Prostate looks like a chestnut in size and shape. Until the prostate begins to enlarge, it does not cause any problems. An enlarged prostate gland is manifested by constant pressure on the bladder and problems with urinating. It is worth checking the prostate with a urologist to detect prostate cancer in time.

Check your prostate with a urologist

Control testsof the prostate glandare necessary not only for men who have problems withurinating . Every man in his fifties should see a urologist. The doctor will first interview and then perform an examinationper rectum(through the anus). This is the way to get the closest to the prostate and check for any changes in the adjacent part of the rectum. It is an embarrassing study, but it's really better to break the shame than to neglect the prostate adenoma, which can become angry over time.

The doctor will also order basic urine and blood tests.

48 hours after the rectal examination, the man can also undergo a blood test to determine the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) - a protein produced by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland. PSA is secreted by both normal and neoplastic cells, but in the case of cancer, the level of protein in the blood is often significantly increased. The correct PSA concentration should not exceed 4 ng / ml of blood.


An increase in PSA levels is a warning that cancer can develop in the prostate, even if the tumor is so small that it is difficult to detect through rectal examination. Unfortunately, the measurement of PSA concentration is not entirely reliable. It turns out that as much as 25 percent. men with normal levels of this protein (less than or equal to 4 ng / ml of blood) suffer from prostate cancer, and more than half of men with elevated PSA levels have a he althy prostate gland.

In the diagnosis of the prostate, the doctor usually orders an additional ultrasound and sometimes a prostate biopsy.

Problems with urination

Around the age of 50, male organisms begin a cycle of hormonal changes, under the influence of which the prostate gland begins to enlarge. Sometimes much. This leads to a bothersome disease called prostate adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is the most common disease of the prostate gland. Expandedthe prostate tightens around the urethra more and more. So, problems with urinating begin to appear:

  • gentlemen have to use the toilet much more often (also at night),
  • have a constant feeling of pressure on the bladder,
  • the time needed for a stream of urine to appear is getting longer and more,
  • the strength of this stream is much smaller,
  • it takes effort to empty the bladder completely,
  • sometimes there is a trace of blood in the urine,
  • urine retention occurs over time.

The prostate gland (prostate) is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Its task is to provide nutrients for the sperm cells. Therefore, Prostcz is significantly responsible for fertility.

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