How to react when someone passes out? You never know if it's just a temporary weakness or cardiac arrest, especially in hot weather. You have to act fast and stay cool. How can we prevent fainting when we feel it's about to happen? How to give first aid in case of fainting?
Relatively little is known about how many people experience syncope. American research published in the American Journal of Medicine shows the frequency of occurrence in 1 in 1000 people.
Read: Fainting can be a symptom of an illness
At first it is very difficult to judge the situation and tell if it is mildfaintingand there is about to come a return to consciousness or if it is life threateningunconsciousness- the so-calledcardiac arrest .
First aid in case of fainting
- Place the person who has passed out in a safe position and secure their head by putting something underneath it.
- Check that you can feel a pulse and that you are breathing. If, after 10-15 seconds, there is no breathing, the face turns blue and there is still no palpable pulse, call for help and start resuscitation action - heart massage and artificial respiration.
- If, after the next several dozen seconds, there is still no pulse, no breathing, and no return to consciousness, it all begins to indicate that it is a cardiac arrest that requires continuation of resuscitation, help from other people, use of an automatic defibrillator (if any). available) and call for specialist assistance.
How to behave when you feel you faint?
Sometimes you have a few seconds to prepare. How - it largely depends on the situation you are in.
- If it is possible, go to bed.
- If there is another person nearby, ask them to put something under your feet so that they are higher than your head. Ideally, this person should stay with you for a few moments.
- If you are unable to lie down while standing, cross your legs as high as possible, while slightly bending down. At the same time, try to climb on your toes and tighten the muscles of your legs and buttocks. This specific muscle pump will improve blood return to the heart and blood flow to the brain.
- If it is possible, join the palms together ( hooking the fingers of one hand over the other) and then try to stretch them.
- If you are in a situation that does not allow you to perform the above steps, try to kneel slowly on one knee, pretending that you are tying the shoelace, then change the knee and "adjust" the other shoelace. Get up from your knees very slowly - straightening up, and at the same time "knock" the pollen off your knees.
How to prevent fainting?
- First of all, drink plenty of fluids: 3.5 liters in winter and even 5-6 liters in summer.
- It is best to carry a small bottle of water with you at all times.
- If you do not have high blood pressure, you can afford to s alt your food.
- And most importantly - avoid situations that cause fainting, especially stuffy and crowded rooms.
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