Parmesan is a very hard cheese obtained from cow's milk. It is hard to imagine Italian cuisine without its characteristic flavor. Check the nutritional values of parmesan cheese, how many calories it has, which it has been used in the kitchen and find out its price.
Parmesan cheese
ParmesanakaParmigiano Reggiano , is a rennet cheese produced in the limited geographical area of northern Italy, where it has long been foundusein the kitchen and appreciate itnutritional value .
What is the production of Parmesan cheese?
Parmesan is a very hard cheese made from raw cow's milk exclusively from Razza Regiana or Vacca Rossa cows. The milk is subjected to temperature and rennet until cheese lumps are obtained.
In the next stage, it is transferred to brines for 23 days, then it goes to the ripening room, where it remains for 1 year (we get a young cheese, 2 years (old) or 3 years (very old cheese).
The maturation time depends, among other things,the price of Parmesan cheese . The shorter the Parmesan cheese is matured, the lower the price is. The original Parmesan cheese has a dark skin and has information about the month of production and the producer's identification number.
Parmesan cheese: nutritional values and he alth benefits
Parmesan is an excellent source of wholesome protein (35.71 g / 100 g), which is a very important building and functional component in the body. It takes part in the regulation of gene expression and metabolic processes, is part of enzyme systems, participates in the processes of cell immunity, and participates in oxygen transport and vision processes.
Parmesan is an easily digestible product, high in protein and calcium, with possible probiotic and prebiotic effects.
Protein also affects the physiological balance of calcium, and an adequate supply of protein is associated with the proper growth of the skeleton in children and the maintenance of bone mass in the elderly.
Parmesan is a great source of calcium (1250 mg / 100 g) - 100 g of cheese covers the daily requirement for this ingredient in over one hundred percent. Calcium participates in the construction and metabolism of bones and teeth. Adequate calcium intake at a young age reduces the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
In addition, calcium participates in the processes of muscle contractility and conduction of nerve stimuli. In addition, it is involved in blood clotting and ensures the proper functioning of the heart.
Parmesan cheese also contains a large amount of vitamin A (40 µg / 100 g) responsible for proper vision, ensuring the proper condition of the skin, and protecting DNA against damage due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Unfortunately, Parmesan is a high sodium product (1714 mg / 100 g) that contributes to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Due to the high sodium content of Parmesan, people with heart disease and hypertension should give up.
Worth knowing100 g of Parmesan is 429 kcal
Besides, Parmesan cheese contains:
- Protein - 35.71 g
- Fat - 28.57 g
- Saturated fat - 17.86 g
- Cholesterol - 71.0 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
- Calcium - 1,250 mg (125%)
- Sodium - 1,714 mg (116%)
- Phosphorus - 700 mg (100%)
- Potassium - 600 mg (13%)
- Magnesium - 40 mg (10%)
- Iron - 5 mg (50%)
- Zinc - 3 mg (27%)
- Copper - 0.02 mg (2%)
- Niacin - 0.2 mg (1%)
- Vitamin B1 - 0.05 mg (4%)
- Vitamin B2 - 0.05 mg (4%)
- Vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg (8%)
- Vitamin B12 - 1.1 µg (46%)
- Vitamin K - 0.4 µg (0.6%)
- Vitamin A - 40 µg (4%)
Source: USDA,% RDA based on IŻ N Nutrition Standards
Parmesan chip recipe
Source: Gotować
Parmesan: use in the kitchen
Parmesan cheese is characterized by a sharp, mature taste and aroma, light yellow color and a very firm consistency.
Two-year-old Parmesan cheese is used as an addition to cold dishes: salads, spreads, as well as hot dishes: pizza, pasta dishes, tripe, omelettes. Parmesan cheese is unlikely to be served on a cheese board.
Young Parmesan cheese is served with wine, paired with apples or preserves, and very old parmesan cheese with dried figs or plums and nuts.
How to store Parmesan cheese?
Parmesan is best purchased in a piece wrapped in waxed paper and then in aluminum foil. The Parmesan cheese in the refrigerator should be in its coolest part, i.e. on the top shelf. It can stay there for up to 2 months. However, it gets drier and drier over time each time it wraps again.
Worth knowingGranapadano a parmesan
Original Parmesan cheese has a dark skin, has information about the month of production and the producer's identification number. There are also imitations of Parmesan on the market. Parmesan cheese can be confused with, for example, Grana Padano cheese.
The difference between Grana Padano and Parmesan cheese is the milk used in making it. In Poland, this type of cheese is often confused with Parmesan cheese, despite the fact that they both smell and taste completely different.
Parmesan cheese price
Parmesan cheese is very expensive. For a kilogram of Parmesan cheese, we have to pay from PLN 100 to PLN 125 per kilogram. For Polish equivalents of Parmesan cheese, we will pay from PLN 20 to PLN 30 per kilogram.
Recipe for tagliatelle with broccoli, pesto and parmesan cheese
Source: TVN
About the authorMarzena Masna, dietitian SOS Diet, dietary catering, WarsawA graduate of dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She gained professional experience in dietary clinics, the Nursery Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw and Warsaw hospitals for adults and children. She constantly deepens her knowledge by participating in conferences on proper nutrition, as well as diet-prevention and diet therapy of diseases. Currently, a dietitian at SOS Diet, dietary catering, where he deals with nutritional advice for clients, creating recipes, preparing the menu and supervising the quality of meals.