Although hepatitis C is not classified as sexually transmitted disease, HCV can be infected by unprotected sex. Therefore, if you want to avoid HCV infection, use a condom even during oral sex.

"My boyfriend always uses a condom when we make love. It's not about contraception because I take the pills, but for protection against disease. Is it true thatcondom protects against HCV? " - asks the reader of the magazine "Zdrowie".

Condomactually reduces the risk of HCV infection(hepatitis C) and STDs, but does not eliminate the risk 100% . HCV is not classified as sexually transmitted disease, however sexual intercourse can be through infection. It happens when intercourse with a person infected with the virus occurs during menstruation, irritation of the mucosa of the penis, anus, vagina or even the mouth. Therefore, you should use a condom even during oral intercourse.

Often times, a person who carries HCV does not know that he or she is, so we are responsible for our he alth. In times of sexual freedom, we are aware of our needs, but fewer threats resulting from this freedom. It still seems strange and unromantic to ask your partner for a medical certificate or to go for a medical examination together.

If a woman had only 2 sexual partners who had only 2 sexual partners, and these 2 partners had only 2 partners, the network of relationships becomes quite dense, and there may be only one carrier among them. Perhaps, by proposing joint research, we will turn out to be not very romantic, but the disease is definitely not romantic. Safe sex is he althy sex.


It is estimated that approx. 700 thousand people in Poland are infected with the hepatitis C virus. HCV infection is often described as a silent epidemic, as most people have no symptoms for many years. However, the degeneration of liver tissue continues and can lead to liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, or even liver cancer. Most people who are infected are unaware that they are sick.

Dangerous HCV virus attacks the liver

monthly "Zdrowie"
