Precipitation spots, also known as death spots, are a sure sign of the organism's death. It is visible to the naked eye because it is characterized by subcutaneous spots on the body of the deceased. They are usually bluish-red in color. Thanks to them, it is possible to determine the time and even the cause of death. What is behind the livor mortis phenomenon?
Precipitation spots( death spots , Latinlivor mortis ) are one of the most visible signs of organism death. After a heartbeat stops, the body changes beyond recognition within a few hours, and these changes are irreversible. Thanks to them, specialists are able to determine the approximatetime of death , and in some cases even itscause . What is caused bylivor mortis , how is it formed and what is its course?
When do precipitation spots arise?
Death spots develop within20-30 minutesafter the heart stops beating. Then, the eruptions appear aroundof the neckandof the ears . After approximately 120 minutes, they begin to become more prominent elsewhere in the body and increase in size as the time passes after death. Bruising is greatest from hiseight to twelve o'clock .
Why are there rain spots?
This process occurs as a result of the influence ofof gravity . The blood moves to the lowest blood vessels in the human body, but in places where the body sticks to the ground or is pressed by clothing, stains will not occur - pressure prevents blood from accumulating in the vessels. Likewise, stains may not appear when there is not enough blood in the body. Until about the twelfth hour of death of the bodylivor mortiscanchange its positionif the body is moved. Until fixation occurs, blood may seep into the surrounding tissues.
What do rain spots look like?
Colorrain spots can help determinecause of death . The most typical shades arecyan-red . Spotslight pinkishor evenredmay indicate carbon monoxide or cyanide poisoning. However, it can also happen as a result of low temperature, so let's know the exact onecause of death, additional research is required. On the other hand,dark, brown spotsposthumous occur most often in the case of poisoning with nitrates or nitrites, i.e. strongly oxidizing compounds.
Precipitation spots and time of death
Livor mortiscan only becluefor the forensic physician. The exact time of death, if the deceased was not under medical care at the time of death, is difficult or even impossible to determine. To increase the chances of an accurate determination of the cessation of heartbeat, other signs of death are also looked at, such as:
- post-mortem concentration,
- posthumous chill,
- decomposition,
- changes in the eyeball.
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