More and more people suffer from atopy, mainly in big cities. The skin itches, is very dry and changes appear on it. Atopic dermatitis (AD for short) is bothersome, but you can live with it. You just need to take care of your skin.
Atopic dermatitis( AZS ), also known as eczema, scabies or eczema, is severe itching and dry skin. Red lumps pop up on the surface and then stick together. After each scratching, there are distinct stripes, the so-called quarrels. If they become infected with bacteria, they come with pus.The skinis getting thinner and more prone to damage.
The first symptoms of atopic dermatitis usually appear between 3 and 6 months of age. They are mainly visible on the face and chin, less often on the chest, arms and legs. In older children, the changes move to the elbows, places under the knees, wrists, nape and neck. On the other hand, in adolescents the rash is also located on the chest, backs of the hands, and around the eyes and mouth. With age, the disease gradually calms down.
The skin condition of people suffering from atopic dermatitis usually deteriorates in spring and autumn. In summer, atopics feel better.
Atopic dermatitis: guilty genes, allergens and excessive hygiene
The causes of AD are very complex and not yet fully understood. Doctors, however, list several factors that may favor the onset of the disease. First of all, these are genetic factors. However, it is not atopic dermatitis that is inherited, but a tendency to atopy, i.e. genetically determined allergies - including bronchial asthma and hay fever.
If one of the parents has these conditions, the child has a 25-30 percent risk of developing AD. If both parents have either of the atopic diseases, the risk rises to 60 percent. An additional factor that increases the likelihood of developing AD are certain inborn skin features, including dryness, sensitivity to cosmetics, sweat and high temperature.
The disease manifests itself under the influence of various environmental factors, e.g. the action of inhalation and food allergens. The former most often include house dust mites and grass pollen, the latter are eggs, milk,peanuts, fish, soybeans and wheat. The ailments are aggravated by polluted air, long stay in closed, air-conditioned rooms, cigarette smoke and industrially processed food.
Contrary to appearances, the disease can also be provoked by excessive hygiene. Frequent washing causes a significant weakening of the lipid coat covering the skin and, as a result, excessive drying.
It is worth knowing that atopic dermatitis cannot be infected, so we do not have to worry about even very close contact with a sick household member.
ImportantChanges in the structure of the skin in patients with AD are most visible in the epidermis. Its individual layers do not adhere exactly to each other, so allergens can easily get between them and aggravate the disease. The skin has enlarged pores, as if we were viewing it through a magnifying glass, and it looks several years older.
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common childhood dermatological diseases. 15-20 percent suffer from them. toddlers up to the age of seven. Atopic dermatitis is more common in small, well-off families from the urban environment, which suggests that environmental pollution, low exposure to infections and no contact with allergens in early childhood are favorable conditions for the onset of the disease.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis: anti-inflammatory ointments
Not so long ago, a dermatologist prescribed ointments with steroids. However, they caused serious side effects - the skin was thin, pale and sensitive. Therefore, recently steroid preparations have been replaced with special anti-inflammatory ointments (calcineurin inhibitors), which have the same effect as steroids, but do not harm the skin.
Antihistamines are also given to the sufferer to reduce the itching. Sometimes it helps to stay in the sun and expose yourself to UV rays. If the patient's condition is severe, the doctor will prescribe oral steroids, and in the event of a bacterial or viral infection - antibiotics.
In addition to pharmacological treatment, the help of a psychologist is extremely important - constant itching and changes in the skin have a negative effect on the psyche, and stress and lack of self-acceptance intensify the symptoms of the disease.
Atopic Dermatitis: How To Avoid A Skin Infection
In order to prevent the appearance of new pimples, it is necessary to eliminate harmful factors from the patient's environment. It is worth giving up thick curtains and carpets, because they are a habitat of mites. For the same reason, the apartment must be cleaned frequently, preferably in the absence of the sick person. Hygiene is also important for another reason - cleanthere is less risk of skin infections at home. You should also remember to ventilate the rooms, because high temperature and sweat are irritating.
In addition, atopics should give up keeping pets at home. Their hair causes allergies, and their flaking skin is a breeding ground for mites. People with AD must avoid strong detergents, their clothes and underwear must be washed in soap flakes or powders for allergy sufferers and rinsed twice. They should also refrain from wearing woolen clothing. In addition, the diet deserves special attention. Not all patients suffer from the same foods exacerbate their symptoms, so you need to carefully monitor your skin's reactions to different foods.
You must do itPeople suffering from atopic dermatitis find it very useful to change their place of stay, especially trips to the seaside. In the case of seaside towns it is a matter of greater air humidity. But the improvement in skin condition from any climate change has something else to do. Each trip is a break from everyday life and an opportunity for mental rest, which is very important in patients with AD.
Atopic dermatitis in children - diagnosis and treatment
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a lifelong disease. It most often occurs in newborns or between 6 and 7 years of age … Diagnostics is quite complex, especially for the smallest children. How is atopic dermatitis diagnosed? Is There An Effective Cure For Atopic Dermatitis? Listen to our expert - pediatrician Andrzej Mierzecki from the ENEL MED clinic.
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