We miss the sun all year round, so we spend it all day on vacation. However, let's be careful because we can expose ourselves to overheating, sunstroke or skin burns.
Even in Poland, you have to usesunskillfully to avoid unpleasant consequences: heat stroke or burns. In southern Europe or in the likes of Poles like Tunisia, Egypt or Turkey, we have to be double cautious. How to recognize that we have exaggerated with the sun and what to do then?
Overheating and heatstroke
High air temperature, especially in combination with its high humidity and lack of air circulation, are conditions in which the body can easily overheat. This may be indicated by weakness, nausea, slow heart rate, pale and moist skin. You should then be in the shade as soon as possible, lie down in a ventilated place as possible and drink plenty of cold water to replenish the lack of fluids and electrolytes in the body - the best water is mineral water, even with a pinch of s alt.
More dangerous is a sunstroke, caused by intense sunlight, mainly on the head and neck - it can lead to hyperemia of the meninges and the brain, and sometimes to swelling of the brain. The fact that you have suffered a stroke is evidenced by severe facial flushing, dry skin, headache, rapid heart rate. With such symptoms, you need to call a doctor quickly.
So remember to always protect your head from the sun in hot weather and not stay in it for too long. It is also very important to replenish the fluids you sweat regularly - drink at least a few sips of water every 15-20 minutes.
Skin burn
Lounging on the beach is a simple way to burn your skin. The most common are 1st degree burns - the skin is red, hot to the touch and often swollen, it burns or even hurts, sometimes blisters appear on it.
After leaving the beach you need to cool down your body. It's best to take a soothing shower. Since the skin is very hot, pouring cold water over it could lead to thermal shock. The water should be lukewarm at first, gradually reduce its temperature to cool, but not very cold. For relief, the shower should last no less than 10 minutes.
Then dry the body very gently (do not rubtowel) and rub with a soothing agent, e.g. with panthenol or allantoin. If you have baked only a small part of your body - neckline, shoulders - you can make a compress with cool curdled milk, natural yoghurt or kefir. Avoid the sun for a few days, especially during peak hours.
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