The names HIV and AIDS are often used interchangeably, so many people do not know the difference. This error is due to the fact that both terms refer to an immune-compromising disease, although they refer to different stages of the disease. Find out what the difference between HIV and AIDS is.

How is HIV different from AIDS ? It turns out that many people have problems answering this question. If you are one of them, read the article and find out what the differences between the two terms are.

What is HIV?

HIV , from Englishhuman immunodeficiency virus , tohuman immunodeficiency virus . HIV can only be caught in three ways:

  • through blood,
  • via sexual contact (also oral),
  • during childbirth, when the virus is passed on from the mother to the baby (for women who do not treat the virus).

HIV has no symptoms for up to 10-12 years. The carrier of the virus may not be aware that they have it and infect their sexual partners for many years.

None of the routine laboratory tests can detect an infection - it can only be detected by performing a special anti-HIV antibody test. The test should be performed at the earliest 3 months after a potential infection, as each organism produces antibodies at a different rate and too early testing may result in a false-negative result.

HIV is incurable, but modern medicine is able to effectively extend the life of an infected patient. Treatment is based on taking antiretroviral drugs which slow down the virus multiplying in the body. The patient can lead a normal life, including sexual intercourse, but only with the use of a condom. A good-quality condom, used from the beginning to the end of sexual contact, protects almost 100 percent from infection.

Worth knowing

In Poland, 2-3 people find out about HIV infection every day. The first case of HIV infection in Poland was recorded in 1985. According to official statistics, by the end of 2015, almost 20,000 Poles were HIV-positive. So far, over 1,300 people in our country have died from AIDS.

See what the HIV test looks like

What is AIDS?

AIDS , from EnglishAcquired Immune DeficiencySyndrome , this isacquired immunodeficiency syndrome . It is the final stage of HIV infection, which manifests itself after many years of being infected with it. So it is not a separate virus, but the most advanced stage of the disease, in which the immune system of the sick person is almost completely destroyed. Patients are more likely than he althy people to develop infections (e.g. pneumonia, which can be fatal in the case of an HIV-positive person), and is also more likely to develop cancer.

Almost every case of HIV sooner or later leads to the development of AIDS. This time may be several years, and in the case of early antiretroviral therapy - even several dozen years. According to the current state of research, AIDS is an incurable disease and leads to death.

HIV and AIDS - differences

Differences between HIV and AIDS:

  • you can only get infected with HIV, AIDS is the final stage of infection;
  • you can't have AIDS without getting HIV;
  • HIV causes no symptoms for a long time, AIDS causes an increased incidence of a number of diseases - especially pneumonia, tuberculosis, fungal infections, cancer, skin diseases such as herpes, shingles;
  • Antiretroviral therapy slows down the development of both HIV and AIDS - in the case of HIV treatment, the patient's life can be extended by up to several dozen years, in the case of AIDS - by 2-3 years.
  • What is life like with an HIV positive person? [INTERVIEW]
  • AIDS is still a taboo subject - interview with epidemiologist Anna Marzec-Bogusławska
