Gingerbread is the undisputed first place among sweets for Christmas Eve and Christmas. The real old Polish gingerbread is prepared a month before Christmas, but if you start baking at the last minute, nothing is lost - see the recipe for quick gingerbread and recipes for gingerbread with toppings: with coffee, fruit, carrot gingerbread and honey beer.
Our gingerbread tradition dates back to the times of the ancient Slavs - dough with honey served them in rituals. But the pre-Slavic gingerbread was hard, because the raising agents were not yet known, and it did not smell of roots, which appeared only in the 15th century thanks to great explorers. Today we buy a ready-made gingerbread spice or make it according to our taste, mixing ground cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, grated nutmeg, sometimes pepper and allspice.
The real old Polish gingerbread is prepared a month before Christmas.
However, the most important ingredient of gingerbread is honey, it can be saccharified (it is a sign that it is not adulterated), because it is heated anyway. It is worth adding dried fruits to the dough - raisins, chopped nuts and almonds, chopped prunes or apricots. The finished gingerbread can be mixed with jam or marzipan mass and covered with chocolate or frosting. The real old Polish gingerbread is prepared a month before Christmas. First you have to knead the dough, which must mature in a cool place, and it is baked 3 or 4 days before Christmas so that the gingerbread has time to crumble. For example, wrapped in cellophane and kept cool, it will stay fresh for a long time. You can also bake a Christmas nativity scene or a gingerbread house from the gingerbread dough. The rolled out dough is cut out according to the prepared template, and after baking it is glued with icing or caramel.
Recipe for a quick gingerbread
Ingredients • 40 grams of flour • 1/2 cup of sugar • 1/4 kg of honey • 2 tablespoons of oil • 2 eggs • teaspoon of soda • 1/2 cup of milk • spice for gingerbread
Beat the eggs with sugar, add oil, flour, heated honey, soda dissolved in milk and gingerbread spice. Make the dough, it should have the consistency of thick cream. Leave the dough covered for a few hours, put it in a paper-lined baking pan and bake it for about an hour at 160 ° C.
Old Polish gingerbread recipe
Ingredients • 1/4 kg of honey • a glasssugar • 100 g of butter • 1/2 kg of flour • 2 eggs • teaspoon of soda • 1/4 cup of milk • gingerbread spice • selected delicacies • plum jam
Heat the honey with sugar and butter, and the cooled product with flour, eggs and soda dissolved in milk. Add seasoning, dried fruits and nuts, carefully knead the dough. Put them in a pot (stone or enamel), cover with a linen cloth and set aside in a cool place. After 2-4 weeks, roll out into pancakes, place on baking sheets lined with baking paper. Bake at 160 ° C. After it has cooled down, transfer it with jam, wrap it with paper and load it from the top with a wooden board.
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