Methods for hemorrhoids depend on the advancement of the disease - herbs and other home remedies can help in its initial stage. However, if the disease is already advanced, patients will be forced to reach for solutions offered by medicine.
Hemorrhoidsor anal hemorrhoids are not a disease, but a physiological part of our body. Only the disruption of their function or structure results in unpleasant ailments, which are commonly calledhemorrhoidsand makes us look for effectivemethods for hemorrhoids .
From the point of view of physiology, hemorrhoids are an arteriovenous plexus, usually formed by three (in some cases four) vascular structures with a diameter of about 10 mm. It is true that their role in the body is still not fully understood, but they play an important role in the proper functioning of the phenomenon of continence, i.e. the ability to retain stool.
It happens that the proper structure of the hemorrhoids and their function are disturbed. This is often the result of their pathological hyperemia, often coexisting with inflammation. We are talking then about the so-calledhemorrhoidal disease , the symptoms of which are, inter alia, itching and burning around the anus, pain and discomfort. You can start fighting them at home, among other things, by using herbs. They bring great relief in the initial stage of the disease.
Remedies for hemorrhoids: bath
Relief in the fight against hemorrhoids is provided by everything that relieves pain and constriction of dilated veins, and thus also a simple bath. It is worth sitting for several minutes in a bathtub half full with warm water in a crouching position. The bath promotes circulation, helps drain the blood accumulated in the dilated veins and reduces their swelling. The bath can be enriched with various herbs. e.g. chamomile or calendula.
Herbs for hemorrhoids: sitz baths
Sitz baths are also beneficial for hemorrhoids. It is best to use oak bark infusion for them, as it dries up and constricts the vessels. Witch hazel is also great. The vapors of this herb have a bactericidal effect, astringent and even sealing wounds that are sometimes formed in haemorrhoids. Boiled onion compresses or onion juice compresses have soothing and antibacterial properties.
The pain associated with hemorrhoids, on the other hand, can be fought by applying a bag withice.
It is also worth mentioning chamomile or calendula extracts - their task is to eliminate inflammation in the area of the anus and hemorrhoids, while the Peruvian balm is credited with disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis has an antiseptic effect, and horse chestnut esculin, tribenoside and butcher's broom extract seal the blood vessels.
Worth knowingHerbs for hemorrhoids: in pregnant women
In the case of pregnant women, the cause of haemorrhoidal disease is an increase in venous pressure (also in the veins around the anus) and vasodilation. This is due in part to the increase in progesterone, as well as the mechanical pressure on the abdominal veins by the pelvis.
Symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease usually disappear after childbirth. In addition to diet, proper rectal hygiene and avoiding a sitting position. The doctor should decide on the use of ointments or suppositories.
It is worth adding that for pregnant women suffering from hemorrhoids , sitz baths are unfavorable.A much more beneficial solution will be rubbing the area around the anus with a warm bag of black tea. The tannin contained in the tea leaves also has a decongestant and drying effect. You can also make compresses for hemorrhoids with a cotton ball soaked in tea infusion.
Remedies for hemorrhoids: chemicals
Chemical substances for hemorrhoids include local anesthetics. This includes benzocaine and lidocaine. The following are also used: resorcinol - it has a disinfecting effect and the ability to stimulate skin renewal processes, hyaluronic acid, which has a moisturizing effect, which in turn improves wound healing processes, and zinc oxide, which has an astringent effect and the ability to accelerate the process of healing changes.
Treatment for hemorrhoids: treatment at the doctor's office
When hemorrhoids are extremely annoying and there is no chance to get rid of them at home, it is worth taking advantage of medical treatments that will free us from the problem. There are several techniques for removing hemorrhoids.
The oldest method of surgical removal of haemorrhoids is now being replaced by techniques in which they are cut off from the blood supply by putting on rubber rings or by closing the blood supply vessels by injecting a special substance. Photocoagulation or cryotherapy of nodules are also used in the treatment of haemorrhoids.
Techniques that remove hemorrhoids by destroying the vessels supplying them with blood are also being perfected. Today, lasers are increasingly used for this purpose. Its radius leads to photocoagulation of the vessel that supplies the varicose veins. As a consequence, the nodule dies andfalls off. With the help of a laser, you can also vaporize, i.e. vaporize large haemorrhoids that are already outside the anus. This procedure is an alternative to surgical removal of such large nodules.
Good to know: HEMOROIDS (haemorrhoids): causes, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids
Ways to treat hemorrhoids
Every second Pole has hemorrhoids. Untreated hemorrhoids can lead to serious he alth problems. That is why it is worth and must be treated. There are many effective treatments for hemorrhoids. Listen to our expert - surgeon Jacek Waligóra from Medicover Hospital in Warsaw.