Angelica is a plant that has many healing properties. Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of infusions of this herb, among others in stomach ailments and states of nervous exhaustion. In turn, angelica oil is used to rub in order to soothe, among others, rheumatic pains. Check what else does angelica have.
Angelica(Angelica archangelica L., Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. ), or angelica angelica, is a plant whosehealing propertiesappreciated already in the Middle Ages. The monks of that time called angelica the herb of the Holy Spirit and recommended chewing its roots ( Radix Archangelicae ), which are a medicinal raw material, in order to achieve longevity.
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of preparations of this herb (including infusions, tinctures) in digestive system ailments - as a remedy for stomach ulcers, indigestion or stimulation of the appetite.
Angelica in the form of infusions will also soothe the nerves, and in the form of rubbing oils, it will relieve rheumatic pains and root pains. In turn, angelica rinses will work well for oily hair and with dandruff. Moreover, angelica is a folk medicine for treating vitiligo and other skin diseases.
Angelica for stomach problems
In natural medicine, preparations of angelica root are used in the case of digestive system disorders. Angelica is primarily a proven method for digestive disorders, because it increases the secretion of gastric juice and saliva, and also stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes - pepsin and pentagastrin - in the stomach. Thanks to this, it also increases the appetite, which is why it is recommended to fussy eaters.
Other names for angelica are: angelica, angelica, angelica, angelic herb, archangel's root, angelic root
In addition, angelica will relieve abdominal pain and stomach cramps, because furanocoumarin derivatives and some components of this herb's essential oil have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Angelica will also work in problems with constipation, flatulence and belching.
In the case of stomach ulcers, a decoction of angelica root is used in combination with an infusion of wormwood andsage.
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Angelica is also used as a remedy for nervous disorders. It can be used with vegetative neuroses, in states of excessive excitation, increased nervous tension, feelings of anxiety or insomnia. Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of this herb also in the case of migraines. Angelica to calm down can be used not only in the form of tinctures. You can also pour a few drops of sparkling oil into the bath - then they will numb your skin and improve blood circulation. Arcydzięgiel - contraindications People who are hypersensitive to the sun's rays should use angelica with caution, because it has photosensitizing properties. After using it and exposing the skin to the sun (even for a few minutes), local swelling, congestion or blisters may appear. People struggling with glomerulonephritis and appendicitis should contact their doctor before using angelica. Also, pregnant women should consult a specialist about taking this herb. It is better to seek medical advice also in the case of using angelica in children. Arachnid Oilis applied externally to relieve pain in the roots, rheumatic pain, neuralgia and rheumatic pain. It is enough to rub 10-20 drops of the oil into the sore spot. It is worth knowing that instead of the oil, you can use sparkling spirit ( Tinctura et Spirit Archangelicae ), which also has an analgesic effect. In addition, spirit and sparkling oil accelerate the breakdown of soreness after exercise. Folk medicine uses angelica in the treatment of vitiligo. Xanthotoxin, xanthotoxol, angelicin and other furanocoumarin derivatives contained in this herb increase the production of melanin pigment in the skin after sun exposure. In addition, angelica will work in the case of other skin diseases, such as psoriasis and acne (the herb has an antibacterial effect). In addition, angelica oil, applied externally, will soothe skin inflammation and itchy skin (e.g. in the course of scabies). Arcygiel - recipe for a brew. Angelica dosage Put half a tablespoon of shredded roots in a glass and pour boiling water (about 200 ml). Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. After thattime to strain. The infusion can be drunk 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day - before a meal (to aid digestion) or after a meal (as a carminative). The infusion can also be consumed at bedtime - as a sedative and helps you fall asleep. Angelica increases urine and sweat secretion, thanks to which it has a cleansing effect. Therefore, angelica in the form of infusions is recommended to be used, for example, after alcohol or nicotine poisoning. CHECK>>Cleansing the body: RECIPES for herbal mixtures
Angelica works expectorant, therefore modern phytotherapy recommends the use of this herb to people struggling with cough (as well as with inflammation of the mouth and throat) in the form of rinses. Arcygiel - side effects Angelica in an overdose gives a completely opposite effect to the intended one - nausea, loss of appetite, headache, itching, sometimes sleep disorders may occur. Therefore, infusions or tinctures should be drunk in specific amounts. GOOD TO KNOW>>HERBS - an excess of natural preparations can also be harmful. When are herbs harmful? Angelica will work for oily hair and with dandruff. In stores you can find anti-inflammatory and anti-itching hair shampoos that contain extracts of this herb. Arcydzięgiel is one of the plant raw materials from which herbal liqueurs and aromatic vodka are produced. In Anglo-Saxon and Nordic countries, angelica root is used to flavor beer (the plant has a bitter-spicy flavor). In turn, candied angelica leaf petioles are used to decorate cakes and cakes (because of their beautiful, green color). Angelica is under partial protection According to the ordinance of the Minister of Environment of October 9, 2014 on the protection of plant species, angelica is on the list of wild plant species under partial protection. Partial protection means that plants can be harvested in suitable areas or with the appropriate permit. In Poland, angelica grows wild in the Sudetes and Carpathians on the banks of streams.Arcydzięgiel will soothe your nerves
Arcydzięgiel - for rheumatic pains and more
Angelica for vitiligo and other skin diseases
Angelica will cleanse the body
Angelica for cough
Angelica - use in cosmetics
Arcydzięgiel - use in the kitchen