Catnip is mainly associated with the object of cat's sighs. However, not everyone knows that catnip also has healing properties that people can benefit from. How does catnip affect humans and cats?
Catnip( Nepeta ) occurs naturally in Europe, Asia and North Africa. We know over250of her species. In Poland, you can find its wild-growing varieties, incl.naked catnip( Nepeta pannonica ) - it grows mainly in very sunny positions, in dry and sandy soil on roadsides, in thickets and in arable fields .
However, you can also grow catnip in your own garden, and even in a pot on the balcony. The best-suited variety for this isFaassen's catnip .
In turn,catnip proper( Nepeta cataria ), due to its unusual properties, is most often used inherbal medicine.
What does catnip look like?
Catnip isshrubgrowing in dense clumps up to 40 or even more centimeters. It has heart-shaped, wrinkled, gray-green hairy leaves and characteristic small flowers gathered in quasi-hairs. Catnip flowers are most often light purple ( lavender ), but there are also varieties that bloom inpink, purple, whiteandblue .
Catnip is a very durable plant - it is not afraid of drought or frost. It is also an ideal honey plant as it attracts bees and blooms for a very long time - fromMay until September .
Healing properties of catnip. How does it work on humans?
In folk medicine,dried leaves (herb) of catnip , which contain valuable substances, have been used for a long time:
- essential oils (0.7%)
- tannins
- bitterness
Thanks to their content, catnip has a beneficial effect on human he alth. Catnip infusion has, among others bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, diaphoretic and sedative properties, therefore it is recommended for the following ailments:
- insomnia
- motor agitation
- neuroses and headaches
- heart palpitations
- intestinal colic
- diarrhea
- kidney and liver disease
- irregular periods
- cold
Catnip infusion - how to make?
Catnip infusion is made by pouringtwo teaspoonsover dried herb or catnip leaves250 ml of water . Then it is covered and left for about15 minutes . In addition to internal use, catnip infusion can also be used outside ashead rinse- it soothes scalp irritations. Studies have shown that catnip infusion also has a psychoactive effect - it was used several centuries agoNorth American Indians.
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Other uses for catnip
Catnip is also perfect forherbal tea , as well as for culinary purposes. The kitchen uses both itsyoung leaves(as an ingredient in salads and salads) anddried shoots(enriching the taste of meat).
Due to its intense aroma, catnip is also suitable for repelling various insects, e.g. house flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches, as well as rats.
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How does catnip affect cats?
Catnip is known for its amazing effects on the nervous system of cats. At the sight of it, these animals simply go crazy: they roll around in it, lick it, nibble it, purring or meowing loudly.
Catnip is due to an organic compound callednepetalactone . Why is it so liked by cats? Well, it smells likecat pheromone . About70 percentof these animals respond to nepetalactone, the researchers have found. As you can guess, cats of reproductive age are particularly sensitive to the effects of catnip. The fascination with this herb usually lasts about10 minutes , after which animals lose interest in it for about 2 hours. After that, the whole process can take place again.
Producers take advantage of this property of catnip by adding it to all sorts of cat accessories.
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