Coconut milk is made from coconut flesh. Its main ingredient is short-chain fatty acids, which are credited with many he alth properties. You can prepare coconut milk yourself - see a simple recipe for homemade coconut milk.

Coconut milkis made from the flesh ofcoconutby combining the solid flesh with water in the correct proportions. It has a white color, a thick creamy texture and a characteristic coconut flavor and aroma. Coconut milk is often confused withcoconut water- the liquid that is inside an unripe coconut.

Coconut milk is a very popular addition in the cuisines of Asian countries, especially Thailand and India, as well as in the Caribbean and South America. Recently, it is gaining more and more amateurs in Europe and North America, mainly among supporters of he althy eating. The color and taste of coconut milk is due to its high fat content, which is dominated by saturated fatty acids.

The composition and caloric content of coconut milk depends on the method of its production and the water content, but on average, canned non-fat coconut milk consists of 68 percent water and 24 percent fat.

Coconut milk is a good source of certain minerals. A portion of 100 g covers the daily requirement for manganese in 46 percent, for copper in 13 percent, for phosphorus in 10 percent, and for magnesium, iron and selenium in 9 percent. It also contains small amounts of vitamin C, niacin, folic acid and other B vitamins.

Worth knowing

Coconut milk - nutritional value per 100 g

  • ok. 200 kcal,

  • ok. 24 g fat

    • 21 g of saturated fat (of which over 90% are short-chain fatty acids, mainly lauric acid),

    • 1 g of monounsaturated fatty acids,

    • 0.3 g polyunsaturated fatty acids,

  • 3.3 g carbohydrate,

  • 2.2 gfiber ,

  • 2.3 g protein.

How is coconut milk made?

Coconut milkis obtained by manual or mechanical extraction from the ground coconut flesh with or without the use of water. The composition of coconut milk is very much dependent on the amount of water used for extraction, which affects its consistency and fat content. Coconut milk obtained in one-step extraction without the use of water is called "kakang gata" and contains 52 percent water and 38 percent fat. Coconut milk is an emulsion that does not delaminate thanks to its natural emulsifiers: phospholipids, cephalin andlecithin .

The industrial production of coconut milk involves several stages: purifying coconut, drilling and extracting coconut water, machine peeling of the nuts, grinding coconut flesh, mechanical milk extraction, filtration, pasteurization twice at 70 ° C, packing to cans, bottles or cartons, cooling, storage (canned milk at room temperature, in cartons and bottles mainly under refrigeration conditions).

Coconut milk is made full-fat and partially skimmed. Light milk is made by partially centrifuging whole milk (contains more water) or by further diluting it.

Coconut milk: healing properties

Due to the fact that coconut milk contains mainly saturated fatty acids and is high in calories, its use in a he althy diet may raise doubts. However, numerous scientific studies have shown that not all saturated fatty acids affect he alth in the same way, and their negative effects are likely to be overestimated. Some of the beneficial properties of coconut milk have been confirmed by scientific research, some of them require more research.

Coconut milk: effects on cholesterol and cardiovascular he alth

Most of the research on the effects on the lipid profile concernscoconut oil , not coconut milk itself. However, they can be compared because they contain the same fatty acids. The most common effect of using coconut oil is a decrease in "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and an increase in "good" HDL cholesterol. An experiment conducted on 60 men who used coconut milk in addition to porridge 5 times a week for 8 weeks showed a decrease in LDL in study participants and an average increase in HDL of 18 percent, while using soy milk only showed a 3 percent increase.

Some studies show an increase in both LDL and HDL levels after consuming coconut fat. However, they are accompanied by a decrease in the content of triglycerides in the blood.It has been suggested that the effect of lauric acid (the main component of coconut fat) on cholesterol levels is individual and may be related to the amount and proportion of dietary fat.

Coconut milk: effects on body weight and metabolism

There are studies confirming the beneficial effects of short-chain fatty acids on body weight, body fat content and metabolism. Most of the fats in coconut milk are made up of these fatty acids. The beneficial effect of short-chain fatty acids is due to their metabolism: they are transported directly to the liver, where they are converted into energy.

They also show a lower affinity for building adipose tissue. Coconut short-chain fatty acids reduce appetite and reduce the amount of calories eaten, and can also temporarily increase the body's energy consumption and accelerate fat burning. There is no research on coconut milk, but coconut oil has been shown to benefit weight loss and belly fat in obese subjects. The same effect is suggested for coconut milk, which results from the presence of the same fatty acids.

Coconut milk: healing ulcers

Studies have shown that coconut milk is protective against ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces pain. Coconut milk given to rats with stomach ulcers reduced their size by 54 percent, which is comparable to using anti-ulcer drugs.

Coconut milk: effects on inflammation

The short-chain fatty acids in coconut milk help to calm down the chronic inflammation that accompanies rheumatism and other autoimmune diseases. This effect was confirmed in studies on mice and rats.

Coconut milk: antibacterial and antiviral effect

Lauric acid and other short-chain fatty acids in coconut milk are antiviral and antibacterial, thus helping to reduce the risk of infection. Lauric acid is converted into monolaurate in the body, effective in protecting against the herpes virus, influenza and even HIV.

How to buy a good coconut milk?

When choosing coconut milk, be careful about the ingredients. Ideally, it should only contain coconut extract and water. Any flavorings and sugar are undesirable, as are stabilizers and thickeners, e.g. guar gum, xanthan gum, and carrageenan. The packaging of coconut milk should state that it does not contain Bisphenol A.- a substance that penetrates from food cans or bottles and is considered a carcinogen.

Please note that canned coconut milk usually contains much more coconut extract than carton milk. At the same time, it is fatter and more caloric. A good canned non-fat coconut milk should contain 85 percent coconut extract and 15 percent water with no additives. Milk in a carton usually has a much worse composition than canned milk. They contain 5-10 percent coconut extract, are flavored and contain unnecessary additives. Their price is inadequate to the composition.

Very often, canned milk, containing mainly coconut extract, has a similar price per liter to milk in a carton. People who care about low-fat coconut milk can buy canned light milk or prepare it themselves. Thanks to this, they can save, because the cost of homemade coconut milk is about PLN 5.

Read also:

Check how much milk your baby needs daily

We recommend

Author: Time S.A

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How to make coconut milk?

Coconut milk can be prepared at home from fresh coconut flesh or coconut shavings and water. You also need a good blender and gauze or a very fine strainer. Coconut milk recipes propose different proportions of ingredients - the more chips and less water you use, the thicker and fatter the resulting milk will be.

Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe:

  1. Pour a glass of coconut shrims with 2 cups of boiled or mineral water and leave it overnight.

  2. Heat everything to 60-70 degrees C

  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

  4. Pour the liquid through gauze or a fine strainer, carefully squeezing the chips.

  5. Add another 2 cups of warm water to the shavings, mix again and pour into a vessel through gauze, combining both liquids.

Coconut milk can be stored in the refrigerator, poured into a closed jar or bottle for 3 days. The drink has a tendency to delaminate, so shake the dish thoroughly before use.

Coconut milk: application

Coconut milk perfectsuitable for many dishes. It thickens soups and sauces, enriches their taste and gives a pleasant, creamy texture, perfectly soothes the taste of spicy spices. Coconut milk is known for its Asian curry and the drink "cendol" with green jelly beans and the addition of palm sugar.

They can be used in desserts, cocktails, whipped like cream, used as a base for ice cream, added to coffee and porridge. It is a substitute for cow's milk in baked goods and pancakes, eagerly used by vegans. Coconut milk is a good solution for allergy sufferers and people who are lactose intolerant from cow's milk. People who use full fat coconut milk as a substitute forcow's milkmust remember that a glass of coconut milk contains 350 more calories.

Coconut milk, due to the richness of nutrients, can be used to moisturize the hair and skin. Perfectly moisturizes dry skin and smoothes wrinkles, and thanks to its antibacterial properties, it soothes blemishes and skin changes.


1. Philippine Coconut Authority, Coconut processing technologies, Coconut milk

2. Franziska Spritzler, Coconut Milk He alth Benefits and Uses,

3. Self Nutrition Data, Nuts, coconut milk, raw (liquid expressed from grated meat and water),
