Do you have to give up sweetness? Everyone likes them … except nutritionists and doctors. They are right, after all, our body does not need sweets for anything. They provide empty calories and cause many diseases. But from time to time, carefully selected - why not! How often can you eat sweets?
Eatingsweetsleads to overweight and obesity, causes tooth decay, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, and increases cholesterol levels. If we ate them from time to time, it wouldn't be a problem. But the body gets used to the sweet taste extremely easily, and at some point it is difficult to be moderate.
Sweets have one more disadvantage: people who eat them instead of a wholesome meal deprive themselves of essential nutrients. Instead, they have empty calories.
Why are the calories in the sweets empty?
Sweets contain sugar that is one of the simple carbohydrates, which rapidly increase the level of glucose in the blood. Unlike complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates are burned quickly, so they will not satisfy your appetite, so you feel hungry shortly after eating them.
Do not choose sweets with hardened fats!
The worst is the confectionery bread - shortbread cookies, biscuits, wafers, puff pastries, as well as bars and candies. Like all sweets, they contain a lot of sugar, but there is also confectionery fat in them. The worst type of fat is made of hydrogenated vegetable fats, and sometimes also animal fats (e.g. hydrogenated lard or cod liver oil).
Why is the vegetable fat recommended by dieticians harmful in sweets? It is processed, contains harmfultrans isomers , which lower good HDL cholesterol and increase bad LDL cholesterol at the same time.
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Sweets that you can eat from time to time
Apart from ice cream, "he althier" sweets are caloric (over 500 kcal in 100 g), they should be enjoyed, not over-eaten.
●Chocolate- made from cocoa beans, which, after grinding, to obtain cocoa mass, and from it the so-called cocoa (cocoa) and cocoa butter. Sugar and milk are added to them. The more cocoa in chocolate, the morebetter - it is rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, and even fluorine and copper, as well as vitamins A and E.
Milk chocolate has less of it (but more sugar), and white chocolate is completely devoid of it. We choosedark chocolates , containing at least 75 percent. cocoa. There is also theobromine in chocolate, which can lower blood pressure, and amino acids that transform into serotonin, the happiness hormone, in the body. The fat in chocolate is of plant origin, so it does not contain cholesterol.
●Sesame seeds- there are only three ingredients in them: sesame seeds, sugar and glucose (both simple sugars). But sesame is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. As an oil plant, it contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids. There is also lecithin in it, which improves brain function.
●Halva- its basic ingredient is alsosesame . The sweet taste is provided by the addition of sugar or glucose or fructose syrup. We choose halva containing as much sesame as possible (over 50%). Depending on the taste, there are also cocoa, vanilla, nuts and raisins in the halva. Avoid halva with hardened vegetable fat or soapwort root.
●Ice cream- the traditional ones, ie made with milk, are a source of protein, calcium and B vitamins. Yoghurt ice cream is less caloric than them, and sorbets have the least calories. Unfortunately, they all have sugar, so you can eat them from time to time.
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