Evening primrose grows in Polish fields and meadows. It is rightly called the "moon garden plant" because its bright yellow flowers bloom beautifully in the evening. The petals, on the other hand, reflect the moonlight, creating a magical atmosphere like from a fairy tale. In addition to the fact that evening primrose impresses with its unusual appearance, it has a healing effect. It is also widely used in the care of hair, skin and nails. What else does evening primrose help?
Evening primrose: what is it and where does it grow?
Evening primrose(LatinOenothera L. ) in folk dialect is called"flower of one night" or a plant"glowing at night" . It comes from the areas of North America, but currently occurs on the European continent.About 30 species of evening primrose have acclimatized in Poland , the most famous of which isevening primrose( LatinOenothera biennis ). It is commonly used in herbal medicine.
Evening primrose: what does he look like?
Evening primrosereferred to as "midnight candle" reaches even 100 cm in height. It is distinguished from other herbaceous plants bybright yellow flowers , which close in daylight, andopen at duskand begin to smell. This is when they are pollinated by night butterflies and rarely by bees. It usually blooms inlate spring / summeruntil early fall.
Evening primrose: what's in it?
Evening primrose is a plant thathelps in the treatment of many ailmentsi. Its valuable raw material are seeds, from which oil is pressed, which isa source of unsaturated fatty acids (EFA) - gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid (LA)belonging to the omega-6 family. They have a healing effect in rheumatic diseases and in the case of fractures and damage to ligaments. These acids, by stimulating the metabolism, helpeliminate excess weight . Evening primrose oilalso includes :
- other fatty acids such as:oleic, palmitic and stearic acids and triglycerides,
- phytosterols,
- polyphenols ,
- enzymes,
- vitamin E and F,
- minerals , incl. zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, selenium,calcium and iron.
The use of evening primroseinhibits the process of carcinogenesis(the so-called tumor formation) thanks tothe content of vitamin E , protecting some of the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals.
Evening primrose: what is its healing properties?
The healing properties of evening primrose have beenknown for a long time . The secret of the plant lies in the large amount of unsaturated fatty acids.It is used to treat :
- autoimmune diseasesincluding rheumatoid arthritis,
- arthritis and skin diseases such as psoriasis, lupus, acne, hives or eczema,
- asthma,
- bacterial and viral infections,
- allergy,
- concentration and memory disorders,
- depressed,
- schizophrenia.
Evening primrose also hashypocholesterolemic properties , which are responsible for reducing the concentration of LDL cholesterol. They prevent its oxidation, thus reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Evening primrosealso slows down the process of diabetic neuropathy .
Evening primrose: what else will it help?
Evening primrose helpsincrease vital energy, kidney function and digestive system . It also helps with numbness in the limbs and tinnitus. It has a positive effect on eyesight, skin and hair, and improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart.
Evening primrose: how to apply?
Evening primrose is gaining more and more followers! It can be used both internally and externally.It is available in the form of oil, ointments, or capsules , which can be purchased at pharmacies, he alth food stores and herbalists. Evening primrose seeds are used:
- as an infusion for medicinal or cosmetic purposes . For example, evening primrose oil is greatin hair care , restoring its natural shine and he althy look. Evening primrose oil isan excellent base for the production of your owncosmetics, especially oil blends. Depending on your preferences and needs, you can combine it with essential oils, incl. lavender oil, nutmeg oil or oregano oil.
- as an addition to many dishes,soups, salads, sauces, cocktails or bread. In this version, it will be a source of valuable dietary fiber.
Evening primrose: how to dose?
Evening primrose in both capsules and liquid, same he alth. Nevertheless,moderation in consumption is recommended . Before taking the capsule , we should read the information on the package . Preparationsthey differ from each other, among others gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) concentration.
Evening primrose capsules can be takenfrom 2 to 6 tablets a day , which is on average 170-230 mg of acid (GLA) per day. In the case of liquid evening primrose oil , it is permissible to consume 6 g of gamma-linolenic acid per day, so we need to pay attention to it.
An infusion of evening primrose seedscan successfully replace coffee or teain order to strengthen the body's immunity.
Evening primrose: what are the contraindications?
There are, however,several contraindications to the use of evening primrose . It cannot be used by children under the age of 12 and people:
- taking medications that have anti-coagulant or anti-platelet properties,
- preparing for surgery or surgery,
- having problems with blood clotting,
- pregnant and lactating women.
In turn, people taking medications for the cardiovascular systemshould consult a doctorbefore taking evening primrose preparations.Failure to follow the recommendations may result in :
- stomach and headache,
- gastrointestinal problems ,
- inflammation
- thrombosis or immunosuppression (the so-called inhibition of the production of antibodies and immune cells), but in extreme cases.
Therefore, it is important tocheck if we can combine evening primrose with the medications you are taking .
- Ł. Łuczaj,Wild edible plants of Poland. A survival guide,Chemigraphy, 2004.
- Z. Mirek, H. Piękoś-Mirkowa, A. Zając, M. Zając,Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A checklist. A critical list of Polish vascular plants,Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences Władysław Szafer in Krakow, 2002.