The fortieth year of life is not a shadow streak. We still have so many plans and dreams. We can make them all real, you just need to be aware of your body, take care of its needs and … trust medicine. We advise you on what to do to enjoy good he alth in your forties.
Agingdoes not start at allafter forty . It is a process that takes place from the moment you come into the world. We age because we live. But depending on how we live, it happens slower or faster. We can dictate the pace at which our biological clock ticks. With our lifestyle, we can cheat even hereditary susceptibility to diseases.
We do not notice most of the changes that take place in the body, because they do not have a significant impact on our well-being and appearance. But they do. Here's what happens in our body.
He alth in your forties - the best years for your brain
Between the ages of 20 and 80, the weight ofof the braindecreases by 5%. This is the result of the disappearance of nerve cells, which die at different rates in different areas of the brain.
But, as the latest research shows, by losing some cells, the brain compensates for it by increasing the number of nerve connections between them, and it also has more connections between the hemispheres. That is why our gray cells work better with age - even 50-year-olds may still have the best years of creative and intellectual work ahead of them.
But for that to happen, the mind needs to be trained. Without new stimuli, without training, he will lose his fitness, as well as unused muscles. This explains the successes of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Freud and Picasso, who achieved their greatest achievements in the second half of their lives.
Brain fitness is easier to maintain by adding to the mental effort the sustained effort of using multiple muscles. This will ensure faster blood flow through the brain, better cleansing it of waste products of metabolism and better nutrition.
Because, unlike young people, older people use both hemispheres simultaneously, they combine knowledge and feelings more easily. Their character softens, they become more understanding and patient.
He alth over 40 - heart under special protection
Our circulatory system is sensitive to the passage of time. The heart gradually reduces the number of beats and the amount of blood transfused. This is due to the thickening and therefore less flexibility of the left ventricle.
Bloodflows through arteries and veins with increasing difficulty, because they accumulate the so-called cholesterol deposits. Tissues receive less oxygen, which causes the nerves to be less nourished and the muscles to wake up more slowly. That is why we perform even small works with greater difficulty.
Since the entire circulatory system is compromised, the muscles lack the food that comes with the blood and become less contractile. Thus, they go slack and reduce their weight, and are replaced by fatty tissue, which makes the figure look less and less attractive. But when we exercise regularly and go for walks, muscles can stay in good shape for decades.
This is also the result of a slightly slower-acting digestive system. Intestinal peristalsis weakens, we begin to have problems with digestion. Slow metabolism means that we need fewer and fewer calories. For this reason, even before the age of 40, we catch some unnecessary kilograms.
Years of use withstand the lungs better, despite the fact that they are constantly attacked by viruses, bacteria and polluted air. Surprisingly, although they have a delicate structure, they withstand these attacks. Around the age of 40, their capacity decreases by about 10 percent. It has an impact on the work of the whole organism. Poorly nourished tissues weaken over time and with physical exertion, shortness of breath appears.
The death of a cell is a complete cessation of biochemical activities taking place inside it. It can occur as a result of apoptosis or necrosis.
Apoptosis is programmed death, a natural phenomenon that is supposed to protect the body against the destructive effects of damaged or worn out cells.
Necrosis is necrotic cell death. It occurs as a result of infection, hypoxia, lack of nutrients, or stress, and is always associated with inflammation.
Apoptosis works for life, necrosis against it. And that's what we have to face.
He alth over 40 - hormones set the tone
Or actually sex hormones, which we have less and less. It is more troublesome for women. The structure of the breast is changing - the glandular tissue is replaced by fatty tissue. Despite the efficient ovaries and uterus, it is more difficult to get pregnant because the number of non-ovulatory cycles increases. Sex is enjoyable, although the thinner vaginal walls have less blood supply and are drier, which can cause discomfort during intercourse.
In men over 40, the testosterone concentration decreases annually by 1 percent. This can cause an enlarged prostate. A fall in testosterone changes a man's physique: bone and muscle mass decrease. But you can still become a father.
Hormones also reflect on the skin. Old cells are replaced withnew, but the process is slow. Collagen disappears, which makes the skin lose its elasticity. It becomes rough, peels off. And as a result of pigmentation disorders, brown spots appear.
Our hair is also lost. In women, they are dull and brittle because they do not have enough estrogens. The first gray hair appears, because the melanocytes (cells that produce the melanin pigment) stop working. The hair follicles become weaker and weaker, the hair becomes thinner until it finally falls out.
Theories of old age
There are many theories trying to explain the causes of human aging. Although views vary, there is no doubt that the underlying cause of the phenomenon is the aging and death of the individual cells that make up the human body.
- The theory of genetic error assumes that when cells divide, they make a minimal error in transmitting genetic instructions. Over time, these errors overlap and eventually lead to cell death.
- The immune theory argues that aging is associated with the weakening of the immune system, and mainly with the impairment of lymphocyte memory. The body cannot defend itself against infections and the development of tumors, it treats its own cells as foreign and destroys them.
- The theory of free radicals proves that the free radicals formed in the body (WRT) still attack human cells, tissues and organs. They damage the genetic material (and form cancer), oxidize polyunsaturated fatty acids (and develop atherosclerosis).
- Atherosclerotic theory recognizes that the cause of aging is primarily atherosclerosis, which leads to ischemia and degeneration of individual organs, mainly the heart and brain.
What to do to stay he althy until old age?
Lifestyle has a greater impact on our he alth than genes - scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have proven this. They found that the main cause of cancer is not genes inherited from parents, but lifestyle. So we need to take better care of ourselves. What does this mean on a daily basis?
- Do not rust
A 40-year-old should lead a joyful and active life. Because exercise is the best medicine for he alth and longevity. To keep fit for a long time, we should remember the 3x30x130 rule. It means that every person who does not work physically should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes, and the heart rate during training should be around 130. He althy movement does not mean competitive sports. All we have to do is walk rhythmically, ride a bike, ski, play football, swim or dance. - Fewer calories
Decreases with agethe need for calories. But we will avoid obesity if we take care of exercise and a rational diet:
We eat red meat 4-5 times a month, 50-60 g each.
Poultry and fish (smoked) 2-3 times a week, a portion of about 60-90 g.
Eggs, no more than 1-2 pieces a week.
Milk and preserves daily, 2-3 glasses of skimmed milk or its substitutes: yoghurts / Cereal products daily, e.g. 2 slices of coarse bread, 1/2 cup of rice, pasta or groats. - Not too warm
When we overheat the body, it is easier to get infections of the upper respiratory tract, and hence a simple path to more serious ailments. Therefore, it is better to wear layers and take something off yourself when you feel hot. It's also a good idea to temper yourself by taking advantage of the sauna and alternating hot and cold baths. Regardless of the weather, it is worth going for a walk. - He alth sleep
It's best to sleep 8 hours. Sleep accelerates cell renewal, stimulates metabolism, increases protein synthesis and hormone production. Regenerates physically and mentally. - Overcome stress
It is becoming more and more difficult to deal with stress, and more importantly, we are unable to relieve it. The levels of adrenaline, glucose, free fatty acids and triglycerides are increased. If these substances are not neutralized, they will have a bad effect on the body. Relaxation is effective in dealing with stress. Sometimes it is enough to stop working for a while, breathe deeply, count to 10 or take a walk. It is worth remembering - there is no way out. - Quit smoking
There are as many as 40 carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Smoking accelerates the development of osteoporosis and skin aging. After 5 years of abstinence, the risk of heart attack is halved, and after 10 years the risk of lung cancer. - Chase away sorrows
Both optimism and pessimism affect he alth. It is said that optimists live 10-12 years longer than pessimists. Good-natured people get sick less often, overcome diseases faster and recover. Pessimists - the opposite. They immediately assume that nothing will help them, so they neglect their he alth. It is worth believing that a positive attitude towards people and the world brings a lot of joy.
You have to laugh a lot. Laughter therapy is one of the recognized methods of psychological and physical therapy - it activates the muscles of the abdominal cavity, which massage the internal organs. Blood is better oxygenated, and therefore individual cells are well supplied with blood. Laughter can also help you fight long-term stress. - Do not avoid people
Living among friends, alongside close people workslike a balm for our psyche and well-being. A good mental condition has an impact on the physical. So let's not give up our favorite activities. Let us surround ourselves with friends and do not deny ourselves the pleasure. - Watch yourself
Regular visits to the doctor and checkups are proof of caring for the future. Nowadays it is good tone to be he althy, fit and energetic. After forty, that's not a problem. You just need to take care of yourself a little. If we add experience and knowledge to good condition, we do not have to be afraid of the younger generation. - Sex is it
People who regularly have sex stay young for a long time. Scholars even claim that mentally, and it is not known whether or not physically (of course in relation to the record age), they are 5 years younger. Sex has a good effect on the bodies of lovers, because it accelerates metabolism, oxygenates the body, strengthens muscles, allows you to sleep better and improves your mood.
There are many ways to deal with minor troubles that make it difficult for a successful relationship. Ladies can use moisturizing gels (e.g. Intimel), and men can use creams that improve the blood supply to the penis (e.g. Biger, Penigra).
Read also: Balance of the forty-year-old, Balance of the forty-year-old
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