Black tea is the most popular drink drunk by Poles. A drink, if you can call it that - basically black tea is an infusion of tea leaves. Does black tea affect our he alth? Is it worth drinking for the nutritional properties it has?
Black teais chosen by us almost automatically, we do not wonder if it has any he alth properties. And if anything, we associate it with a drink that promotes the formation of calculus on the teeth. This is a big mistake - black tea is very he althy and it is worth reaching for it.
Green or red tea seems he althy, and black tea? Black, although underestimated, also has its he alth properties and it is definitely worth knowing what to drink. How to choose and how to brew good black tea? We will try to answer these questions.

Black tea is completely fermented, dried in a hot stream of air.
Black tea - properties
Black tea has numerous he alth benefits. It owes them to the high content of antioxidants (and polyphenols and flavonoids) in tea leaves, but in sequence:
- destroys free radicals,
- slows down the aging processes in the body,
- can prevent the multiplication of cancer cells,
- strengthens blood vessels,
- lowers cholesterol,
- can protect against atherosclerosis,
- has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties,
- stimulates.
Black tea is recommended by doctors to alleviate the symptoms of food poisoning by no accident. It acts as a disinfectant, brings relief and soothes stomach pain by regulating digestive juices. And all this thanks toteinie .
And it is thanks to theine that black tea stimulates just like coffee. The theine content in black tea has a positive effect on concentration, improves memory and reduces fatigue.
Remember that tea, regardless of type, has a diuretic effect.
Black tea - which one to choose?
If we want to drink really good and real tea, we should buy it dry. Of course, tea in bags is also good, but here you should read the labels and check the appearance - is there dry stuff in the bags, or maybe powdered tea leaves?
The most popular varieties of black tea are:
- Ceylon (delicate flavor, stimulating),
- Darjeeling (the best Indian tea),
- Assam (it is very strong, both in taste and in stimulation - it is an alternative to coffee),
- Yunnan (slightly spicy flavor),
- Earl Gery (flavored with Bergamot),
- English Beakfast (it's just a blend of black teas, very popular in the UK).
Black tea - brewing
Black tea should be brewed for no longer than 3 minutes. If it is brewed for a long time, it will get a bitter taste and lose some of its stimulating properties.
Black tea should be sautéed - without lemon, sugar or ginger. In Poland, tea with honey and lemon or ginger is very popular, which is great for warming up, which is why it is recommended during colds.Find out more:
- Tea with ginger (ginger tea). Properties, method of operation, recipe
- Lemon tea: is it harmful?
- Green tea - healing properties and preparation