Bronchial strengthening and cleansing herbs are natural remedies. It is worth using them especially in the case of lower respiratory tract infections. What herbal infusions should be drunk to have he althy bronchi?
Herbs for strengthening and cleansing the bronchial tubesis a natural balm for the lower respiratory tract. The bronchi are an element of the respiratory system that belongs to its lower part. They are located between the trachea and bronchioles.The bronchial tree connects directly to the lungswhere air flows. Efficiently operating airways facilitate the fight against pathogens. That is why it is worth taking care of the lungs and bronchi. Drinking herbal infusions can improve their condition. Let's check which healing plants are the best for strengthening and cleansing the bronchi.
1. Thyme
Common thyme ( Latin Thymus vulgaris ) thyme is a plant that will keep your lungs and bronchi he althy. The secret of this herb isactive substance called thymol , which helps to cleanse the lungs of toxins and lingering phlegm. In addition, it has astrong bactericidal effectagainst microbes and soothes bronchitis.
The thyme infusion is really delicious - it will not only improve the condition of the bronchi and lungs, but also speed up the metabolism.
2. Ginger
Ginger ( Latin Zingiber Boehm. ) more and more often in Polish cuisine and very good! It is a medicinal root that isa source of vitamins and minerals . The dominant compound in ginger is the powerful antioxidant6-gingerol , which:
- improving the condition of the bronchi and lungs,
- helps remove toxins, phlegm, mucus, and other types of allergens.
Two cups of ginger tea can bringmany benefits to the respiratory system.Squeeze a few drops of lemon into the drink to increase the healing power of ginger. This is the perfect home remedy for fighting sinuses.
3. American elm
American elm( Latin Ulmus laevis Pall. ) is a plant thathas been used in treatment of lung and bronchial diseases.It is appreciated for its numerous he alth properties, including:
- promotes easy removal of the residual secreted in the lungs,
- soothes ailments of the upper respiratory tract:bronchitis,larynx and vocal cords,
- relieves a sore throat,
- strengthens the body's immunity.
American elm can be purchased at herbal or he alth food stores. It is best to consume the herbal drink as an infusion. A few sips will make you feel better!
4. Small-flowered mullein
Little is heard about this plant, which is a pity!Small flower mullein (Latin Verbascum thapsus ) has strong properties that soothe ailments in inflammatory bronchial conditions.It is recommended to drink the infusion because of its effects , including :
- cleans the respiratory tract,
- thins phlegm,
- facilitates expectoration,
- soothes irritated throat,
- relieves cough and asthma symptoms.
Regular use of mullein flower infusion will have many miraculous he alth benefits. You can also swallow the capsules (the recommended dose is 200 mg twice a day).
5. Anise and licorice root
These are excellent medicinal plants with amazing he alth properties. The combination ofanise seeds with licorice rootsresults innatural remedy for bronchitis :
- reduces airway inflammation,
- will improve lung he alth,
- has a beneficial effect on the bronchi,
- facilitates the removal of excess mucus from the lungs,
- soothes tiring cough.
Consuming anise and licorice root infusion will quickly get you back on your feet. This drink should be drunk twice a day.
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