailbox.
The thought of meeting Daria Ładocha makes me curious and anxious. I watched her culinary shows and vicissitudes in the winning program "Star Agent", I followed her blogs, listened to a few of her statements and I wonder why this slim woman with flowing hair and colorful tattoos wants to take care of the obesity disease? But I am also simply afraid that this enthusiast of a he althy lifestyle is a certified he alth coach and culinary trainer, whose eyes and movements say:Beware! I have a thousand ideas per minute and I will not hesitate to implement them!- he will not flood me with lava of his energy. Meanwhile …
I meet Daria right after she leaves the TV set. She greets me with a strong handshake and a smile - a calm and subdued woman. And then she reads with interest the information on my business card and reverses our roles for a while. She asks - I tell, among others about why I founded the Obesity People FoundationOD-WAGA(because I suffer from obesity myself) and what the foundation does (to cure obesity, not lose weight). I have one question:what Daria Ładocha has to do with obesity, if she intends to carry out projects related to this disease …?Daria answers, and the longer he responds, the more he waves his hands, raises his voice and the more he reveals hot emotions that we know so well from the screen and the Internet. So, what did Daria Ładocha tell …?
About "sweet childhood" in PRL
I am a child of the 1980s. At that time, my father, like many fathers, often traveled abroad to earn money there forsupport the family. And abroad, he also had access to super cool sweets, which were not available in Polish stores. So I had a wall unit in my family home with a bar filled to the brim with sweets! And I used this "sesame" without limits at any time of the day or night. When I asked my parents which chocolate was better: milk or walnut, they replied:And eat both !
Seriously! Nobody ever forbade me to eat sweets. And can you imagine what would happen if today, now our children devour them without limits …?
About "Darusi, who ate beautifully"
In my childhood I was a "family star" because … "I ate beautifully". -We don't have any problems with Daria, she eats very nicely, please …- my parents praised me at every opportunity. And I did eat "beautifully". When I made 200-300 dumplings with my grandmother, who made me love cooking, first I ate "beautiful" 10 of the fresh ones, right after cooking, then another 10 for dinner with my grandfather, and another 10 when my mother came home from work. I also ate "beautiful" pancakes - 4 pieces at once (because 2 with cheese and 2 with jam) and stuffed cabbage - 8 pieces at a time.
I ate not because of hunger, but because of my appetite. And everyone was satisfied: the family - because I "ate beautifully" and I, because I knew that for every "eaten beautifully" meal I would be rewarded with their satisfaction. Really! And no one told me that she shouldn't eat that much because it's unhe althy. They wanted to favor my heaven, not knowing that the effects of such eating would be felt in adulthood. And today? Well, who in their right mind is feeding their baby like this today …?
About what Daria has no problem with
With taking on challenges! This praise for "beautiful food" meant that I am not afraid of new projects, fights, I have no fears that something will not work out for me. And I have no problem eating at events. I always check what the chefs have prepared for their guests this time - after all, I love food! But to make it not so wonderful, this "beautiful food" led me to … abdominal obesity.
About the belly sticking out in front of the bust
How I was ashamed of my belly … I remember: I am standing in the school corridor and I can see my stomach sticking out more than my breasts, which have just started to grow, and all the boys are laughing at me. I have no problem talking about it. Everyone has some shadows from the past.
When I started college, my stomach was so disturbing that I started to lose weight. And it is very intensive, on the vegetables themselves. So I went to the other extreme, because with the height of 172 cm I brought myself to a weight of only 46 kg. My body was like a sack of bonescovered with leather. But to this day, fat is deposited only on my stomach and I don't know why. So, I have my own experience with being overweight!
On food as a tool of manipulation
And what would you think of me if I took a spoon now, scooped soup from my plate, and then put it in your mouth? And she scooped the remnants of this soup out of your mouth so that you would "eat everything nicely". Come on! That I'm screwed up pretty well, right? You see - and we adults do "such things" to our own children!
I made many nutritional mistakes myself with my first daughter. So I want to reassure all moms that each of us has a right to make mistakes. Each of them is fixable. The first is that we don't give our children a choice: to eat - not to eat, and we force them to eat. First, by feeding them instead of putting a bucket in their hands - let them learn and decide. And then using food to manipulate their emotions: if you don't eat, you won't go to the game, or if you eat, you'll get the tablet for longer.
And secondly: we feed them whatever they fall for and what they fall for, leading them not only to overweight and obesity, but also to many other diseases and eating disorders. Children are people and learning to eat - even in later years - is hard work.
What Daria wants to shout about
You know what I want to “wake up” parents and announce with great joy: take advantage of the fact that your children want to be like you and give them only good role models, also how to eat he althy! Children imitate their parents, so it's up to you how the house will be arranged in terms of food. This is great news. And how to eat he althy? Well, yes …
About "fussy parents"
One of my mothers once asked me:How can I teach my child to eat vegetables ? -What vegetables?- I'm asking. -And for example broccoli . -And how do you make these broccoli for the baby ? -Well… I cook in water . -And how do you eat the broccoli yourself? Also cooked ? -But I don't eat broccoli because I don't like…So, guys - rule one: let's eat what our children do! If the parents eat something else and the child eat something else, it is not surprising that the child rebels.
About basket hunting
I can't … I'm not able to do shopping calmly, because I keep looking at people's baskets. And it really hits me to see them filled to the brim with processed foods. For heaven's sake! After all, we all know how it is harmful, so why do we buy it? In my basket there are 5 products crosswise, because I am buying food fresh, in small amounts, as many as we need for1-2 days, and my refrigerator has mostly… light. I don't stockpile, I don't make food wholesalers from home. What I buy, we eat on a regular basis and we have them on top - vegetables in containers, fruit in baskets, a warm meal in pots in the kitchen. And that's the second rule!
About the unknown art of cooking
A lady came to my culinary workshop, picked up a chives and asked what is it? And I, as always, know what to say and I don't shut my mouth, that's how I was "stunned" then. I think to myself: I'm in a hidden camera, they screw me … and I nervously look around giving you the only right answer:This is chives . -What is chives ? - inquires my interlocutor … You would not think in such a situation that some of you are "screwing" …?
Another workshop participant confessed that she had to learn to cook, because her mother had recently passed away, who used to make dinners for her children, and now these children go hungry in the evening because grandma has run out of …
People! Hello! We are in the 21st century! We have completed several faculties in our studies, we speak several languages, we use modern devices, we travel around the world, and we are not able to prepare a meal? I ask - what else will they lead us to: ordering take-out food and designing apartments without a kitchen? The rule, therefore, is: a conscious person who cares about his he alth cooks himself!
So: Poles! To the pots! And adults and children!

About what Daria doesn't do
I do not tell anyone how to eat, but I show the advantages and disadvantages of various diets. People say porridge is he althy. Sure, it's he althy, but not for everyone, because a person who is intolerant to oats can lead to various types of ailments, and thus to disease.
Or beetroot juice. Sure, it's he althy, but do you realize that with our generally social sedentary lifestyle, it's probably 70 percent. he can't digest this beetroot juice?
I love to feed people with good food - but I sincerely ask you to eat simple dishes in your own home, and not dream about miracles and wreaths that deter you from cooking.
About what Daria does
I nourish people! Because nutrition is the basis of our existence. I "went" to he alth coaching, because I believe that the essence of a good life is he althy only for us, i.e. individually tailored he althy nutrition and eating habits tailored to the body and lifestyle.
About how to understand obesity
I explain to women:if you eat a donut and burn it, for example in the gym,everything is ok. But if this donut has "deposited" as a fatty tissue despite additional physical activity, it is the first sign that something bad has happened in your body and you should see a doctor to check it .
Women, instead of curing overweight and obesity, change their diet permanently, they start switching to drastic diets. Because they listen to "friendly" comments:watch her eat, watch her fat- and they want to "get rid of fat" at all costs. And this is not the way, Dear Ladies!
About Dari workshops
Hence my workshops, which are already available:To lose weight, you have to eatorHe alth starts on the plate ,Vegan cuisine ,The ABC of he althy eating . I am also preparing a large nationwide project for everyone who wants to start an adventure with he althy eating. I invite whole families - grandparents, parents and children. According to the rules:we cook ourselves, we cook together, we eat he althy and we all eat the same !
I hope to fill a certain gap. Well, yes: the doctor, even if he knows how to treat obesity, does not have much time for the patient, and the dietitian will arrange the diet and that's it. And we are left alone and we do not know which way to go with all these recommendations. So I hope to help you apply them in your kitchens. I will show you how to buy he althy products for little money and how to prepare them respectfully, quickly and without stress. Because from kindergarten to college, no one has ever taught us how to eat. So how do we know it? supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.