Cancer markers (neoplastic markers) are chemicals of various structures that are produced in the body's tissues. There are very few of them in he althy tissues. However, when a tumor does emerge, the production of these substances starts. Read the types of tumor markers and learn how to interpret the results of these studies.
Tumor markers- some of them are present in the body already in the womb and reach quite high concentrations, but later disappear. In adults, under normal conditions, they are absent or in very low concentrations. They get into the blood and circulate with it throughout the body. They can take the form of antigens, proteins, enzymes, or hormones. The increase in the concentration of markers may, but does not necessarily, indicate an ongoing neoplastic process.
Cancer markers: types
Cancer markers were discovered over 40 years ago. The first scientific works on their structure and significance proved that each type of tumor has a marker substance characteristic for itself. However, it was later found that one tumor may secrete several markers. What's more - one type of cancer can produce markers characteristic of other cancers.
For example the appearance of a marker in the body marked with the symbol CA 72-4, characteristic of ovarian cancer, may also indicate that the patient suffers from gastric cancer, and CA 125 in ovarian cancer may also confirm the presence of pancreatic cancer.
There is, however, irrefutable evidence that some of the markers are almost 100% indicate a specific tumor. For example, the PSA marker allows to detect prostate cancer at a very early stage of development, when other studies cannot even suggest such a suspicion.
In turn, AFP is characteristic of primary liver cancer and allows it to be recognized without a shadow of a doubt. Since tumor markers are not homogeneous substances, the patient is usually ordered to perform the so-called a marker panel (set of markings) that allows you to determine the type of ongoing neoplastic process.
Cancer |
Markers |
Ovary |
CA 125, CA 72-4, TPA, AFP, HCG |
Breasts |
CA 15-3, CEA, TPA, TK, p53, uPA |
Pancreas and bile ducts |
CA 19-9, CEA, TPA, CA 125 |
Colon and rectum |
TPA, CEA, CA 19-9, p53 |
Stomach |
CEA, CA 72-4, CA 19-9 |
Livers |
Kernel |
Prostaty |
Urinary bladder |
Lungs |
TPA, NSE, CEA, TK, p53 |
Brain, melanoma |
S 100 |
Lymphoma, leukemia |
TK, beta-2 microglobulin |
Tumor markers: research results
Tumor markers are determined from a collected blood sample. This simple test can be performed in almost any laboratory. However, it is not only the presence of the marker in the blood that is important, but above all its amount in excess of the permissible norm.
If the norm is significantly exceeded, it does not always mean the development of neoplastic disease. Elevated levels of some markers may also be associated with, for example, very serious inflammation of the liver, pancreas or kidneys.
Marking markers is rarely performed for prophylactic purposes, because only a few of them (e.g. in prostate cancer) are associated with a very early stage of the disease. Most of the markers in a detectable amount appear at the time when the tumor has already established itself in the body for good. But then it can also be detected on the basis of ultrasound, mammography, cytology, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.
Markers play a very important role in cancer therapy. After tumor removal, the patient performs marker level tests prior to each control visit to the oncologist. If it is elevated, it is known that the cancer process is still ongoing and metastases may occur. However, if it remains normal or declines, the development of the disease has been stopped and the entire tumor was removed during the operation. A clear reduction in the number of markers is visible 4-8 weeks after the procedure. Marking the level of markers also helps to control the effectiveness of the therapy used, for example in melanoma or ovarian cancer.
ImportantIncreasingly, doctors outsource the determination of markers to people who are hereditary with neoplastic diseases. It includes such researchwhole families. This allows you to start treatment early enough. It also allows you to detect and prevent the risk of, for example, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer. There are already several centers in Poland that specialize in such research. The clinics in Szczecin, Poznań and Gliwice have the greatest achievements.
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