Horse ointment, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing properties, has been trusted by people who struggle with rheumatic pains, joints or spine for years. It also helps with arthritis, radiculitis and all kinds of bruises, strained muscles or swelling. What is the composition of the horse color? Can anyone use it?
Horse ointmentcontains a composition of herbal extracts and essential oils, which, when mixed in the right proportions, show a wide range of action. Depending on its composition, horse ointment can bewarming or cooling- both are used for specific ailments.
Horse balsam warming and cooling
Warming horse ointmentimproves blood circulation, because it dilates the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, and thus affects the blood supply to tissues. That is whysoothes aching muscles and joints as well as back pain , also in people with degenerative diseases. It also helps with rheumatic pains, arthritis, neuralgia and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
On the other hand,cooling horse ointmentwill prove useful in problems with the locomotor system. It relieves muscle tension and strain after intense physical exertion, with minor bruises (however, should not be used on wounds), local swellings and in the case of the feeling of so-called heavy legs.
Both the warming and cooling horse ointment showrelaxing and analgesic properties.Because they also contain carefully selected essential oils, they also have anti-stress properties and reduce the symptoms of fatigue. For example, you can add one tablespoon of horse ointment to a hot water bath to benefit from the benefits of aromatherapy.
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Horse balsam: valuable herbal extracts
Horse ointment is effective thanks to the properties of the herbs it is made of. Its composition may slightly differ depending on the manufacturer, but most of them can be found, among others, horse chestnut, juniper, arnica, mint, rosemary, thyme, hops, sometimes also contains chili pepper extract. And like this:
- horse chestnut extractimproves blood flow, prevents itswelling and muscle cramps, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling,
- juniper extracthas a warming effect, improves microcirculation, is great for neuralgia, rheumatic pains and radiculitis,
- arnica extractstrengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps with bruises, because it reduces swelling, hematomas and bruises, or in sprains or sprains, because it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, just like rosemary,
- mintandthymesoothe rheumatic pains, mint additionally has an anesthetic effect and gives a feeling of coolness
- hops extractis used for radiculitis, rheumatic pains and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Sometimes in the composition of horse ointment you can also find chili pepper extract, which affects the peripheral nervous system and has a strong analgesic effect.
Essential oils also play an important role in horse ointment. The most common ones are:
- mentholhas anesthetic, cooling, anti-swelling effect,
- camphorstimulates the circulatory system, relieves back pain, muscles and joints as well as rheumatism; also has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect,
- eucalyptusdilates blood vessels, therefore, similarly to camphor, it is great for muscle and joint pain, it also soothes ailments related to radiculitis. Thanks to its unique properties, it also gives a feeling of coolness and reduces the effects of fatigue.
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Horse balsam: contraindications
The basic contraindication to the use of horse ointment isallergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the preparation . Therefore, it is worth doing an allergy test before applying it, i.e. apply the ointment to a small part of the skin and wait a dozen or so minutes, watching the reaction.
It is also worth remembering that horse ointmentshould not be used on a larger area of the body(maximum 20-30 percent), preferably apply a thin layer of the preparation on the sore spot. You cannot use it on the nose or mouth area.
It is also not recommended to use horse ointment in children, especially those under 12 years of age. It's best to ask your pediatrician for advice.