Sexual harassment of children brings enormous suffering to the child himself, but often it also underlies his mental problems as an adult. Sexual harassment of children is committed by both strangers and complete relatives. How to Recognize Child Sexual Harassment and What Effects Does It Have? How to prevent sexual abuse of children?
Sexual harassment of childrenstays with an adult, often for life. Most of us remember childhood as a land of happiness, being cared for by our parents and not having to make independent decisions. We would love to go back to those times.Child sexual harassment , however, causes those who have suffered it to remember what should have been the most beautiful period of their lives as a nightmare. It's hard to break free from it - guilt, shame, but also harm and constant fear make a happy adult life difficult.
Child sexual harassment is not all about sex
Recurring thoughts, images, and emotional states (anxiety, depression, depression) affect our behavior, inner life and contacts with other people. If memories are about crossing our intimate boundaries, they are extremely painful.
Modern psychology looks at the problem of transgressing sexual boundaries from the point of view of a child's relationship with someone they trust. Abuse is when an adult uses the child's trust to meet their own sexual needs. It doesn't have to be a sexual act or rape at all. Inadequate caressing, rubbing against a child, or using the language used by adults to describe sexual activities is sufficient. In a word, any such situation where a child feels confused and deeply ashamed is called child sexual abuse. Some of them are invited or even forced to accompany adults to watch pornographic magazines or films.
According to police statistics, 1,158 crimes resulting from intercourse with a minor under the age of 15 were reported in 2016.
Adult child molesters always act from a position of force. They are not completelyinterested in the child's welfare and treat them as an object whose behavior (achieved under duress) is to bring satisfaction and fulfillment of needs to an adult. Boundaries are breached and the child is betrayed by an adult whom he trusted. In addition, he was not given a chance to defend himself or to accuse the perpetrator of a criminal act. He often has the feeling that something bad has happened, but is unable to name it. After all, she does not know that she has become the subject of a crime. He is usually left on his own, usually with a sense of fear, shame, and loneliness.
Child sexual harassment: how to recognize?
1.A child who experiences acts of abuse usually withdraws from himself, does not want to play with other children or plays in a way that deviates from developmental norms. It stays aloof, becomes tearful, sad and often depressive. To the anxious questions of adults about the reason for their malaise, she is unable to give a clear answer. "It changes in the eyes", often becoming excessively adult.
2.A situation where a child asks you to limit contact with Mr. X or Uncle Y should attract attention. But remember - this is not always possible. Often the person abusing a child lives in the family, and other adults often defend it. Children who have been crossed over to avoid further harassment cut themselves off from feeling, both physically and emotionally. They become as if "invisible".
116111 - by calling this free phone number, also anonymously, the sexually abused child will get help.
3.In some cases, they provoke their prematurely aroused sexuality. A molested child may simulate sexual acts (also with the use of toys), draw them, induce peers to behave similarly, call the male and female genitals into different epithets unknown to most children, and masturbate in the company of other people.
4.A sexually abused child may also lose control over his / her physiological functions, e.g. wets at night. He is also reluctant to dress up among peers and to be examined by a doctor.
5.Psychosomatic symptoms appear in the child and the teenager: abdominal pain, menstrual disorders, nausea, vomiting.
6.A sexually abused child has sleep and eating disorders - it is distinguished by a sudden increase in appetite or, on the contrary, it refuses to eat anything.
Child sexual harassment: where to get help?
Ifyou suspect that a child around you is being sexually abused or you are yourself a young person experiencing violence, here you will find help and tips on how to proceed:
1. Nobody's Children Foundation- phone: 22 616 02 68, e-mail: [email protected]
2. Ombudsman for Children- emergency phone: 22 696 55 00
3. Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights- tel. 22 626 94 19
4. National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence "Blue Line"- 22 666 00 60
5. Information for children in difficult life situations-,
A lot of information about helping sexually abused children can be found in the guide prepared by the creators of the Bad Touch campaign, which we have posted at this link.
7.Sexually abused children have a very negative image of themselves - they think they are indecent, spoiled, unworthy of being treated well.
8.In connection with this negative self-image, self-destructive behaviors appear in the child, which can take very serious forms - in the form of self-harm, suicide attempts, alcohol or drug addiction, and even child prostitution.
8.A molested child wants to avoid meeting the person who is abusing him at all costs: he does not want to leave the house or refuses to visit his aunt and uncle, he has no shortage of reasons why he does not want to show up there.
9.A sexually abused child not only becomes sad and depressed, but also loses interest in his current passions, nothing seems to bring him joy anymore.
Among people who had sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 15 in 2016 there were 611 men and 19 women.
10.Symptoms of sexual harassment of children can also be noticed in the child's behavior at school - due to his experiences, he is unable to focus, does not get along so well with his friends, usually has worse grades than before, and especially does not like classes with wf-u.
11.The sexually abused child has a secret that he sometimes mentions, but is afraid to reveal it. He wants to make sure that if he gives it to us, his tormentor will not find out about it. Unfortunately, only sometimes it happens that a child entrusts his terrible secret to an adult or peer after the first sexual abuse. Most often, he hides it for years, and the damage caused by crossing borders becomes apparent after a long time. It is not easy to make up for neglect then.
12. The physical marks that appear as a result of sexual harassment are also more obvious: bruises, scratches, discharge from the intimate organs, indicating a venereal disease or allergic reaction, pain in the intimate area.
13.Older sexually abused children have money from unknown sources.
This will be useful to youDescriptions of sexual abuse against children and adolescents, or incest cases, can be found in old books of different cultures. Back then, they were not as scandalous as they are today. The psychological development of a person, and a child in particular, was understood differently. Only in the twentieth century, along with the revision of our views on the importance of childhood in shaping the human psyche, there was a change in the attitude to the protection of the rights of children and adolescents. Whereas in the past the focus was on the legal consequences of crossing borders, today we are more interested in the impact of sexual abuse of children on their personality development in adolescence, and later on adult life.
Child sexual harassment: how does it generally happen?
Sexual harassment of children - how does it happen? The origins of crime are discussed in numerous works in the field of clinical psychology. Regardless of culture, the behavior of an adult is usually similar.
An adult may bribe a child with various gifts or use threats. Sometimes he hears: "no one will believe you, you will only worry your parents, I will go to jail and you will break the family." If a child is abused by one of the parents, he is sometimes scared that if he reveals the secret, he will end up in an orphanage.
An adult uses his emotional strength, and at the same time obliges the child to keep a secret.
Most children are extremely loyal to their parents and other family members. They are ready to defend their loved ones to protect them from evil. Therefore, they prefer to experience humiliation, taking responsibility and at the same time trying to suppress unpleasant experiences related to forced sexual contact with another person. A child lives with guilt, even though it is not the child but the adult who should feel guilty. It also happens that the child keeps a secret what happened because he does not realize that the act committed is a crime - he never talks about it at home. Meanwhile, in this family crimes against children have been committed for generations.
Child sexual harassment: how to prevent?
What can we do to break the vicious cycle of child sexual abuse andyouth? We, that is parents, educators, teachers and other adults who are responsible not only for raising children, but also for their emotional development. Let's start with giving the child the right to personal life and respect. Children, as well as adults, need to know that their body belongs to them and that only they can decide their own private territory. Both childcare institutions and the family, which is responsible for them on a daily basis, should be clear on this matter.
The child must be sure that he can come to his parents without fear and guilt with every worry or with a request to explain an incomprehensible situation. However, if it has already been harmed, everything should be done to prevent any psychological problems that may arise later - anxiety, depression, phobias. Both children and the family should have access to professional treatment centers and therapists specialized in treating this type of injury.
Breaking over sexual barriers for girls and boys, whether within or outside the family, is not a private matter! Forcing your children to keep it a secret negatively affects the rest of their lives. When talking to your child, emphasize that keeping a secret is not always good, mark the difference between a secret resulting from the willingness to give someone a surprise party and something that causes child pain and fear.
Keep up the topic of sexuality with your child - contrary to what parents may think, the youngest start talking about it early on with their peers, and they are happy to ask their mother and father questions when they see a pregnant woman on the street or " candies "in the store, which turn out to be a condom wrapper.
Make sure that the conversations with your child take place in a positive atmosphere - one that will build a sense of security and confidence that they can turn to you with any problem.
Up to 95 percent cases of sexual abuse of children, the perpetrators are people from the victim's close vicinity - family members or neighbors
Up to 95 percent cases of sexual abuse of children, the perpetrators are people from the victim's close vicinity, i.e. the child's trust. They are often family members or neighbors. Experts point out that it is very difficult for children to disclose sexual abuse, even to their own parents. Many toddlers never heard that they don't always have to obey an adult. Children are also afraid of the accusations that they are lying, and if the perpetrator is a close relative - the consequences of breaking family ties. He drives someshame, because they are not used to openly talking about their sexuality, and the feeling that they are guilty of what happened to them.
Consequences of sexual abuse of children
The effects of sexual harassment of children can affect their entire adult life. These effects include:
- depression;
- tendency to withdraw from social contacts;
- aggression;
- phobias;
- anxiety;
- selectivity of memories;
- symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder;
- low self-esteem;
- constant guilt;
- feeling of stigmatization - the belief that everyone knows that a given person has been sexually abused and sees it only from this angle;
- feeling of objectivity, not subjectivity;
- difficulties in establishing emotional relationships with other people, difficulties in maintaining a relationship;
- avoiding physical proximity;
- An adult sexually abused in childhood may duplicate these behaviors and also use violence, including sexual violence, against children.
It is worth remembering that the intensity and type of symptoms depend on how long the child has experienced violence, how it manifested itself - whether there was penetration, the use of physical force, the duration of sexual contacts and their number. It is also important whether the child has received support from parents (other people, especially if the parent has committed the molestation). Properly fast reaction can help not only the child, but also the adult who will one day become.
Worth knowingSexual harassment of children - the criminal code
The child himself cannot file a complaint about the crime, the greater the responsibility rests with the parents, guardians, teachers, educators. We can notify the family court, the prosecutor's office or the police about the crime, we can also contact a social worker, doctor, probation officer or psychologist.
Legal regulations regarding the sexual exploitation of children in Poland are as follows:
The Penal Code Act of June 6, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 88, item 553)
Art. 197.
§ 1. Whoever by force, unlawful threat or deception causes another person to have sexual intercourse, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of imprisonment from 2 to 12 years. § 2. If the perpetrator, in the manner specified in § 1, causes another person to be subjected to committing another sexual act or performing such an act shall be subject to the pen alty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 6 months and 8 years. § 3. If the perpetrator commitsrape: 1) jointly with another person, 2) against a minor under the age of 15.3) against an ascendant, descendant, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother or sister, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a period not shorter than 3 years. § 4. If the perpetrator of the act specified in § 1-3 acts with particular cruelty, is punishable by imprisonment for not less than 5 years.
Art. 198.
Who, taking advantage of the helplessness of another person or the inability of that person to recognize the meaning of an act or to direct his behavior, leads him to have sexual intercourse or to undergo another sexual activity or to perform such an activity, is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 8 years.
Art. 199.
§ 1. Whoever, by abusing the relationship of dependence or using a critical position, causes another person to have sexual intercourse or to submit to another sexual act or to perform such an act, shall be subject to the pen alty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years. the act specified in § 1 was committed to the detriment of a minor, the perpetrator shall be subject to the pen alty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. § 3. The pen alty specified in § 2 shall be imposed on whoever causes the minor to have sexual intercourse or other sexual activity or to perform such an act by abusing the trust or giving him a material or personal advantage or promise.
Art. 205.
Prosecution of crimes specified in art. 197 or 199 § 1, as well as in art. 198, if the condition of the victim specified in this provision is not the result of permanent mental disorders, it occurs at the request of the injured party.
Art. 200.
§ 1. Whoever has sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 15 or commits another sexual activity to such a person or causes him to submit to such activities or to perform them, shall be subject to the pen alty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 2 and 12 years.
§ 2. The same punishment applies to anyone who, in order to satisfy sexual gratification, presents a minor under 15 years of age to perform a sexual act.
Art. 201.
Whoever commits sexual intercourse in relation to the initial, descendant, adoptive, adoptive parent, brother or sister, is subject to the pen alty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years.
Expert advice
Can the psychologist conclude that a child has been abused?
I am in the middle of a divorce case that has been going on for almost a year and a half. One of the charges against the "husband" is child molestation (daughter three years old,son of 10). Unfortunately, only me, him and the children were witnesses to these situations. People who also knew about his behavior towards other, strangers, children suddenly do not remember anything and do not know anything. He obviously denies everything and accuses me of making false accusations.
One of the opinions of court experts (psychologist and pedagogue) clearly states that the child's behavior towards the father indicates incorrect behavior of the father towards the child in the past.
Since these events took place quite a long time ago (I moved out of the house with the children a year and a half ago), my daughter does not remember anything, my son certainly remembers something, but I tried not to talk to him about it. However, I am afraid that this is not enough to prove my guilt.
Are there any methods of examining children that would make it clear that there has been child molestation? From the beginning of the trial, I strongly insisted on examining the children as soon as possible, but this was disregarded by the court and the prosecutor's office. Can a psychological examination of the father of children also be performed in this regard? I am asking for help.
Answers Barbara Kosmala
Head of the Psychotherapy and Personal Development Clinic "Empatia", psychologist, certified and certified psychotherapist
Hello, I have not encountered such tests personally, but the progress of knowledge and standardization of tests from year to year may change. I suggest looking for and meeting with child psychologists who specialize in child abuse cases.
Alternatively, you can try to contact the psychologists who work in the family support center. Sometimes the interview itself, properly conducted, makes certain information that has long been forgotten recalled. There is such an alternative, although I do not know if you are interested. Regards
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